Information Pages

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Aletta Waterhouse...Sun City Anthem Board Candidate...Not the Right Fit for Initial Stages of Self-Management

 Aletta Waterhouse

A Sun City Anthem Board Candidate
Lacking Relevant Experience 
Perhaps at some point in the coming years, this individual would be a viable candidate for the Sun City Anthem Board.
Not in 2016 !
The transition to self-management makes 2016 the most crucial election in Sun City Anthem history...
...a new frontier for all who reside in our association...
...and that must require RELEVANT BUSINESS EXPERIENCE at this stage of change.
We cannot allow ourselves to be lead by "maybes" and "dreams" of those who have no track record in making relevant financial business decisions that affect the lives of 7,144 unit owners....
...something lacking in Mrs. Waterhouse at its initial stage.
As a former Librarian for the Library of Congress, this background in no way qualifies this individual to "guide" any organization having an $8 million annual revenue in dues and approximately $1 million in general revenue.
The past has taught us a costly lesson in choosing such individuals having insufficient credentials as a member of the Board.
Currently Sun City Anthem is lead by a "community organizer", a "superintendent of a small school district", and  an"airline pilot" in addition to one other individual whose background never reached a level of senior management in the private sector.
The results of those inexperienced choices have resulted in...
... massive restaurant subsidies...
...Liberty Center problems that have not been properly understood and neglected...
...a complete lack of  proper communication between those leaders and unit owners.
With a lack of relevant experience and her "it must be in a book" manner of solving problems...
...that lack of knowledge of the "real world" of economics and entrepreneurial "know how" severely lacking in her past would, in our opinion,  be beyond her ability to successfully the current time.
If you need "guidance" in financial management, you go to a business person, not a librarian.
What Mrs. Waterhouse "brings to the table" is being a part of one committee after another, a system that is being radically redefined under the "Self -Management" model we are about the adopt on April 1, 2016...
...a  new system we do not believe she fully comprehends and would impede as a result.
She has been part of an OLD SYSTEM that has been determined to be in need of repair....and...replacement.
....and during the course of her discussions, appears to be reluctant to accept many changes, especially in the role standing committees will now play.
Let us be clear...
Mrs. Waterhouse has been a dedicated volunteer and has served on a number of association committees...
...but that alone DOES NOT PROVIDE CREDENTIALS NECESSARY to perform the tasks required in the Self-Management transition.
Self-management now redefines our governance whereby a GENERAL MANAGER makes the decisions.  
The Board will then make a final decision as to accepting or rejecting any such action.
In our opinion her past "bureacratic" experience  and complete LACK OF ANY RELEVANT BUSINESS EXPERIENCE will hinder that progress.
Perhaps in the future, her knowledge of systems and organization can properly enhance the initial decisions that will be implemented in 2016, but we cannot afford a person who is without experience to determine policy at the current time.
She is better qualified to follow what has been determined.
Making major mistakes cannot be made in 2016....and choosing those with experience to minimize them,  has never been more important than in the coming year.
As a result, we cannot recommend her for election to the 2016 Sun City Anthem Board of Directors.
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