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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Bob Burch....If Your Idea of Representation is supporting Meese and Nissen...This is Your Man

Bob Burch

 An "Out of Touch"
Sun City Anthem Board "Machine" Candidate

When this Sun City Anthem candidate was first approached by David Berman....we knew something was up ! 

Mr. Berman was looking for a "yes man", an individual who would vote to continue the problems of the past.

And since that day, he has shown himself to be just what we expected....
...though Mr. Burch is too naive to believe it !

He would be the individual who would wholeheartedly support the inept decisions of the past...not because we believe he is dishonest, but because of his "blinder " approach at looking at reality.

blinder.jpg (5000×5000)

If that was in any doubt, we were made aware of a private luncheon held at Buckman's Grill between himself and association president, Bella Meese, where, we know his role in a future administration was discussed, despite his denial.

That is the way politics work in Sun City Anthem !

....have a machine spokesperson approach an individual, stroke an ego, wine and dine, tell that person how important their input would be...and upon election.....

...make the individual feel that they now OWE THEM, that dissent  is unwelcome...

...unless they wish alienation from fellow board members.

Only one other candidate was asked to lunch by Mrs. Meese...Stephen Anderson...and much to Mr. Anderson's credit, he turned that offer down, preferring not to discuss the election, but instead only discussing Community Patrol issues as its Chief.

Mr. Burch is often seen with Thomas Nissen, the current Board Treasurer, who is also running for reelection, and it is obvious that the two are in sync with "keeping the old guard" in power.

Of particular concern was a conversation Mr. Burch had with a fellow candidate. 

Believe it or not, he is of the belief that the Liberty Center was a GIFT from Pulte.

He has never criticized the existing board despite the many problems that have existed in the past year....

...though he claims to be at most board meetings, witnessing the many comments from fellow residents which have brought out legitimate concerns, yet never making any of his own.

He has no knowledge of most association financial matters, and if elected would simply "go along to get along" to disguise his lack of relevant knowledge.

In summary, voting for Bob Burch.... a vote to keep things as they are...the status quo...and all the problems associated with it.

This is a MACHINE CANDIDATE...and if "reform" is your 2016 objective, this is NOT your best choice.

As a result, we CANNOT RECOMMEND Bob Burch for election to the 2016 Sun City Anthem Board.

Anthem Opinions Administration

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