Information Pages

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Shooting the Messenger Can't Kill the Message...An Anthem Opinions Editiorial

Sun City Anthem Board 2016 Election


What Counts...and What Doesn't

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Within the past few days, another blogger has made every attempt to discredit, insult, and harass this publication for reasons having little to do with the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors election.

If that is the manner in which he chooses to conduct himself during an important homeowners association election, and people choose to accept that form of influence, so be it.

We instead will address the issues, and how they impact our community.

We will not sacrifice the integrity of Anthem Opinions for any reason.

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The candidates...


honesty_ethics_integrity_trash.jpg (456×650)

...and the years we and others have spent making honest attempts to bring you the TRUTH, stressing openness with the best of intentions, despite receiving unnecessary ridicule again and again.

In making your candidate choices, we urge you to ask yourself....


For years the recommendations of an alternative blogger have embraced an overwhelming number of inferior candidates...

...and by following those suggestions, the results have been less than what we believe you deserved when you wrote $1,100 of dues checks every year.

We have taken hours to research our findings and have had scores of residents express their concerns as well, believing that you have a full right to know all that concerns the well-being of Sun City Anthem.

...and our average daily readership of between 1,500 and 2,000 separate computers logging into our site is hopefully an indication that what we have to pertinent.

The article written as a result of Robert Nusser's "caring" about his community... with information he obtained at personal expense, despite a threat of retribution..

...was visited by 2,976 separate computers....

....proof that our community is more than concerned about the waste a majority of Board members have exhibited.

It has become the "buzz" of our community,, and no matter how one attempts to justify it, WASTE is still WASTE.

People are sick and tired of those who caused it AND those who pretend it does not exist.  

What the people do demand, is ACCOUNTABILITY....

...and honesty in their representatives.

Searching out the truth is not a reason for ridicule, it is a reason to trust.

No matter who one chooses to vote for, one cannot deny these sad events have taken place in the recent past...

Four Failed Restaurants

A Liberty Center catastrophe

An IRS fine of $100,000 plus attorney fees due to a board's refusal to refund excess dues payments.

Wasting of association funds through restaurant subsidies, unvetted loans   that resulted in default, unnecessary legal fees, exorbitant spending on buses and meeting rooms, private parties, and expensive dinners.

...and an ongoing list of UNSUCCESSFUL decisions, made all too often in secrecy by certain gulity board members whose qualifications were severely lacking.

There is no better way to dramatize those concerns than examining this photo of what now exists on the premises of our association.

Each and every day, you are forced to view EVIDENCE of WASTE and INCOMPETENCE as you walk through Anthem Center or drive past the shuttered Liberty Center.

This should NOT have taken place.  It did NOT have to take place.


We at Anthem Opinions made a valiant plea to that alternative blogger  months ago at a public meeting to make available to his readers, the voting records of board members, not to embarrass them, but instead to recognize the results of the decisions they have made... order for you to properly evaluate their performance.

That unfortunately was met with an insult to us and to the residents of our community by that individual stating such information was available on a Sun City Anthem website....

...referring to unit owners as LAZY for not navigating that confusing publication.

The result...ANTHEM OPINIONS researched and printed those results....

...because we believed you had the right to know, while elsewhere, SILENCE was the response
During this election season, our mission was to bring you the best choices we felt would serve your NEEDS.
We have tried again and again to state that corrective action must be placed in the hands of those WITH RELEVANT PAST BUSINESS EXPERIENCE necessary to handle financial issues properly.

Anthem Opinions recommends
those most capable of solving the existing problems 
and having the foresight to avoid further ones!

Your obligation is to vote...and choose those who will reduce
stagnation....political cronyism...and the continuance of financial waste that will ultimately lead to an increase in assessments if not stopped NOW.

We believe the time has come for...


We ask all of our readers to look carefully at any attempt to maintain the status quo of inept leadership...

and simply...
no-art-050425e.jpg (1477×1350)
. those we believe are not of the experience level to guide us in the coming months.

Those we cannot endorse include:

 Thomas Nissen
 Bob Burch
Aletta Waterhouse

We commend all of the 6 candidates for volunteering to serve our community, but only the three we have highly recommended appear to have the necessary knowledge and experience to guide an $8+ million organization.

