Information Pages

Monday, August 8, 2016

Our "Nevada Know How" author Speaks Out about A Past Board's Actions to Have him Falsely Arrested

Interview with Tim Stebbins concerning his arrest by Henderson Police Department (HPD)

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Our original position in this matter was that it be allowed to remain outside the walls of our community, but we had to reverse our position due to what we strongly believe will be yet another attack on the character of a man was has been the "bright light" in making Sun CIty Anthem aware of homeowner abuses...

...and his never ending battle to "right the wrongs" of "the little guy".

Tim Stebbins faithfully attends almost each and every meeting of the Nevada Real Estate Commission, knows a number of the members on a personal basis, and has developed a positive repoire with the Ombudsman.

He is often consulted by members of committees and board members for his excellent advice and knowledge of NRS 116, Nevada Law pertaining to homeowners associations.

Tim had a terrible experience in 2010 suffering the indignities of being arrested for a charge of filing a false police report...something that any person is rarely, if ever,  formally arrested....a misdemeanor.

Many in Sun City Anthem were astounded that this would take place, but it was surmised that his constant attempts at reform, resulted  in his exposing irregularities....something the "MACHINE" was not willing to admit...

...and through undue influence of a former Board Member, persuaded the Henderson Police Department to have him falsely arrested...

...a charge that was eventually DISMISSED.

All during the process he was constantly HOUNDED with HARASSING COMMENTARY from the same individual who has had a record of assassinating the characters of innocent residents for years. 

We need not mention his name; in our opinion, the INSULTS that he refers to as "journalism", have long been a source of corrupt irritation representing the worst in behavior toward numerous seniors in our community.

Subsequent to the dismissal, Tim pursued civil action against the City of Henderson.  

Unfortunately, the case was recently dismissed after years of legal jargon and facing a judge who many believed would NEVER have found against a city government.

Our take...Politics as usual !

We are more than sure additional  HARASSMENT and INSULTS will continue to flow from him as the days pass on this subject.  

So...before a tirade begins elsewhere...

...we thought we would instead, interview Mr. Stebbins to hear his side of the story...and the actual happenings that lead to the events.

Let us conclude this preface by saying those of us who have known Mr. Stebbins for years....have always had the highest regard for his knowledge and advice. 

He has NEVER made any attempt at obtaining POWER of any kind, and he has NEVER been the subject of ANY wrongdoing in his entire life...

...unlike his INCESSANT ATTACKER who lost his law license due to dishonest acts, which he readily admitted to committing.

Here is our interview with Mr. Stebbins:

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Dick Arendt: Tim what can you tell us about the matters that lead to your arrest by HPD in 2010?

Tim Stebbins: A principle factor was the failure of the Sun City Anthem (SCA) to return surplus funds after they promised to do so.  This practice had gone on for several years and I wanted to stop it in the interest of all SCA homeowners. 

At the time I chose to focus on the year 2007. 

There was a surplus of well over $650,000. 

Two SCA board member/officers signed an official document promising to refund that surplus to the homeowners by reduction of the 2008 assessments.  

That refund did not happen. 

Under Nevada law signing such an official document and failing to fulfil the commitment can be a felony violation.

Dick Arendt: How did you approach this situation?

Tim Stebbins:  Felony violations are handled by the Clark County District Attorney’s office so I discussed the matter with two Las Vegas Metro police detectives and with a senior prosecutor in the District Attorney‘s office . 

I was told if the money was not returned to the SCA homeowners, that could be a violation. 

I was also told while Las Vegas Metro Police and the District Attorney would ultimately get in involved , and decide if any sort of action was appropriate, the matter had to start with Henderson Police Department.

Dick Arendt What happened next?

Tim Stebbins:  Since the Nevada Real Estate Division (NRED) enforces HOA law, I had a meeting with the senior NRED Enforcement Officer and a HPD police officer who specialized in HOA matters.

