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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Why We Celebrate This Holiday

Labor Day...How Did It Begin ?


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"History and Holidays"

September 1st through October 31st

Our Garden Wizard, Carol Van Camp, wants to remind our readers that it's time to remember....
Carol Van Camp

Fall Watering Restrictions


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 "The Garden Wizard"

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Memories of a Masterpiece

She may have had the personality of vinegar....but...somehow......despite her objections....

A Spoonful of Sugar
As Sweet Today as it was 50 Years Ago


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"History and Holidays"

Monday, August 25, 2014

Watering Flowers and Plants the Cost Effective Way

Off to the nursery to buy a watering can for your plants and flowers?

Save money...
We'll show you how to use this instead !

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"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Common Sense Can Save you Bucks

Using Common Sense
Getting the Best Deal on a Cruise

Thinking about going on a cruise? 

I know many people who have enjoyed this type of vacation, but I'm amazed how so many people I've spoken to have said, "I got a great deal", when in fact....they didn't get one at all.

Just how do you get the "best deal"?

Simple...use some common sense AND do a little homework before you book one.

Right off the SHOP AROUND and become familiar with the market. 
A cruise is a cruise, no matter where you buy it.  

Here are some common beliefs.....

"Booking directly through the cruise line is best". 

"My travel agent gets me the best deal". 

"Booking early gets you the best price". 

Let's clarify those statements.

I started cruising about 30 years ago and at last count, I've been on over 50 cruises.  Only two of them...the first two, did I book through a travel agent.

Then I became familiar with the internet...and got the shock of my "cruising" life....

...and since that time, I've used the internet ever since...and have never regretted that choice.

The moral of that story....don't be afraid of the internet.

Booking directly through the cruise line "early" normally gets you a "brochure rate" that is well above what you may be paying at a later date. 

The only advantage in booking early is choice of cabin location and a specific dining time.

Many cruise lines will offer "past passenger specials"...they'll show you the "brochure" price, but "because you're such a valued customer"...and of course, if "you act NOW", they'll give you the deal of a lifetime".

BUNK. first suggestion is determining where you want to go...and when.

Are you looking for that "once in a lifetime" cruise...


....are you just looking to "get away" for a while?

Many seniors fall into the second category.  They no longer work, and are available to go whenever the right time and PRICE appears.

...and if you're in that "I just want to get away " category, I'm going to explain just how to get that "best deal."

So....considering where you live, it's not that far to Los Angeles or San Diego, nor is it all that far to San Francisco either...

And...if it's a "get away" trip, check out a cruise that departs from one of these ports and...

..don't to the port.

Think about this for a moment.  From Las Vegas to any of the above cities, the round trip airfare is at best...once you add on all the extras, a minimum of $250 p/person. 

So..before you even get to the port, if there are two of you, you've "kissed off"  $500.

If you MUST fly...
DON'T BUY THE AIRFARE from the travel agent or cruise line.

The only advantage if you do, is that they guarantee the ship won't leave without you.

...and we haven't even discussed the "fun" of flying !

...weight restrictions on luggage and having to place the "explosive" toothpaste and mouthwash in plastic baggies...

...getting there 2 hours early, waiting in line, being frisked, and waiting and waiting and take off ....

...only to get there and wait again for the luggage...

...and pay for a cab or shuttle to the port.

That "quickie" flight, when all is considered, will take about 5-6 hours.

Here's an alternative. 

DRIVE...but don't drive your own car.

Rent a one-way drop.  

Pick up the car at about 3:30pm in the afternoon the day before you leave, go home, get a good night's sleep, and then instead of going to the airport for that "early" flight...leave home about 6:00am-7:00am getting to San Diego or Los Angeles in about 4-5 hours...

...about the same time as the plane would have taken to arrive.

Cost of a one way "drop" is about $50-$75 each way (if you start to search early, as prices change daily on car rentals) plus about $50 in gas for a total of about $125.  Round trip is about $200-$250...for both of you.