Look at tomorrow with an attitude of hope and trust through those who have "done it right" in their past....

...through their ACTIONS rather than WORDS... electing reform candidates with relevant experience who not only desire...




Forrest Fetherolf
 Barry Goldstein
Steve Anderson

3 - 5

...a new beginning that will allow residents to answer YES a year from now when asked..

"Are you better off now than you were a year ago?"

Anthem Opinions Administration

  1. From IT Opinions

    I find it ironic that our sitting HOA President and husband who publish a competing magazine (The villages of Sun City Anthem) would publish an article on a resident (see April issue) who is clearly in violation of our CCRs (para 3.6.a); namely the number of pets in a household.

    The front cover of the magazine clearly shows four (4) animals while the maximum number according to the CCRs is three (3).

    In addition, the article states that the resident is fostering an additional "two older cats", for a total of six (6) animals.

    Is our current President so brash as to think she and her friends can flaunt the fact that they don't need to abide by any of our HOA rules, but that the rules pertain to everyone else?

    ( Page 15)

    3.6. Initial Use Restrictions and Rules.

    (a) Animals and Pets. No animals of any kind, including livestock and poultry, shall be raised, bred, or kept on any portion of the properties, except that a maximum of three pets is permitted in each Dwelling Unit, the composition of which may include dogs, cats, birds, or other pets as determined from time to time by the Board. Pets which are permitted to roam free, or, in the sole discretion of the Association, endanger the health of other Persons, make objectionable noise, or constitute a nuisance or inconvenience to the Owners or others within the Properties shall be removed upon the Board's request. If the Owner fails to honor such request, the Board may cause the pet to be removed.
  2. From Pat Importuna...former City Manager, North Las Vegas, Opinions

    I’m happy there is more than one person concerned and seeing through our board's nonsense and corruption.

    Thanks for the information on the HOA’s expenditure issues. I think its alarming to learn about the expenditures and that residents have gone to great lengths to find out. 

    What is more important here is has anything been done illegally? 

    If so its time to file a complaint with the Grand Jury to determine if any illegal action has been taken by the Board. 

    As you know from past news stories in the Las Vegas area several HOA organizations in our county have been investigated for wrong doing and individuals have been investigated and charged with criminal intent and some are now serving time in prison.

    If we are at that stage a Grand Jury complaint may be in order.

    Unless we correct bad practices by holding individuals accountable by threat of a criminal indictment it does not matter who sits on the Board they will replete the same mistakes.
  3. Thank you BIG & Pat,

    Both of you have a keen eye, and reflect the attitudes of so many we have been in contact with over the years.

    People such at you two...ARE THE BACKBONE of Sun City Anthem, and many in the community owe you and Robert Nusser a debt of gratitude for having the courage to state FACTS and look closely at the problems caused by electing the wrong people...

    ...people in so many cases who have been recommended by a self-serving, conniving creature, having a sordid past, only those who share the same values, can appreciate.

    The results of so many of those "politically motivated" recommendations speak for themselves. ironic that such an article about an individual who is clearly violating Sun City Anthem guidelines, be included in a magazine owned and operated the husband of the President of Sun City Anthem.

    It proves the point we have been trying to make for years....

    CORRUPTION exists, rules only apply to some, and that a certain "clique" is somehow exempt from them.

    And Pat....

    We at Anthem Opinions are HONORED that an individual who has RELEVANT EXPERIENCE at legal matters as the former City Manager of North Las Vegas, would take the time to write us, explaining the ramifications of such Board action.

    You should be running for our Board...and after this, we hope we'll be seeing a lot of you in the future months.

    If the right individuals are elected to our Board (Fetherolf, Goldstein, and Anderson), we will see a new breed of leadership who will look at those who have violated their fiduciary responsibilities, and remove them from the positions they now hold....

    I can assure all of those in Sun City Anthem...if these individuals are elected, you WILL see change.

    I hope all residents will read both the above messages clearly, and compare the quality of the messages that appear on Anthem Opinions compared to those elsewhere.

    Again, BIG & Pat.

