Information Pages

Saturday, January 31, 2015

A Reminder of Blog Comments

Blog Comments
We received numerous compliments on the article we published yesterday entitled:
"I Want It...but...Want You to Pay for It"
It seems that more and more readers want THE FULL STORY rather than merely a  "portion" any publisher wishes you to read.
We are strong advocates of THE FULL STORY, and consider that....GOOD JOURNALISM.
And we believe that is evidenced by our soaring subscription level and average number of readers examining our publication now topping approximately 1,200 each and every day.
But...we were surprised that many of our readers were unaware as to where comments to articles can be viewed.
And so...we thought going back to the "basics" was a step we needed to take !
When comments are made to our articles, they can be viewed at the bottom of the respective article in blue by simply clicking on "comment".
When you click on that word, the article will reappear with the respective comment(s) beneath the article.
Of course we welcome all meaningful and sincere comments, and feel that they ADD to GOOD JOURNALISM as long as they are made in a manner which does not violate Nevada law prohibiting "harassment". 
We take great pride in being the ONLY blog that posts comments when a REAL IDENTIFIABLE NAME is attached.
See our policy regarding commentary.
We do make one exception....emails to us asking to post a comment on your behalf.
However...ONLY EMAILS with REAL IDENTIFIABLE NAMES attached to those emails are posted, and we reserve the right to edit or remove them IF WE BELIEVE THEY IN ANY WAY HARASS AN INDIVIDUAL.
Still confused or wish us to post a comment on your behalf?
Contact us and send your comment to:
And...from all of us at Anthem Opinions

Our sincere thanks !

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