Information Pages

Saturday, August 1, 2015

President Truman Pondered Alternatives to A-Bomb...Prologue to Three Part Series

August 6th...&...August 9th
The World Enters the Nuclear Age

Hiroshima Survivor

It's now been 70 years since the world took note of the United States' ability of destroying the entire planet on which we live....

...and the above dates will live in history as the entrance of mass destruction weaponry.

Those dates represent President Harry Truman's decision to end World War II by using the atomic bomb on the Japanese cities of...



 "Fat Man" Atomic Bomb



"Little Boy" Atomic Bomb

Can any of you imagine the weight on the President's shoulders when he was forced to make that fateful decision...

...a decision made by a man who had assumed the office of President just 4 months after the death of the only man to be elected to that office for 4 terms...

...a man who was completely unaware of any such weapon or any knowledge of the "Manhattan Project" while serving as  Franklin Roosevelt's Vice President?

It was a momentous decision that you may be unaware had an alternative...

That alternative....

The Plans for the Invasion of Japan

We have a three part series of articles for you beginning Monday, August 3rd, 2015 in our "History & Holidays" Information Page, explaining in detail what the American plans were as an alternative to the atomic bomb...

...and the ramifications the United States anticipated they would suffer, had that option been chosen.

We hope you will examine this series, and then send us an email with your comments answering this question:

If you were President Truman, which option would you have chosen to end the second world war?

Send your emails to:

Anthem Opinions Administration

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