    On behalf of all in Sun City Anthem who have had the courage to come forth and look at things AS THEY ARE,and express their thoughts is an INTELLIGENT PROFESSTIONAL and NON-CONDESENDING CHILDISH MANNER...

    ...rather than believing self-serving alternative publications..

    ....all published by individuals who have even less relevant experience than those they seem qualified to recommend......

    Thank you.
  1. While a man is in New York mourning the death of his mother...

    ...a man belittles a candidate unable to defend himself.

    Barry Goldstein lost his brother and sister at a young age, and within the past month, his wife, Sherry's brother was diagnosed with cancer..

    After moving his mother from New York to Las Vegas as a sole surviving child, he faced a daily tumultuous experience visiting his mother in a nursing home. She sadly passed away.

    How many of you have gone through the pain and agony of having to place a mother in a nursing home, only to watch that person who gave you life, waste away before your eyes?

    The emotional stress is unbearable...except if you are an individual without CONSCIENCE.

    Barry Goldstein's mother's passing was reported on the Anthem Today publication; however, time would not allow another blogger to haunt this man again and again within the past few days.

    Besides that harrassment, there were NUMEROUS falsehoods within the contents.

    Mr. Goldstein NEVER filed any complaint with the insurance commissioner; he asked for an "opinion"...a BIG DIFFERENCE.

    He received it, accepted the ruling, and nothing was said from that point until the recent CONDEMNATION by an another blog.

    Only a cruel individual would both write such things about a man who has never been accused of ANY WRONGDOING in his life.

    ...a fact the blogger CANNOT SAY ABOUT HIMSELF.

    After reading that trash, it was reminiscent of another individual who made such condemnations.

    Readers, do you remember these words from the 1950s?

    They are quite appropriate in this case.
    1. April 6, 2016 at 7:39 AM
    2. From Mary Lee Opinions (Part One of Two)

      In this last two days, I have received FIFTY EIGHT EMAILS from my personal data base participants expressing Disappointment, but mainly Shock and Disgust. These emails elaborated on the outrageous and negative postings by the Anthem Journal Owner about Barry Goldstein, one of the candidates for the Sun City Board of Directors.

      It was like Venom spewing from of the deadliest of snakes in Texas called the Rattle Snake.

      Today I received another TWENTY SEVEN emails as it seems that Forrest Fetherolf is yet another target of attack by Anthem Journal.

      WHY is this nastiness necessary?

      My data base is aware that I do NOT read Anthem Journal therefore five (5) forwarded the postings with notes of “disbelief” that ANY resident could make such vile and vindictive comments about ANY other SCA resident.

      This posting is the REASON that many residents FEAR RETRIBUTION as the Anthem Journal Owner doesn’t care whose reputation he attempts to ruin or discredit.

      He does NOT rely on specific facts but his opinion and distorted perceptions of his personal views of what someone else has written.

      Frankly, it made me physically ILL to read the outrageous commentary, which does nothing other than make an attempt to DESTROY THE CHARACTER of BARRY GOLDSTEIN, AND DICK ARENDT.

      Yesterday, he posted more untruths and is trying to destroy another SCA Board Candidate, FORREST FETHEROLF.

      WHO will be the NEXT VICTIM tomorrow?

      Most likely it will be me. Once again, I am NOT intimidated and let me assure you that if anyone chooses to discredit me, personally, or my family, they will be responding to my Legal Council.

      This type of negative postings about ANY SCA neighbor should shock all of you. I always say, go to the SOURCE but, in this instance, I have to agree that there is Fear of Retribution for many of you and, it’s not worth the effort as Anthem Journal is NOT important to the survival of this community!

      Barry, Dick, and Forrest are GOOD MEN, CONTRIBUTED MUCH TO THE SCA COMMUNITY, and who have been maligned with information posted consisting of distortions and outright lies, not facts that can verified.

      I assume the negatives were written to get Anthem Journal’s choice of candidates elected and meet it’s goal.

      At this point point, IF I were an SCA candidate ENDORSED by that man, I would be embarrassed and disavow the relationship.