You drop the car near the pier and the car rental agency either shuttles you to the port---FREE of charge...or you cab it for a few bucks.

Other than saving you about 50%....

.... you pack whatever you wish....

... put it in the trunk...

...and casually see the sights on the way, stopping...when you have to stop...and eating what you want to eat and where you want to eat.

Same (or probably less) amount of time than flying...but with FREEDOM !

When is the best time to get the best deal?  

Usually about 90 days prior to the sailing.  

Why?  Most travel agencies have to turn in their unsold inventories about that time, and it's the last date for payment to avoid a cancellation fee.

Again...common sense...

...the cruise companies no longer have to honor any "lowest price guarantee" because the final date of payment has passed, and the travel agencies will have to return their unsold inventories back to the cruise company.

So what happens ?  

The real deals begin !   

Price reductions, on board ship credits, prepaid gratuities, specialty dinners on the ship often come in fill up the ship before departure !

So...there you have it....little common sense thoughts travel agents will never mention that can save you big bucks...and...avoid some of the more common hassles in your cruising experience.

Dick Arendt

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Anthem Burglars under Arrest

Police Believe Pair Responsible for Anthem Burlgary Spree

Henderson Police ID suspects in 2-week Burglary Crime Spree

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Let Us Entertain You

Entertainment is Looking at Old Age
with a Smile

As our opening blog comments explain...

Our primary purpose is to...

Entertain You 

Now...if entertainment to you includes notifications of weekly committee meetings....


...menus in a restaurant that changes ownership as often as I change socks...


....complaints about lousy landscaping...

This may not be the place for you !

However...there are moments elsewhere that we do find... 

 HILARIOUS at times.

Often we see comments about "the gravy" or the "stinky fish", and I ask myself.....

"Is that all there is?"

Just who would take time from their precious few remaining moments on this earth....and dwell on "stinky" fish or dead plants ?

Oh well, "whatever floats your bobber", I suppose !

I imagine that is part of getting old and living in a retirement community.

How about conversations between "mature" adults?

Isn't it fascinating to know Susie's grandchild burped for the first time ?

What about those marvelous conversations seniors have about their health? 

I know I can't wait to hear about Joe's replaced knee or Sam's enlarged prostate, or Erma's bulging medicine cabinet with every known pill known to modern man !

BORING  !!!!

However....once in a while, some of this can actually entertain....but only if one is able to look at all of this with a smile, and come to the conclusion that...

"being over the better than...being under it"

So...if you are one of this latter group that looks at old age as...

"S_ _T    HAPPENS"

...we found something that can look at all of this in the way that it should be....

...with a smile.

It's a speech from a man named Fritz Coleman, an NBC Weatherman, the keynote speaker at the Pasadena Conference on Aging in March, 2014.

If you need a "belly laugh" to start your day....and can look at old age as it needs to be looked at....this should do the trick !

Dick Arendt

Latest Las Vegas Valley Dining Options

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 "Dining Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Got Cash.....Will Get a Deal on a House

Cash Sales Continue to Dominate

Las Vegas Housing Market

 CLICK HERE for Full Information 


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Monday, August 18, 2014

Don't Toss 'em....They Have Uses !

Using old torn Nylons and Pantyhose


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"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

Sunday, August 17, 2014

When You Get That Smartphone Wet ....

Drowning a Smartphone...
Not Necessarily Fatal !

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 "Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"

Friday, August 15, 2014

Food Store Makes Nevada Aware of Potential Threats to Credit Card Information

Data Security Breach at  Albertsons Stores


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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Nevada Still One of the Highest Foreclosure States

Nevada Sees July Spike

in Foreclosure Starts


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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Bacall and Bogie....Together after 57 Years

They Had It All...

Lauren Bacall

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"History and Holidays"

Monday, August 11, 2014

World Mourns the Tragic Death of Robin Williams

You Ain't Never Had a Friend Like Me

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"History and Holidays"

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Retirement Means Change....Accept It....and....Learn How to Deal With It

New to retirement?  

