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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Let Us Entertain You...with... An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Watching Money
Fly Away

"You're fired"

"...but since we have an extra ninety grand sitting in the "budget" at beginning of the year, we'll give it you".

That might sound pretty good if you were the one getting the would it sound if you were the one giving it ?

That's what I was subjected to at the June 25th Sun City Anthem Board meeting.

But before we go into detail...a few facts!

A. During a report from Association Treasurer, Tom Nissen, it was learned that the path to association self-management has a strong reason to move forward as quickly as possible.


...because every month that passes, it costs  us approximately $36,000 in fees paid to our management company, FSR.

OK...I thought...we've pretty much made the decision to do so; we've hired a search firm, and  if all goes well, we might be well on our way to hiring a new General Manager in the 4th quarter of 2015.

B. Director Jim Mayfield brought up another interesting point....we'll  have to pay FSR what appears to be an early termination fee that constitutes about $90,000.

So...the wheels of my 35 years of business moxie then started to churn !

Ouch...OK...that's in the contract, so it has to be paid ! big deal...we have $90,000 in the kitty budgeted for FSR salaries that didn't seem necessary to pay since it looks like we'll be saying "toot-a-loobefore long.

And if that $90,000 was somehow burning a hole in your pocket, why not to go FSR and say...

"Well boys, looks like the final round-up is going to cost us three months worth of your services, pretty close to that $90,000."

"How 'bout compromising?"

"We'll either give you the ninety grand for your employee salary increases, or we'll give it to the company as a an early termination fee !

"Which one to you want"?"

Something tells me that the company would win that argument...but....

We'd win too...

...instead of how the board decided to handle the situation.

Their answer:

Let's give them BOTH !

After all, "the money was in the budget", right?

And my dear readers, that's how people without RELAVANT BUSINESS EXPERIENCE think !

We are in all likelihood going to shortly terminate the management deal with WHY are we giving them an extra NINETY THOUSAND DOLLARS..when we don't have to ?

But there was one super hero on that board, Jim Mayfield, who voted AGAINST GIVING THE NINETY GRAND AWAY....

...and for confirmed in our mind our "thumbs up recommendation" to his reelection in the spring.

So....Let's put this out to you, our readers?

If you were confronted with this option....knowing you could save NINETY GRAND...would you give it away?

Send us an email at:

Of course there is always the same old option that never seems to be adopted....


Oh yeah...there's more !

...about our favorite eatery, Cafe V.

It was confirmed that they were IN DEFAULT regarding utility payments....

...and are you ready for this?

Rumor has it they have let their insurance lapse !

Bon A Petite ... and may a chicken bone never get stuck in your nose !

My conclusion to this "valuable" afternoon...

After sitting through over two hours, even this guy would have had a headache!

 Dick Arendt
Anthem Opinions Administration

  1. From Mary Lee Opinions

    I cannot believe the lack of business sense within most of the group.

    Good for Mayfield, he will have my vote.
    1. There is more to the $90,000 story that we believe should be clarified.

      There seemed to be a discussion at the board about whether that NINETY GRAND was a "salary increase" or a "salary adjustment" to bring our pay scales up to "industry standards".  Why this seemed to matter at this late stage of the "FSR game", is baffling.

      As a member of the audience, no matter what they called it, it was still costing NINETY GRAND from COMPANY COFFERS that could have been used for other more productive purposes.

      Now...where does the $90,000 go?

      We have given FSR full authority to spend it on WHOMEVER their little hearts desire.

      Bottom line...anyone out there believe the guy on the bottom of the totem pole is going to get much of it...or...will the "brass" pay themselves handsomely, forgetting those in the trenches that actually do the work?

      Whatever the case or whatever the reasoning, we are now $90,000 poorer as a result.

      Let's also make sure you also know who voted FOR dropping the $90,000 !

      Bella Meese
      Rex Weddle
      Carl Weinstein
      Tom Nissen
      Don Schramski

      Secretary Jean Capillupo, was absent from the meeting.
      1. From Dorothy Opinions

        No way would I "give it away." However, on the other hand, I would be the first one in line to accept it.

  1. From P. Opinions

    What a bunch of incompetent individuals. If it was their money, would they still have paid it?

    And that restaurant...the board should have the courage to realize they are a failure and should fire them.


  1. From Mary Lee Opinions

    I cannot believe the lack of business sense within most of the group.

    Good for Mayfield, he will have my vote.

  2. There is more to the $90,000 story that we believe should be clarified.

    There seemed to be a discussion at the board about whether that NINETY GRAND was a "salary increase" or a "salary adjustment" to bring our pay scales up to "industry standards". Why this seemed to matter at this late stage of the "FSR game", is baffling.

    As a member of the audience, no matter what they called it, it was still costing NINETY GRAND from COMPANY COFFERS that could have been used for other more productive purposes.

    Now...where does the $90,000 go?

    We have given FSR full authority to spend it on WHOMEVER their little hearts desire.

    Bottom line...anyone out there believe the guy on the bottom of the totem pole is going to get much of it...or...will the "brass" pay themselves handsomely, forgetting those in the trenches that actually do the work?

    Whatever the case or whatever the reasoning, we are now $90,000 poorer as a result.

    Let's also make sure you also know who voted FOR dropping the $90,000 !

    Bella Meese
    Rex Weddle
    Carl Weinstein
    Tom Nissen
    Don Schramski

    Secretary Jean Capillupo, was absent from the meeting.

  3. From Dorothy Opinions

    No way would I "give it away." However, on the other hand, I would be the first one in line to accept it.

  4. From P. Opinions

    What a bunch of incompetent individuals. If it was their money, would they still have paid it?

    And that restaurant...the board should have the courage to realize they are a failure and should fire them.