      I would like to say that I have forwarded Forrest’s, Barry’s, Steve’s, and Aletta’s position papers as soon as they were received. I did NOT receive position papers from Burch or Nissen as they never provided same.

      ANY DEFAMATORY remarks about our SCA neighbors are inexcusable.

      We selected Sun City Anthem as a retirement community as we felt it was the BEST community for our retirement BUT, in retrospect, IF this type of posting by ONE resident continuing to “attempt” destroy the character and reputation of ANY OR MANY SCA Residents, then we have chosen the wrong retirement community. This type of behavior is expected from undisciplined three year olds, but certainly not from supposedly mature adults and does NOT help but HINDERS this great community.

      How a man of that moral character is considered an authority (?) on anything other than below the belt remarks, made to merely ruin the reputations of others, should be baffling to any resident with common sense. 
    3. From Mary Lee Opinions (Part Two of Two)

      I respect the three candidates that my husband and I have personally endorsed and feel they CAN make a much needed difference on the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors and they are: #1, #3, and #5 on your ballots, Forrest Fetherolf, Barry Goldstein, and Steve Anderson.

      Barry Goldstein is in New York mourning the loss of his Mother this past week and taking care of family business, and my heart and sincere condolences go to him and his family. I am ashamed of the person posting the vile comments and regret that it has happened as soon as the ballots are mailed and that Barry is not here to “defend himself”. It seems like a repeat performance of the last election, how sad for this entire community!

      Please research ALL candidates, IGNORE RUMORS AND UNVERIFIED INFORMATION, contact the candidates DIRECTLY IF you have questions, and most importantly VOTE. 
      1. The latest Berman insulting tirade seems to claim he knows the difference between a complaint and asking for an opinion to an insurance department.

        I guess now he can add "insurance expert" to his long list of accomplishments....recognized only to himself.

        It certainly appears that this man is now so desperate, that he has lost all self control and instead of addressing the issues, his only response is to fling insult after insult at whoever is nearby who seems to disagree with him.

        How boorish, and how unprofessional. 

        Let's just say that he is quite wrong about Mr. Goldstein. 

        My 35 years of insurance experience compared to his NONE, might give some light as to the credibility of knowing the difference between a complaint and requesting an opinion...

        ...a perfectly acceptable practice to receive information from an expert.

        People ask for insurance and tax opinions all the time...they are not complaints. They are an attempt to receive information from an expert, in order to determine a subsequent course of action.

        As we previously said, Mr. Goldstein received a response from the Insurance Commissioner, accepted it, and then went on with his business.

        Again, that was a caring act of concern expressed in a manner in which professional business practice is conducted.

        Of course not included in Mr. Goldstein's blistering insults were Barry's discovery of Cafe V not having any insurance coverage...

        ...something that could have cost Sun City Anthem a substantial loss, had any legal action been taken against the restaurant.

        Somehow Tom Nissen, the treasurer didn't catch that problem, did he?

        If fact, when Barry made an attempt to SAVE the association from legal liability, he was HEAVILY CRITICIZED as a result...

        ...from a Board treasurer, president, and vice president, and secretary who IGNORED the problem.

        Can that be construed as criticizing a Board? 

        You bet...and thank God he did...because as a result, Cafe V obtained the insurance coverage.

        Oh well, what counts is that we caught his past "chosen ones" with their hands in the cookie jar.

        This blog has NEVER BASHED any candidate. 

        It has conveyed opinions and drawn conclusions presented in a detailed common sense manner; and unlike elsewhere, those conclusions were based on an extensive business background, something he is still searching for this late in his life.

        Look closely at the comments made on Anthem Opinions and compare them to his inflammatory remarks. 

        Than ask yourself, which has mastered the art of "bashing"?

        As we once said, we will not stoop to such childish behavior, no matter what course he has taken. 

        So fire away, Mr. Berman, the entire community is watching you make a complete fool of yourself. 

        That style of degrading individuals is so OLD after all these years, most people who were brought up with manners, are tired of it.

        Your days of supporting such ugly behavior have now been proven, and if your way is the manner in which unit members in our community choose to look at themselves... a reflection of you....

        ...then so be it.

        We at Anthem Opinions have uncovered ugliness you have withheld. 

