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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Board Finally "Comes Clean" about Cafe V.....An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Sun City Anthem Board Addresses
Cafe V Issue
at Board Book Meeting

At the June 23rd Board Book meeting the subject of Cafe V became a topic of discussion...

...and perhaps the issue will now become "open" and "transparent" as the time passes.

To our surprise, the article published by Anthem Opinions on Monday, June 21st entitled "More Surprises about Cave V?" was the most heavily read piece we have ever written.

2,240 people read the article to appears to have paid off in "coming clean" when it came to the financial solvency of the restaurant.

First, director Carl Weinstein addressed our main concern; namely...

Are there plans to forgive the entire debt owned to Sun City Anthem ?

The answer...a resounding...


At that point, another director, Secretary Jean Capillupo, delivered information the board, prior to that meeting (and perhaps our article), has never before admitted.

Cafe V has NOT paid past rent (even the ridiculous reduced $1,000 p/month amount), has NOT paid current utility bills, and has NOT made payments on the existing promissory note previously signed months ago.

She went on to say that the matter has now been referred to LEGAL COUNSEL for further review.

What does all of this mean?

We now know the TRUTH.

The restaurant is NOT honoring their obligations.... matter how much money has been expended by the decision makers in their attempts to make "a silk purse out of a sow's ear".

And the decisions made by those individuals HAVE BEEN COSTLY ERRORS...despite constant attempts by other individuals with integrity and financial experience warning them of impending CATASTROPHE .

What will now take place? 

That is up to the board and the legal counsel they will obtain....COSTING ALL RESIDENTS LEGAL come to the proper and expedient conclusion to the problem...

...because they FAILED to listen to experienced voices with relevant business experience.

What lesson is to be learned from all of this?

You can't go can go forward.

...and going forward the future...


Is it time residents paid more attention to qualifications rather than hearsay, reading a blog, or asking neighbors who to vote for in future elections?

Sun City Anthem residents...take note....

...unless you take a few moments to consider QUALIFICATIONS....

...those who choose the "expedient" path in casting a vital ballot, are to blame for this debacle as much as those who cast the votes to continually finance it.

Anthem Opinions Administration

  Dick Arendt   June 24, 2015 at 7:10AM

  1. Elsewhere on another community publication, it has been reported that, during a telephone conversation, the owner of Cafe V stated he is not in default.

    Apparently, according to that publication, someone decided to pay both the current rent amount plus the amount due on the promissory note.

    As to "when" those payments were made....that has not been disclosed. payment has been made for the utilities due to a dispute as to being "overcharged" for trash collection.

    As previously reported in our June 21st article, the amount due on unpaid utilities was $9,940 as of December 31, 2014.

    What the current balance is at the present time, has not been disclosed.

    We find this somewhat confusing... and...difficult to believe that trash collection has amounted to approximately $10,000 in order to dispute the utilities payments.

    ..but...we wish to give the owner of Cafe V....


    ...the board Secretary, Jean Capillupo....

    (a past association president who has previously accused community blogs of providing "misinformation" to readers)

    ... an opportunity to show GOOD FAITH and PROVIDE proper clarification to the residents of our association in order to bring  this matter to proper closure.

    Accordingly , we ask both parties to provide our community COPIES of the CANCELLED CHECKS...and...verification of WASTE COLLECTION fees attributed to  Cafe V not paid by that organization enabling them to dispute and not make payment... order to provide all residents the FULL and CORRECT INFORMATION they are entitled to receive...

    ...rather than only a selected aspect of it.
  1. From Laura Opinions

    To say I am fed up with this Board of Directors would be a gross understatement.

    I am tempted myself to sue everyone of them for gross misappropriation of funds.

    How dare them use our reserve funds to keep this restaurant alive.

    Enough is enough.


    If they want to keep it open and not admit they made a mistake, then let them use their own money to support it, not mine.

    A Very Concerned Resident
  1. From Dorothy Opinions

    Thanks to Dick's writings, here comes the second chapter.

    Let's see how this Cafe V episode ends with how much it will cost us, the residents of Sun CIty Anthem, to end this show !!!
  1. To those who read the alternative blog....this is the latest comment from Mr. Berman concerning this mattter...and how he believes THE RESTAURANT SHOULD BE FREE TO CAFE V.

    "I view costs we incur to support that amenity as no different than the costs for all our other community amenities, most of which cost us money and none of which are used by a majority of residents. It's all about options and choices, and that is why I believe we should not be charging rent to any tenant, non-profit or commercial, qualified to provide those services to us."