It was determined NRED did not have jurisdiction in these circumstances and that it was a police matter. 

The HPD police officer told me to file a report to request assistance from HPD. 

I did that.

I then had some meetings with an HPD sergeant to discuss the matter and provided various documents.  

I said I had exhausted my meager investigative skills and requested his assistance.

Dick Arendt:   So far so good.  But did something go very wrong?

Tim Stebbins:  Yes. The HPD sergeant had a meeting with several SCA board members and the association attorney. 

I will point out that one of the board members was some sort of part time Henderson judge and had considerable influence with HPD and the municipal court.

After that meeting the HPD sergeant stated the surplus money had actually been returned to SCA homeowners by reduction of 2008 assessments of $100 per unit in the fourth quarter of 2008. 

This totaled well over $700,000. 

I tried to tell the HPD sergeant that reduction had nothing to do with return of the 2007 surplus but rather was simply a reduction of excess 2008 assessments. 

The HPD sergeant refused to listen and said I had filed a false police report. 

I was arrested.

Dick Arendt Can you tell us more about the basis for that $100 assessment reduction in 2008?

Tim Stebbins:  The 2008 budget adopted and ratified in late 2007 called for $431,000 to fund operations of the planned new recreation center (now the Liberty Center) expected to open in July of 2008. 

The 2008 assessments were to increase by $60 per lot to pay for this.

In early 2008 it became obvious the new recreation center would not open any time in 2008.  

The minutes of the March 2008 board meeting show the board decided to reduce the 2008 assessments by $60 per lot in the fourth quarter of 2008 because that money would not be needed.
The minutes of the August 2008 board meeting show the board reviewed the projected 2008 income versus expenses and determined there would be a significant surplus at the end of the year.

The board decided to increase the fourth quarter assessment reduction by an additional $40 per lot for a total reduction of $100. 

This was the well over $700,000 that the HPD sergeant claimed was a return of the 2007 surplus. 

Obviously he was wrong.

Dick Arendt:   Can you tell us how the HPD sergeant decided to reject the documented $700,000 plus $100 per lot reduction in 2008 assessments was only for 2008 and insist the $700,000 was actually a return of the 2007 surplus?

Tim Stebbins:  No I cannot. 

 I was not present at the meeting between the HPD sergeant and the board members.  

I do not know what questions were asked and what answers were given. 

But if one or more of the board members or the association attorney told the HPD sergeant the $100 per unit reduction of assessments in the fourth quarter of 2008 was the return of the 2007 surplus, that was not true and false information was given to HPD. 

Certainly something was said at that meeting the caused the HPD sergeant to falsely accuse me of lying.

Dick ArendtWas the truth of your claim the 2007 surplus was not returned ever confirmed by any outside authority?

Tim Stebbins:  Yes.

Several months later the IRS performed and audit of the SCA 2007 tax return. 

The IRS auditor asked the then SCA president if any of the 2007 surpluses had been returned to SCA homeowners. 

The president said it was not; none of the 2007 surplus was ever returned to homeowners. 

This confirmed I had always told the truth and the HPD sergeant was wrong and acted abusively by arresting me. 

After the IRS auditor’s report came out, the charges against me were dismissed. 

In the end the IRS required SCA to pay taxes and substantial other payments on the unreturned 2007 surplus.

Dick ArendtThis must have been a horrible and humiliating experience for you.

Tim Stebbins:  Yes it certainly was. 

I tried to help all SCA homeowners to be treated fairly and ended up in a mess. 

I guess I might be considered a hero by some SCA homeowners and a villain by some board members. 

It was comforting that the IRS confirmed I was truthful.

In the end if one or more people gave false information to HPD, it was not me and my arrest was not justified.

I will add I told all authorities I did not want any SCA board member/officers to be punished by fines or jail time. 

I just wanted them to be exposed and pressured to stop harming SCA homeowners.  

I guess it shows no good deed goes unpunished.