        To us, what you have withheld, is not reporting, it is something displayed at grocery store check-out counters.

        It's now up to the owners to decide if the path you recommend...

        ...will bring more ugliness and deceit.

        My guess? 

        People have had enough of you, and wish you would quietly retire allowing honest individuals to handle our community affairs.  


  1. From IT Opinions

    I find it ironic that our sitting HOA President and husband who publish a competing magazine (The villages of Sun City Anthem) would publish an article on a resident (see April issue) who is clearly in violation of our CCRs (para 3.6.a); namely the number of pets in a household.

    The front cover of the magazine clearly shows four (4) animals while the maximum number according to the CCRs is three (3).

    In addition, the article states that the resident is fostering an additional "two older cats", for a total of six (6) animals.

    Is our current President so brash as to think she and her friends can flaunt the fact that they don't need to abide by any of our HOA rules, but that the rules pertain to everyone else?

    ( Page 15)

    3.6. Initial Use Restrictions and Rules.

    (a) Animals and Pets. No animals of any kind, including livestock and poultry, shall be raised, bred, or kept on any portion of the properties, except that a maximum of three pets is permitted in each Dwelling Unit, the composition of which may include dogs, cats, birds, or other pets as determined from time to time by the Board. Pets which are permitted to roam free, or, in the sole discretion of the Association, endanger the health of other Persons, make objectionable noise, or constitute a nuisance or inconvenience to the Owners or others within the Properties shall be removed upon the Board's request. If the Owner fails to honor such request, the Board may cause the pet to be removed.

  2. From Pat Importuna...former City Manager, North Las Vegas, Opinions

    I’m happy there is more than one person concerned and seeing through our board's nonsense and corruption.

    Thanks for the information on the HOA’s expenditure issues. I think its alarming to learn about the expenditures and that residents have gone to great lengths to find out.

    What is more important here is has anything been done illegally?

    If so its time to file a complaint with the Grand Jury to determine if any illegal action has been taken by the Board.

    As you know from past news stories in the Las Vegas area several HOA organizations in our county have been investigated for wrong doing and individuals have been investigated and charged with criminal intent and some are now serving time in prison.

    If we are at that stage a Grand Jury complaint may be in order.

    Unless we correct bad practices by holding individuals accountable by threat of a criminal indictment it does not matter who sits on the Board they will replete the same mistakes.

  3. Thank you BIG & Pat,

    Both of you have a keen eye, and reflect the attitudes of so many we have been in contact with over the years.

    People such at you two...ARE THE BACKBONE of Sun City Anthem, and many in the community owe you and Robert Nusser a debt of gratitude for having the courage to state FACTS and look closely at the problems caused by electing the wrong people...

    ...people in so many cases who have been recommended by a self-serving, conniving creature, having a sordid past, only those who share the same values, can appreciate.

    The results of so many of those "politically motivated" recommendations speak for themselves. ironic that such an article about an individual who is clearly violating Sun City Anthem guidelines, be included in a magazine owned and operated the husband of the President of Sun City Anthem.

    It proves the point we have been trying to make for years....

    CORRUPTION exists, rules only apply to some, and that a certain "clique" is somehow exempt from them.

    And Pat....

    We at Anthem Opinions are HONORED that an individual who has RELEVANT EXPERIENCE at legal matters as the former City Manager of North Las Vegas, would take the time to write us, explaining the ramifications of such Board action.

    You should be running for our Board...and after this, we hope we'll be seeing a lot of you in the future months.

    If the right individuals are elected to our Board (Fetherolf, Goldstein, and Anderson), we will see a new breed of leadership who will look at those who have violated their fiduciary responsibilities, and remove them from the positions they now hold....

    I can assure all of those in Sun City Anthem...if these individuals are elected, you WILL see change.

    I hope all residents will read both the above messages clearly, and compare the quality of the messages that appear on Anthem Opinions compared to those elsewhere.

    Again, BIG & Pat.

    On behalf of all in Sun City Anthem who have had the courage to come forth and look at things AS THEY ARE,and express their thoughts is an INTELLIGENT PROFESSTIONAL and NON-CONDESENDING CHILDISH MANNER...

