Information Pages

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


We've Been Hacked
we-have-been-hacked-s-carolina.jpg (640×360)
What we originally assumed to be a "malfunction" in our e-blast system has in turn become an attempt to hack our publication's private email address in which we ask all of you to send us your comments.
Our e-blast system is operating correctly and all such notifications only come from this email address sent to our subscribers.
with a subject line that reads
"Anthem Opinions
The ONLY time we use our private email address is when we are either directly responding to an inquiry from a reader, or if a subscriber, in their attempt to subscribe to Anthem Opinions does not fully complete the
2-part subscription process.
Recently we were made aware that our private email address...
...has been hacked and a number of emails have been sent to our subscribers that WE DID NOT send.
If you receive any email from Anthem Opinions using this email address that does not involve either of the two above circumstances, DELETE IT IMMEDIATELY WITHOUT OPENING IT.
Let us assure you that Anthem Opinions NEVER shares any email address with any organization or individual.
We are sorry this has taken place; however, in the world we live in, as you know, there are crime filled elements that sadly exist.

Anthem Opinions Administration

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