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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Good Leadership...A Ship That's Been Sinking for Years...In Desperate Need of Financial Experience....An Anthem Opinions Editorial

There is little doubt that in the entire existence of Sun City Anthem, the past year has brought more  community dissension than can ever be remembered.

That was quite evident at the Sun City Anthem Board Meeting of October 22, 2015....

...and it is the basis on which we reflected and this article has been written.

What is most alarming is the timing of this dissension,  namely the movement toward self-management.

We have been confronted with momentous decisions in 2015 and we can anticipate even more of them in the following year.

What creates our greatest concern in addition to the fundamental elements of self-management, are those who have been chosen to lead us down that path of change, and the experience necessary to achieve the goal of responsible financial planning.

Has 2015 been successful thus far

You be the judge.

2015 has been marked by...

... constant infusion of association funding to a restaurant that has become a financial nightmare, one very few people patronize....or support.

... a Board who passed a 2016 budget NOT RECOMMENDED by the Finance Committee.

...needless spending for legal advice on basic questions.

...reckless and improperly supervised spending for general association improvements.

... controversy over the hiring of a General Manager, as well as, the benefit package she will receive.

Who has been responsible for guiding us down this path?

A majority of Board individuals consisting of...

A President who has no relevant experience....having no college education with a past of being a "community organizer" for social issues.

A Secretary and past 2 year President who has no relevant business experience...who is of the belief that all answers can be found in a text book and has bypassed other Board Members in decisions which may lead to legal action against Sun City Anthem...

A Vice President who has a History degree and inflated credentials, never any experience at running a business...with few if any, "people skills"...and... who has a reputation for the lack of respect and courtesy toward members of a former committee, as well as, many residents in the community...


A Miscellaneous Director,  an airline pilot... who waffles due to his complete lack of experience in business matters choosing to vote alongside others who have even less experience than his own.

This is who YOU, the unit owners, have placed your confidence to define  YOUR financial future....and in doing so, have placed $ 8 million dollars each year in their hands !

Is there any doubt that the results could not be predicted due to these inexperienced choices?

We think...we got exactly what we bargained for in choosing them...

 which inevitably lead to...

One cannot complete this obvious case of disaster without mention of a community blogger whose business experience is also nonexistent, and whose recommendations over the years...have brought us such individuals...

...most...with TOXIC financial results.

Is it too late to correct the mistakes of the past? 

It's never too late...and we believe we know how to accomplish a bright we actively search out individuals who do HAVE THE RIGHT STUFF !

Make sure you see our "Nevada Know How" Information Page to see our continuing thoughts by clicking below for full information and our article....

Association Success is Well Within our Grasp...
An Anthem Opinions Editorial
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"Nevada Know How"

1 comment:

  1. From Nelson Opinions

    You left out two people who need to be added to your list - Jim Mayfield and Tom Nissen.

    If one looks at page 9 of the 19 page Unaudited Financial Statements dated December 31, 2014, there is a line item that reads, "Total Association Revenue over (Expenses). For the Association it shows a plus $2,005,534. These unaudited statements were approved by the board in February 2015.

    When residents asked in March and April what the 2014 surplus was, the answer always was that the auditor would provide that number. The auditor, Kondler & Associates, provided their report on May 1, 2015 and the board approved that report at the May board meeting.

    On page 2 of that report there is a line item titled, "Excess of Revenues over Expenses From Operations, and it reads $2,206,049.

    Then, at the August board meeting Tom Nissen provided a presentation that Jim Mayfield concurred with, that said the 2014 surplus for the association was ZERO.

    In spite of questions asking how that zero number was determined, no response was ever received.

    From my perspective, the board owes the residents over $2M.