    How many of you readers agree with this position?

    We would like to hear from you.

    Our email address is:
  1. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Amenities are for the use of the residents in an HOA and are NOT open to the general public.

    Cafe V is a profit-making organization and IS open to the public.

    How many times does this need to be clarified?
  1. From Marty & Donna Opinions

    Let's face it folks…

    This restaurant/board issue will never, ever go away. With due respect to a minority on the board, we have mental giants that have never (ever) run a business, started a business with their own dollars, made it grow to any sizeable and manageable entity with their own hard work and diligence…have they?

    As I have mentioned in past times, sure, they make a feeble effort to invest time, so if they need a stipend to address the time put into being a board member, let's give them a means to allow them the courtesy of giving them someplace to eat, I for one don't have a problem. Maybe it's like pigs at the proverbial trough and they have a constant need to go someplace to get their ego's massaged, OK, but why take it out on the members.

    I for one am just tired, oh so tired, of this soap opera with a never ending story of "rocket scientists" managing something so simple.


  1. Elsewhere on another community publication, it has been reported that, during a telephone conversation, the owner of Cafe V stated he is not in default.

    Apparently, according to that publication, someone decided to pay both the current rent amount plus the amount due on the promissory note.

    As to "when" those payments were made....that has not been disclosed. payment has been made for the utilities due to a dispute as to being "overcharged" for trash collection.

    As previously reported in our June 21st article, the amount due on unpaid utilities was $9,940 as of December 31, 2014.

    What the current balance is at the present time, has not been disclosed.

    We find this somewhat confusing... and...difficult to believe that trash collection has amounted to approximately $10,000 in order to dispute the utilities payments.

    ..but...we wish to give the owner of Cafe V....


    ...the board Secretary, Jean Capillupo....

    (a past association president who has previously accused community blogs of providing "misinformation" to readers)

    ... an opportunity to show GOOD FAITH and PROVIDE proper clarification to the residents of our association in order to bring this matter to proper closure.

    Accordingly , we ask both parties to provide our community COPIES of the CANCELLED CHECKS...and...verification of WASTE COLLECTION fees attributed to Cafe V not paid by that organization enabling them to dispute and not make payment... order to provide all residents the FULL and CORRECT INFORMATION they are entitled to receive...

    ...rather than only a selected aspect of it.

  2. From Laura Opinions

    To say I am fed up with this Board of Directors would be a gross understatement.

    I am tempted myself to sue everyone of them for gross misappropriation of funds.

    How dare them use our reserve funds to keep this restaurant alive.

    Enough is enough.


    If they want to keep it open and not admit they made a mistake, then let them use their own money to support it, not mine.

    A Very Concerned Resident

  3. From Dorothy Opinions

    Thanks to Dick's writings, here comes the second chapter.

    Let's see how this Cafe V episode ends with how much it will cost us, the residents of Sun CIty Anthem, to end this show !!!

  4. To those who read the alternative blog....this is the latest comment from Mr. Berman concerning this mattter...and how he believes THE RESTAURANT SHOULD BE FEE TO CAFE V.

    "I view costs we incur to support that amenity as no different than the costs for all our other community amenities, most of which cost us money and none of which are used by a majority of residents. It's all about options and choices, and that is why I believe we should not be charging rent to any tenant, non-profit or commercial, qualified to provide those services to us."

    How many of you readers agree with this position?

    We would like to hear from you.

    Our email address is:

  5. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Amenities are for the use of the residents in an HOA and are NOT open to the general public.

    Cafe V is a profit-making organization and IS open to the public.

    How many times does this need to be clarified?

  6. From Marty & Donna Opinions

    Let's face it folks…

    This restaurant/board issue will never, ever go away. With due respect to a minority on the board, we have mental giants that have never (ever) run a business, started a business with their own dollars, made it grow to any sizeable and manageable entity with their own hard work and diligence…have they?

    As I have mentioned in past times, sure, they make a feeble effort to invest time, so if they need a stipend to address the time put into being a board member, let's give them a means to allow them the courtesy of giving them someplace to eat, I for one don't have a problem. Maybe it's like pigs at the proverbial trough and they have a constant need to go someplace to get their ego's massaged, OK, but why take it out on the members.

    I for one am just tired, oh so tired, of this soap opera with a never ending story of "rocket scientists" managing something so simple.