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Do any of you know Tim Stebbins?  What can you tell us about his credibility?

Would you like to comment on his value to Sun City Anthem?

Send your thoughts to:

  1. I've only known Tim Stebbins just about a year and have been deeply impressed with his intelligent, timely, and pertinent views; which are always respectfully presented to the Board as principles to consider for guidance. The facts of the false arrest and humiliation notch up my respect for Mr. Stebbins even greater. Most people would have turned their backs on the community after said treatment, yet Stebbins continues to fight for the rights of the homeowners in Sun City Anthem. Bad behavior by the Board looks to be set to continue and I for one am glad Mr. Stebbins continues to point out the proper course to follow, even if the Board continues to ignore him and takes the low road instead. Tim, you are a GEM!
    1. From Mary Lee Opinions

      I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tim Stebbins for ALL he has done for the residents of SCA.

      I met Tim when we moved to SCA in July 2006 at an SCA Board of Director's meeting.

      He encouraged attendance and explained things to “this new kid on the block" countless things I was not aware of.

      Many were shocking.

      Llittle did I know Trumpets Restaurant owned the association $300,000 as the Pulte Sales Rep showed off the restaurant, but he never mentioned the financial issues.

      Tim is, without a doubt, the most knowledgeable resident in SCA with regards to the NRS116 (statutes that govern Home Owner's Associations in Nevada).

      These laws were written for a reason, for the protection of all home owners..

      Tim's endless time and research into protecting SCA residents is thorough and factual with documented proof of findings.

      He has been one of few that has questioned decisions made by our Board of Directors on issues of importance, and whether or not SCA is in compliance with these state laws.

      Tim continues to attend EVERY Board of Directors meeting and has always been the “go to man” for information on NRS116 by various clubs, some board members and club officers.

      To my knowledge, he has missed few and those few he's missed, were because he was out of town with family.

      Tim Stebbins is an incredible asset to Sun City Anthem. He doesn't do his extensive research for “kudos”, he does it for plain dedication to this community.

      There is a quote by Indira Gandhi that is appropriate:

      “My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people; those who do the work and those who take the credit."

      He told me to try to be in the first group; there was much less competition.

      Tim has always been in the First Group!

      It's an honor to know Tim and have him as a friend. THANK YOU for all of your great work, keep it up. 
      1.         August 9, 2016 at 5:50 PM
      2. From Robert Opinions

        Regarding Tim Stebbins:

        I've known Tim only since the recent 2016 Board of Directors election debacle. However, I appreciate the fact that I had the opportunity to meet the gentleman.

        He is knowledgeable, intelligent, and of highest integrity- and thus a refreshing interlude from the typical uninformed, loud-mouthed individual who spews forth uninformed and untrue verminous rhetoric either in public (like in a meeting) on anonymously (like in a blog posting).

        Sadly, a majority of the SCA Residents cannot appreciate the fact that this man takes the time to back-check Board actions that MAY cost homeowners a lot of $$$$$.

        Thank You, Tim
        1. Robert,

          Strange you should bring up the loud-mouthed guy who writes a blog who, as you put it, spews "untrue venomous rhetoric".

          Bumped into "Dirty Dave" on the way out of Green Valley tonight and as we passed, he looked at me, turned white as a ghost, and then turned his head.

          I looked at him and said:

          "Gonna insult me again? You have the courage to say those insults to my face, you coward?"

          You see, after putting up with his trash for 11 years, I finally put it to to man...face to face...and told him to...

          "Put up...or...shut up"

          Mamma B grabbed his trembling hand, held it tightly and as he shook with fear, continued on his way.

          See what happens when you confront a bully with his own medicine when you ask him if he has the courage to say to a person's face what he's said in print?

          Like all cowards who hide behind written words, they run like the wind .

          My prophecy?

          His cowardice and insecurity will have him reporting that I assaulted save face !

          Unfortunately, my wife was there to witness the entire thing.

