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Sunday, August 2, 2015

What Could Have Been....First of a Three Part Series

"Operation Downfall"

The American
Invasion of Japan in 1945
The American Plan

(Part One of Three)

I want to sincerely thank my dear friend, Dave Nall of Wilmington, North Carolina, for sending us this fascinating story of "what could have been", had the Atomic Bomb not been dropped on Japan to end the Second World War in 1945.

Ironically, the same information was also forwarded to Anthem Opinions by Sun City Anthem Board DirectorDon Schramski.

To both of those individuals, without their input, this story could not have been told !

It will chill you as you read the  detailed planning of a potential invasion of Japan in 1945....and how, and with what,  the Japanese would have defended their homeland.

And at the end, you will say...thank God it never took place ! 

Deep in the recesses of the National Archives in Washington, D.C., hidden for nearly four decades lie thousands of pages of yellowing and dusty documents stamped "Top Secret".

These documents, now declassified, were the plans for "Operation Downfall", the invasion of Japan during World War II.

Only a few Americans in 1945 were aware of the elaborate plans that had been prepared for the Allied Invasion of the Japanese home islands.

Even fewer today are aware of the defenses the Japanese had prepared to counter the invasion had it been launched.

In this first of three articles, the "American Plan" will be discussed. 
Part Two will cover the Japanese plans for defense.

Part Three will be an Epilogue, reflecting the potential ramifications of the both sides.


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  1. From Dorothy Opinions

    I would have chosen the same way to end the second world war!

    First of all, Japan invaded other countries!!!

    Countless cruelties events took place in China!

    If we were consider country stands for defending the world's righteousness, of course, we needed to end this overly long Second World War in the most effective way !!!

    There a saying that if you do the crime, you need to do the time!

    Secondly, we need to protect our own people!

    There were many innocent people in Japan who suffered tremendous loss, but how about the Chinese people?

    They were just trying to build a new country!!!

    Dick, you know how painful I feel every time this subject comes up !!!

    Thanks for bringing this topic up to so many unaware readers!!!

    1. Dorothy,

      Words can not describe my reaction to reading a book entitled "The Rape of Nanking" by Iris Chang.

      The atrocities suffered by the Chinese people in 1937 at the hands of the Japanese before Pearl Harbor in 1941, seemed every bit, if not worse, than what the Jews suffered at the hands of the Nazis in the Second World War.

      Two countries who had world domination as their goal,had to be defeated....and I feel as you do, it had to matter what the price to the innocent people of those nations.

      The difference between Germany and Japan....Germany subsequently apologized the world for those wrongs...and...we have yet to receive any such apology from Japan.

      Sadly, within our lives the words "ethnic cleansing" still remain in the vocabularies of some...70 years after the beginning of the atomic age.

      We can only pray that barbaric belief will never result in another nuclear catastrophe.

  2. From Mary Lee Opinions

    A continuing awesome job!

    Great editorials !

  3. From Tim Opinions

    By July of 1945 the US had produced enough Uranium 235 for one bomb and enough Plutonium 239 for two bombs.

    They were confident the Uranium 235 bomb would work so they decided not to test that design.

    They were not as sure the Plutonium 239 bomb would work so they used half of the plutonium for a test bomb. That test bomb is the one exploded in New Mexico in July 1945.

    They constructed the Uranium 235 bomb into "Little Boy" and that was dropped on Hiroshima August 6, 1945

    After the successful test in July the rest of the Plutonium 239 was constructed into "Fat Man" and dropped on Nagasaki July 9, 1945.

    We had no more materials after that. It would have taken many months to construct more bombs but the Japanese did not now that. Almost no one knew that.
