Information Pages

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sun City Anthem Resident Wins Jackpot at South Point


This has been a tough year for the Stebbins family, but on Thursday it got a lot better !
A few months ago, we had a close call with  "NRS 116 Guru", Tim  Stebbins, having had a very serious medical issue, but like all tough Minnesotans, he's on the mend, and still attending every board meeting known to Sun City Anthem.

...and for those unaware of Tim, he's always been the "unofficial go-to guy" concerning Nevada Statutes when it comes to homeowners associations.

But...yesterday, another member of the Stebbins family, his wife, Claudia, took center stage...and the South Point's Bingo parlor.

Here's the newly crowned queen herself as she sits on a carriage during a trip to Malta.

And here's what she cashed in before she left.

What did she immediately do when she realized she was the sole winner of the jackpot?

She called her husband, Tim, and simply said....

"I'm gonna need a bigger purse".

Congrats Claudia....couldn't happen to a nicer lady !

Dick & Allen


  1. Yes…congratulations to Claudia and Tim Stebbins big win at bingo.

    It is about time they receive a special reward after all they have been through the last 3 years.

    Hopefully they will receive a much larger reward in the near future resulting from acts by our own SCA Board of Directors (Roz Berman, Jack Troia, Ann Small, Roger Cooper) and SCA Attorney Ed Song when they provided questionable information to City of Henderson Police Department Investigator Sergeant Jeff Farley during a criminal investigation involving alleged forgery charges against Berman and Cooper.

    The information provided to Sgt Farley led to the arrest of both Tim Stebbins and another SCA resident Bob Frank for filing a false police report.

    After more than two years fighting to prove their innocence thru the Henderson Court system and constant harassment by another blog owner (husband of Board Member), the charge of filing a false police report against Stebbins and Frank, was dropped just prior to a court trial.

    Now, Tim Stebbins and Bob Frank have filed charges of false arrest, false imprisonment, and malicious prosecution in Federal Court against the City of Henderson and unnamed "John and Jane Does", and depending on the results of depositions from members of the Henderson Police Department, the above mentioned Board of Directors could become a Defendant and held responsible for their actions.

  2. Forrest, as they say, what goes around, comes around; and after years of harassment suffered by Tim Stebbins through constant barrages of articles by another blog owner and so many of the most disgraceful and rude comments made by "nameless" individuals, most of which are based solely on those writings, by people who have never even met Tim; one can only hope this matter will be brought to a conclusion and prove the injustices suffered by this man.

    But today...let's hope Tim & Claudia enjoy that windfall.

    It has always been an honor to know Tim for the honesty and dedication he has always shown for the betterment of Sun City Anthem, and the patience his dear wife, Claudia, has had to endure over the years, as a result of the unfounded allegations, that were finally dismissed by the courts.

    What is perhaps the most ironic aspect, are those who look toward Tim as a source of useful information; yet for some ridiculously "political reasoning", are not willing to come forward to defend him in any way; two of which are members of our Board of Directors.

    I'll let those two continue to "deny" what we know to be a fact, Forrest.

    Then again...that's how politics are handled here, aren't they?

    One can only hope that someday, both of them might come well as any other potential board candidate(s), and recognize the value Tim Stebbins has always unselfishly provided, rather than sit back and play a "political game", cozying up to certain others for the mere sake of what they believe, is a path toward being elected to an office.

    If that day ever comes, our community will begin a journey toward recognizing those who deserve kudos, rather than making mockery of them out of a need to preserve a system that has proven to be wasteful and resentful toward honest individuals, who, without any ulterior motive than making life a better experience, question it.

    1. I am honored to say that Tim and Claudia have been friends of mine for more years than I can remember and was so happy to see the note Tim sent me about Claudia's win, especially since it came near her birthday. You are right Dick when you say that those who, over the years, have just believed what they have read elsewhere and knocked Tim have only cheated themselves. What they have missed is knowing a man who is not only a walking book of knowledge but kind and thoughtful beyond words.... Now if we could just get him to stop smoking!!!!