          We both laughed at the "woos" as we walked out the door while I'm sure he had a problem digesting his food, probably conniving yet another cowardly insult and lie !

          Typical behavior for a person who hasn't the courage to be a real man, and stand-up to what he's said on a blog.
      3.         Dick ArendtAugust 10, 2016 at 4:55 AM
      4. Wow, did I call that one or what?

        Seemed "Dirty Dave" trembled through the evening to think of some comeback to being a coward, and he did just that....

        ...a full fledged hilarious article to save face in front of his killer dog pack after a person who told him to have the guts to say to his face, what he'll say on a blog.

        My wife and I had the best laugh on this one, folks.

        Watching a snake slither away in fear "made my day"...and it drove the little guy nuts to "get" what he's "given" so many others, for years.

        Well, I'm more than sure that he'll have his nameless "groupies" insult away like they always do....

        ...none of them know how to do anything but that !

        ...but I have to say...

        ...calling him for what he's always been to people, a BULLY who hides behind a computer....

        ...felt GREAT !

        ...and I suggest if any of you are confronted by this guy who has been one of his victims, do the same.

        He can't handle it, and he really will "run like the wind"...

        ...and Mamma B will hover over her cub while he does !

        No more folks...we've proven our point...and he and Mamma B fell for the bait ...doing precisely what I predicted...being a  typical BULLY who "talks the talk", but trembles when he's called on to "walk the walk".  It's time this community stopped putting up with this lower life form and sound off saying you too are "mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore".  

  2. From Robert Opinions

    Once again he has demonstrated his complete lack of rational thought....his statement "The comments he says he made in his diatribe that I’ve inserted above are false, because I never made them"

    shows his complete lack of honesty and integrity - the same factors that led to his loss of his law license in Massachusetts.....

    By the way - I am shocked that a past HOA President would spew forth such disgusting profanity in a public place.
  3. Robert, she never said any such thing. The response is completely false, and though I have little regard for his wife's decision making abilities, I won't take an opportunity to criticize her for something her husband fantasized.

    Believe me, she never said a word, just grabbed him and wisked him away.

    And he DID look like he'd seen a ghost when I confronted him with his continual written harassment.


  1. I've only known Tim Stebbins just about a year and have been deeply impressed with his intelligent, timely, and pertinent views; which are always respectfully presented to the Board as principles to consider for guidance. The facts of the false arrest and humiliation notch up my respect for Mr. Stebbins even greater. Most people would have turned their backs on the community after said treatment, yet Stebbins continues to fight for the rights of the homeowners in Sun City Anthem. Bad behavior by the Board looks to be set to continue and I for one am glad Mr. Stebbins continues to point out the proper course to follow, even if the Board continues to ignore him and takes the low road instead. Tim, you are a GEM!

  2. From Mary Lee Opinions

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tim Stebbins for ALL he has done for the residents of SCA.

    I met Tim when we moved to SCA in July 2006 at an SCA Board of Director's meeting.

    He encouraged attendance and explained things to “this new kid on the block" countless things I was not aware of.

    Many were shocking.

    Llittle did I know Trumpets Restaurant owned the association $300,000 as the Pulte Sales Rep showed off the restaurant, but he never mentioned the financial issues.

    Tim is, without a doubt, the most knowledgeable resident in SCA with regards to the NRS116 (statutes that govern Home Owner's Associations in Nevada).

    These laws were written for a reason, for the protection of all home owners..

    Tim's endless time and research into protecting SCA residents is thorough and factual with documented proof of findings.

    He has been one of few that has questioned decisions made by our Board of Directors on issues of importance, and whether or not SCA is in compliance with these state laws.

    Tim continues to attend EVERY Board of Directors meeting and has always been the “go to man” for information on NRS116 by various clubs, some board members and club officers.

    To my knowledge, he has missed few and those few he's missed, were because he was out of town with family.

