Information Pages

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Making It Easy to Contact the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors

Something New
Anthem Opinions
With all the talk about Cafe V, we have received a number of questions as to how to contact various members of the Sun City Anthem Board.
We listened...and created a new Information Page entitled...
"Sun City Anthem Board of Directors Information"
We realize this information is available on the SCA website, but we thought we would make it a bit easier for you to obtain with a simple "click" of a button.
We at Anthem Opinions believe if an individual chooses to run for elective office to the Board of Directors, subsequent election means they become accountable to the electorate for decisions which affect our community.
Along with that responsibility, we further believe...
...they have an obligation to answer questions asked them by those they represent.
We also believe that residents are FULLY ENTITLED to know the reasoning as to WHY a particular board member voted in the manner in which they did...particularly in matters which affect MAJOR decisions concerning financial expenditures.
"Surprises" that adversely affect the well-being of Sun City Anthem should now COME TO AN END.
As a result, we have created this new information page that summaries the title, namehome address, home phone, and email address of each individual that has been elected.
We also want to know if you have asked a question and if any particular individual has readily responded or refused to answer in order that we may bring that to the attention of the community. 
Because we want to COMPLIMENT those who show personal concern for you...and...MAKE YOU AWARE of those who do not.
This provides you, our readers, another avenue in which it may be determined if they deserve reelection, if they choose to run multiple times.
As a previous article brought to your attention...we believe an individual should EARN the right to that position in both QUALIFICATIONS....and...OPEN COMMUNICIATION as part of the decision making process.
Join us in making Sun City Anthem a community that people feel their concerns are heard.
We hope you like the addition of this new Information Page.
Sun City Anthem
Board of Directors Listing
See our Information Page:
"Sun City Anthem Board of Directors Information"

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