    ...rather than believing self-serving alternative publications..

    ....all published by individuals who have even less relevant experience than those they seem qualified to recommend......

    Thank you.

  4. While a man is in New York mourning the death of his mother...

    ...a man belittles a candidate unable to defend himself.

    Barry Goldstein lost his brother and sister at a young age, and within the past month, his wife, Sherry's brother was diagnosed with cancer..

    After moving his mother from New York to Las Vegas as a sole surviving child, he faced a daily tumultuous experience visiting his mother in a nursing home. She sadly passed away.

    How many of you have gone through the pain and agony of having to place a mother in a nursing home, only to watch that person who gave you life, waste away before your eyes?

    The emotional stress is unbearable...except if you are an individual without CONSCIENCE.

    Barry Goldstein's mother's passing was reported on the Anthem Today publication; however, time would not allow another blogger to haunt this man again and again within the past few days.

    Besides that harrassment, there were NUMEROUS falsehoods within the contents.

    Mr. Goldstein NEVER filed any complaint with the insurance commissioner; he asked for an "opinion"...a BIG DIFFERENCE.

    He received it, accepted the ruling, and nothing was said from that point until the recent CONDEMNATION by an another blog.

    Only a cruel individual would both write such things about a man who has never been accused of ANY WRONGDOING in his life.

    ...a fact the blogger CANNOT SAY ABOUT HIMSELF.

    After reading that trash, it was reminiscent of another individual who made such condemnations.

    Readers, do you remember these words from the 1950s?

    They are quite appropriate in this case.

  5. From Mary Lee Opinions (Part One of Two)

    In this last two days, I have received FIFTY EIGHT EMAILS from my personal data base participants expressing Disappointment, but mainly Shock and Disgust. These emails elaborated on the outrageous and negative postings by the Anthem Journal Owner about Barry Goldstein, one of the candidates for the Sun City Board of Directors.

    It was like Venom spewing from of the deadliest of snakes in Texas called the Rattle Snake.

    Today I received another TWENTY SEVEN emails as it seems that Forrest Fetherolf is yet another target of attack by Anthem Journal.

    WHY is this nastiness necessary?

    My data base is aware that I do NOT read Anthem Journal therefore five (5) forwarded the postings with notes of “disbelief” that ANY resident could make such vile and vindictive comments about ANY other SCA resident.

    This posting is the REASON that many residents FEAR RETRIBUTION as the Anthem Journal Owner doesn’t care whose reputation he attempts to ruin or discredit.

    He does NOT rely on specific facts but his opinion and distorted perceptions of his personal views of what someone else has written.

    Frankly, it made me physically ILL to read the outrageous commentary, which does nothing other than make an attempt to DESTROY THE CHARACTER of BARRY GOLDSTEIN, AND DICK ARENDT.

    Yesterday, he posted more untruths and is trying to destroy another SCA Board Candidate, FORREST FETHEROLF.

    WHO will be the NEXT VICTIM tomorrow?

    Most likely it will be me. Once again, I am NOT intimidated and let me assure you that if anyone chooses to discredit me, personally, or my family, they will be responding to my Legal Council.

    This type of negative postings about ANY SCA neighbor should shock all of you. I always say, go to the SOURCE but, in this instance, I have to agree that there is Fear of Retribution for many of you and, it’s not worth the effort as Anthem Journal is NOT important to the survival of this community!

    Barry, Dick, and Forrest are GOOD MEN, CONTRIBUTED MUCH TO THE SCA COMMUNITY, and who have been maligned with information posted consisting of distortions and outright lies, not facts that can verified.

    I assume the negatives were written to get Anthem Journal’s choice of candidates elected and meet it’s goal.

    At this point point, IF I were an SCA candidate ENDORSED by that man, I would be embarrassed and disavow the relationship.

    I would like to say that I have forwarded Forrest’s, Barry’s, Steve’s, and Aletta’s position papers as soon as they were received. I did NOT receive position papers from Burch or Nissen as they never provided same.

    ANY DEFAMATORY remarks about our SCA neighbors are inexcusable.