    Tim Stebbins is an incredible asset to Sun City Anthem. He doesn't do his extensive research for “kudos”, he does it for plain dedication to this community.

    There is a quote by Indira Gandhi that is appropriate:

    “My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people; those who do the work and those who take the credit."

    He told me to try to be in the first group; there was much less competition.

    Tim has always been in the First Group!

    It's an honor to know Tim and have him as a friend. THANK YOU for all of your great work, keep it up.

  3. From Robert Opinions

    Regarding Tim Stebbins:

    I've known Tim only since the recent 2016 Board of Directors election debacle. However, I appreciate the fact that I had the opportunity to meet the gentleman.

    He is knowledgeable, intelligent, and of highest integrity- and thus a refreshing interlude from the typical uninformed, loud-mouthed individual who spews forth uninformed and untrue verminous rhetoric either in public (like in a meeting) on anonymously (like in a blog posting).

    Sadly, a majority of the SCA Residents cannot appreciate the fact that this man takes the time to back-check Board actions that MAY cost homeowners a lot of $$$$$.

    Thank You, Tim

  4. Robert,

    Strange you should bring up the loud-mouthed guy who writes a blog who, as you put it, spews "untrue venomous rhetoric".

    Bumped into "Dirty Dave" on the way out of Green Valley tonight and as we passed, he looked at me, turned white as a ghost, and then turned his head.

    I looked at him and said:

    "Gonna insult me again? You have the courage to say those insults to my face, you coward?"

    You see, after putting up with his trash for 11 years, I finally put it to to man...face to face...and told him to...

    "Put up...or...shut up"

    Mamma B grabbed his trembling hand, held it tightly and as he shook with fear, continued on his way.

    See what happens when you confront a bully with his own medicine when you ask him if he has the courage to say to a person's face what he's said in print?

    Like all cowards who hide behind written words, they run like the wind .

    My prophecy?

    His cowardice and insecurity will have him reporting that I assaulted save face !

    Unfortunately, my wife was there to witness the entire thing.

    We both laughed at the "woos" as we walked out the door while I'm sure he had a problem digesting his food, probably conniving yet another cowardly insult and lie !

    Typical behavior for a person who hasn't the courage to be a real man, and stand-up to what he's said on a blog.

  5. Wow, did I call that one or what?

    Seemed "Dirty Dave" trembled through the evening to think of some comeback to being a coward, and he did just that....

    ...a full fledged hilarious article to save face in front of his killer dog pack after a person who told him to have the guts to say to his face, what he'll say on a blog.

    My wife and I had the best laugh on this one, folks.

    Watching a snake slither away in fear "made my day"...and it drove the little guy nuts to "get" what he's "given" so many others, for years.

    Well, I'm more than sure that he'll have his nameless "groupies" insult away like they always do....

    ...none of them know how to do anything but that !

    ...but I have to say...

    ...calling him for what he's always been to people, a BULLY who hides behind a computer....

    ...felt GREAT !

    ...and I suggest if any of you are confronted by this guy who has been one of his victims, do the same.

    He can't handle it, and he really will "run like the wind"...

    ...and Mamma B will hover over her cub while he does !

    No more folks...we've proven our point...and he and Mamma B fell for the bait !


  6. From Robert Opinions

    Once again he has demonstrated his complete lack of rational thought....his statement "The comments he says he made in his diatribe that I’ve inserted above are false, because I never made them"

    shows his complete lack of honesty and integrity - the same factors that led to his loss of his law license in Massachusetts.....

    By the way - I am shocked that a past HOA President would spew forth such disgusting profanity in a public place.

  7. Robert, she never said any such thing. The response is completely false, and though I have little regard for his wife's decision making abilities, I won't take an opportunity to criticize her for something her husband fantasized.

    Believe me, she never said a word, just grabbed him and wisked him away.

    And he DID looks like a ghost when I confronted him with his continual written harassment.
