Information Pages

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Why We Support Forrest Fetherolf for Sun City Anthem Board

Forrest Fetherolf
What His Election Means to Sun City Anthem Residents

Ballot Position 5

We steadfastly support Forrest Fetherolf because of so many factors, but of all his qualifications, his strongest is the deep concern he has for others.

Forrest Fetherolf has done what most...never take the time to do....

Give of himself...for the satisfaction of GIVING, not for public support or recognition.

So many Sun City Anthem residents have benefited from the unselfish attitude he displays by "running around" assisting those in need of home repairs.  

He's "always there" when you need him. Just ask anyone who has ever called "Mr. Fix-It" no matter what time of day !

That quality is unique....

He's the "real deal" ..and there's so much more you should know !

Does he need to mentor troubled service veterans who have experienced personal problems?

No...he does not....

...but after years of success, he's always believed that "giving back" is a quality MAN SHOULD DEMONSTRATE WITH ACTIONS, RATHER THAN  WORDS.

Forrest, a former PROUD member of the United States Marines...

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...has been a Senior Mentor in Judge Mark Stevens' Veterans Court for the past 4 years.  His generosity and guidance in helping a number of them to date,  has brought praise from so many, including Councilwoman Debra March and the Mayor of Henderson

To date, Forrest has successfully assisted 7 former troubled members of the armed forces, assisting them in reentering society.

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My fondest memory...a young man in need of a bicycle to get to work after his had been stolen....

...with Forrest and another Sun City Anthem resident who insisted on remaining anonymous, coming to his rescue by providing that lost soul with a new bike. INTEGRITY....and...COMPASSION.

This man is "self made", has taken nothing in his life for granted, and where others of his economic means would merely enjoy the remaining years of his life with little thought for others...

...instead devotes his efforts to ENHANCE THE LIVES OF OTHERS LESS FORTUNATE.

Ask any of those he rents his 8 Sun City Anthem homes !

 All will tell you he is always there when you need him, and wish every landlord was as receptive to their needs as Forrest Fetherolf.

Forrest was a member of the Los Angeles Police Department spending 8 months in a body cast following "near death" injuries.

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How many people would have simply accepted a monthly disability check and lived comfortably for the rest of their lives?

MANY....but not Forrest !

He loved being a cop, but realized that life's disappointments should not result in self pity, but instead should present a challenge.

He was hired by Lumber City in Los Angeles where he maintained his "eye for righteousness" by being placed in charge of SECURITY for that corporation....and CRIME was substantially REDUCED as a result of his leadership role. the same time, he learned....he studied the difficult aspects of construction and repair...and after years of watching unscrupulous contractors taking advantage of innocent consumers...

...he left that high paying job...and started a firm that has since become SO SUCCESSFUL, THAT HE HAS NEVER HAD TO ADVERTISE....


Oh yes...he is a cancer survivor...TWICE...another setback where many would look at life and say "Why Me" ? 

Not Forrest, he knows every day is a "gift"...

...that a man will be remembered not by what he SAYS, but by WHAT HE  bettering the lives of others.

He may not have received endorsements from some bloggers for reasons we believe involve anger and retribution...

..but none of them hold a candle to the unselfish and unrecognized  contributions he has made to members of our community.

There is not a better example of anyone in Sun City Anthem who...

...both  "talks the talk"...and "walks the walk" ! addition to the superb qualifications in the construction and repair industry....


...he has been a past officer in the Sun City Anthem ICCC and Woodchips Clubs, the founder of the Sun City Anthem Entertainment Club, and a current member of the Filipiniana and Veterans Clubs.

We are proud to endorse this man for the HONESTY and INTEGRITY all should demand in association governance.

He's a good man...who deserves your vote.

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Anthem Opinions Administration

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