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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sun City Anthem Finance Committee Vice Chairman Issues Alarming Statement....Says NO to 2016 Budget

Sun City Anthem Finance Committee
Tells Board NO to Budget Certification

We have received a number of reports from  individuals who attended the September 29, 2015 Board Meeting, and we wish to combine them and share them with you.

Let me begin by conveying a sincere thanks to the number of residents who took the time to attend that meeting....apparently 60 of them....

...60 concerned a meeting that was NOT GIVEN ANY LEGAL NOTICE as prescribed by Nevada law. 

Normally only 8-10 residents attend such functions, and again it proves something quite positive; namely, people are CARING MORE AND MORE and ARE WILLING TO SEE THINGS FOR THEMSELVES, rather than merely reading blogs and association publications that have proven to be their reporting.

From what has been learned, the reaction to this Board was anything but a positive endorsement of their means of governance.

Instead, it proved just the opposite...the growing disdain the community seems to have for them !

In short...the people in attendance appeared to HAVE HAD ENOUGH of THE ANTICS of a number of them...particularly President Bella Meese, Secretary Jean Capillupo, and Treasurer Thomas Nissen.

The Finance Vice Chairman, Tom Revell, opened the session in an explosive manner stating that THE FINANCE COMMITTEE WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THE 2016 BUDGET for passage...

...mentioning a number of statistics that added up to showing that the Sun City Anthem 2016 budget will produce an approximate $1 million DEFICIT.

Mr. Revell read a prepared statement that we were able to obtain...essentially detailing the problems associated for being unable to do so....

...the main complaints revolving around certain Board members (mentioned above) behavior continuously interfering with their attempt to complete their task; and a resounding condemnation of FSR employee, Matt Resler, for adding to the problem.

That complete statement has been placed in our "Nevada Know How" Information Page for our readers to view.

It is LONG...but...worth the time, as it provides a complete detail of the continual problems the Finance Committee faced in their attempt to comply with Board Guidelines...being met with continuous opposition.

Following the presentation, EACH MEMBER OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE STOOD AND ENDORSED THE STATEMENT...receiving an ovation from those in attendance for their willingness to stand up and DO THE RIGHT THING.

Of particular concern was a comment by Finance Committee member, Barry Goldstein, who stated that in the last 30 days the Board removed $185,000 from the association cash balance, which brought the total to $200,000 for self-management transition. an even more SHOCKING comment, he further stated that an additional $720,000 was removed for 2016 transition expenses...without detailing as to what those expenses were budgeted.

Needless to say the Board members looked quite perturbed at the statement...and...the crowd reaction.

That was more than obvious during the Member comment period...when time and again, as various residents would begin their 2 minute speeches, they WERE CONSTANTLY INTERRUPTED by Board Secretary Jean Capillupo... action that is not only RUDE, but also violates Nevada law.

In 2009 the Sun City Anthem Board was issued a Letter of Instruction from the Ombudsman stating "unit owners are allowed to speak uninterrupted during an allotted time in all meetings".

We suggest she become familiar with that law as an association officer to avoid YET ANOTHER COMPLAINT.

Most importantly it is hoped that a very special lesson be learned by various members of this Board....

....there is a new spirit that seems to be emerging in Sun City Anthem....

...a belief that the actions of board members  are being watched and examined closer then ever in the history of our community....


Read the full text of the Vice Chairman, Tom Revell.

Then let us know how you feel about this latest situation by sending us an email at:

Dick Arendt
Anthem Opinions Administration


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"Nevada Know How"
  1. From Robert Opinions

    It's time we get VOCAL...the typical resident will not do anything until the monthly maintenance goes through the roof (and then they'll only complain).

    I had wanted to attend the recent meeting but my knee surgery prevented it.

    It is time that ALL of us attend these meetings (I have this vision from the old 'Frankenstein' movie where the villagers (with flaming torches) are yelling "Kill the Monster" !

    I may sound totally paranoid and cynical, but that's what I get for living in the NY/NJ region for 60 years.

1 comment:

  1. From Robert Opinions

    It's time we get VOCAL...the typical resident will not do anything until the monthly maintenance goes through the roof (and then they'll only complain).

    I had wanted to attend the recent meeting but my knee surgery prevented it.

    It is time that ALL of us attend these meetings (I have this vision from the old 'Frankenstein' movie where the villagers (with flaming torches) are yelling "Kill the Monster" !

    I may sound totally paranoid and cynical, but that's what I get for living in the NY/NJ region for 60 years.