Been retired and feeling like life is passing you by too quickly?

From USA Today

 Five Top Stressors in Retirement
How to Cope   
Amit Sood, author of "The Mayo Clinic Guide to Stress-Free Living", says the keys to lowering your stress include creatively tackling your stressors, having an attitude of gratitude, accepting people, especially your spouse, for who they are, and being kind to others and yourself.
Socialization is also a great way to ward off stress, says Steve Brody, a psychologist in Cambria, Calif., who works with retirees. He's the co-author of "Renew Your Marriage at Midlife" written with his wife, Cathy Brody."We are social creatures, so we need to stay connected with others."
It's important to deal with stressors because your chances of a heart attack, stroke, cancer or early death are lower if you have less stress, says Sood, a professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. 

Five common stressors in retirement and ways to cope with them:
1. Financial concerns
Many retirees experience stress from living on a fixed income, Brody says. They worry that they won't be able to take care of themselves or their family.
Stress-reduction strategy:
Beware of "awfulizing and "catastrophizing" your situation," Brody says. Change your way of thinking. Instead of telling yourself, you won't be able to make ends meet, think, "I don't have as much money as I'd like, but I have $2,500 a month, and I can live on that."
Adds Sood: Be grateful for what you have, and if necessary, simplify your life. You might consider getting a smaller home — it's less expensive and easier to maintain. Consider getting a part-time job.
2. Health worries.
Health problems and changes in insurance coverage can create enormous stress, Sood says.
Stress-reduction strategy:
Take care of your body by eating a healthful diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and getting preventive care, Sood says. Don't become overly focused on your health and spend all your time obsessing about it, he says. Play the hand you have. Embrace life's uncertainties by letting go of the uncontrollable, he says. "We have to accept the changes happening in the body and be grateful for the good health we have and the medical care we have received."
3. Caregiving.
You may have to deal with the ill health of your spouse, a parent or other relative. Being a caregiver, particularly for illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease that involve cognitive impairment, has been shown to be extremely stressful. The stress tends to accumulate for long periods of time, years typically, and affects the health and functioning of the retired individual.
Stress-reduction strategy:
The No. 1 strategy is getting help from others, including relatives, friends and professionals. You should become informed about the condition and how to deal with it. On the positive side, you know you are easing the suffering of someone close to you.
4. Relationship issues. 
Some people have not reconciled their differences with their spouse or learned to accept the other person for who they are, Sood says. Some retirees feel lonely and isolated after leaving colleagues, and others don't get to spend as much time with their kids and grandkids as they'd like, Brody adds.
Stress-reduction strategy:
Learn to accept your spouse and others for who they are, Sood says. Work on forgiveness. You don't want to close your life with lots of hurts, he says. "The magic of retirement is having the time to nurture relationships."
One of the keys to interacting with kids and grandkids is give them space, and when you are with them try to help and support them with their daily chores, he says.
Adds Brody: Adult children have a lot going on in their lives. Being aware of that can help you adjust your expectations so you don't end up nagging them or getting depressed over not seeing them enough.
5. Super-charged changes
This is a time of enormous change. You are leaving your job and friendships with colleagues and finding new things to do, Sood says.
Stress-reduction strategy:
Realize that your brain's reward center likes variety, so give yourself a variety of experiences, Sood says. "Let your best friends not be the TV, refrigerator or couch. Let your best friends be real people, books and sports shoes."
Treat your first year in retirement as if you are "interning" to give yourself time to readjust and set new expectations, he says. Find meaning in new passions, including possibly using your work skills in a new job or volunteer work.
Brody says three keys to a successful retirement are finding a sense of purpose for yourself, structuring your day and replacing the social connections you lost when you retired. Also, if you can retire gradually, going to a half-time job for a year before fully retiring, it's easier to acclimate, he says.

Nurture your spiritual values, which may mean developing a deeper connection with your faith, Sood says. "Live your life fully, and say your 'I love you' every day." Most importantly, do not postpone joy and do not bypass kindness."