    We selected Sun City Anthem as a retirement community as we felt it was the BEST community for our retirement BUT, in retrospect, IF this type of posting by ONE resident continuing to “attempt” destroy the character and reputation of ANY OR MANY SCA Residents, then we have chosen the wrong retirement community. This type of behavior is expected from undisciplined three year olds, but certainly not from supposedly mature adults and does NOT help but HINDERS this great community.

    How a man of that moral character is considered an authority (?) on anything other than below the belt remarks, made to merely ruin the reputations of others, should be baffling to any resident with common sense.

  6. From Mary Lee Opinions (Part Two of Two)

    I respect the three candidates that my husband and I have personally endorsed and feel they CAN make a much needed difference on the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors and they are: #1, #3, and #5 on your ballots, Forrest Fetherolf, Barry Goldstein, and Steve Anderson.

    Barry Goldstein is in New York mourning the loss of his Mother this past week and taking care of family business, and my heart and sincere condolences go to him and his family. I am ashamed of the person posting the vile comments and regret that it has happened as soon as the ballots are mailed and that Barry is not here to “defend himself”. It seems like a repeat performance of the last election, how sad for this entire community!

    Please research ALL candidates, IGNORE RUMORS AND UNVERIFIED INFORMATION, contact the candidates DIRECTLY IF you have questions, and most importantly VOTE.

  7. The latest Berman insulting tirade seems to claim he knows the difference between a complaint and asking for an opinion to an insurance department.

    I guess now he can add "insurance expert" to his long list of accomplishments....recognized only to himself.

    It certainly appears that this man is now so desperate, that he has lost all self control and instead of addressing the issues, his only response is to fling insult after insult at whoever is nearby that seems to disagree with him.

    How boorish, and how unprofessional.

    Let's just say that he is quite wrong about Mr. Goldstein.

    My 35 years of insurance experience compared to his NONE, might give some light as to the credibility of knowing the difference between a complaint and requesting an opinion...

    ...a perfectly acceptable practice to receive information from an expert.

    People ask for insurance and tax opinions all the time...they are not complaints. They are an attempt to receive information from an expert, in order to determine a subsequent course of action.

    As we previously said, Mr. Goldstein received a response from the Insurance Commissioner, accepted it, and then went on with his business.

    Again, that was a caring act of concern expressed in a manner in which professional business practice is conducted.

    Of course not included in Mr. Goldstein's blistering insults were Barry's discovery of Cafe V not having any insurance coverage...

    ...something that could have cost Sun City Anthem a substantial loss, had any legal action been taken against the restaurant.

    Somehow Tom Nissen, the treasurer didn't catch that problem, did he?

    If fact, when Barry made an attempt to SAVE the association from legal liability, he was HEAVILY CRITICIZED as a result...

    ...from a Board treasurer, president, and vice president, and secretary who IGNORED the problem.

    Can that be construed as criticizing a Board?

    You bet...and thank God he did...because as a result, Cafe V obtained the insurance coverage.

    Oh well, what counts is that we caught his past "chosen ones" with their hands in the cookie jar.

    This blog has NEVER BASHED any candidate.

    It has conveyed opinions and drawn conclusions presented in a detailed common sense manner; and unlike elsewhere, those conclusions were based on an extensive business background, something he is still searching for this late in his life.

    Look closely at the comments made on Anthem Opinions and compare them to his inflammatory remarks.

    Than ask yourself, which has mastered the art of "bashing"?

    As we once said, we will not stoop to such childish behavior, no matter what course he has taken.

    So fire away, Mr. Berman, the entire community is watching you make a complete fool of yourself.

    That style oof degrading individuals is so OLD after all these years, most people who were brought up with manners, are tired of it.

    Your days of supporting such ugly behavior have now been proven, and if your way is the manner in which unit members of our community choose to look at themselves... a reflection of you....

    ...then so be it.

    We at Anthem Opinions have uncovered ugliness you have withheld.

    To us that is not reporting, it is something diplayed at grocery store supermarkets.

    It's now up to the owners to decide if the path you recommend...

    ...will bring more ugliness and deceit.

    My guess?

    People have had enough of you, and wish you would quietly retire allowing honest individuals to handle our community affairs.
