Information Pages

Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Other Side of the SORO Project...A Resident Responds to Mrs. Meese

Sun City Anthem Resident & Private Pilot
Responds to Article
 "The Villages of Sun City Anthem"
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 I'm looking at the freebie magazine that Bella'Meese's husband sends out by the name of, "The Villages of Sun City Anthem." 

The issue was sent as the April, 2017 edition

It is similar to our "Spirit" Magazine sent monthly.

Bella's title on page 34 is, "Concerned About Air Traffic over Anthem." 

As usual she's complaining about how people are concerned about the low flying aircraft are flying over Seven Hills, Anthem, and Inspirada. 

Forget (once again) about them knowing that they all signed a document telling them that there is an airport and traffic may get worse as the community grows. you may recall in the first article I wrote, I had the exact Clark County references in it so it is deleted here, but I did send it to her.

Clark County Department of Aviation
Application Numbers: TMA-04-620086-A1
Date: May 12, 2005
Add: November 13, 1997 for CPA-30-96 and Z-14-97

(Anthem Opinions originally published Mr. Winger's article on January 11, 2017 and can be located by clicking on our "Nevada Know How" Information Page and scrolling down to the respective artice)

This time she reminded us that now the SORO Project is on the west side of the airport, when in fact the original Sage Project was. 

So we know that what she is complaining about is the SORO project that is on the east side of the airport. 

She really is confused about the SORO project (again, east side) because she calls it a "commercial" project which in fact is residential.

She also mentions a "Fly Quiet" but doesn't know what or how it even works. 

Simply, it moves all departing, arriving, and traffic pattern training to the west side of the airport to minimize noise in the above communities

She says in the April article, "As soon as residential units are allowed in the "fly quiet" zone, it cannot reasonably be considered as an alternative to airplanes flying low over these residential areas." 

What she doesn't want to admit is the City of Henderson approved this housing to be built, and this, once again after the "Sage" debacle

She forgets that the City of Henderson, and the Clark County Department of Airports are two totally different entities, and I imagine she is not able to figure out what to do about that, except complain and create subterfuge, and I believe she does this to create deception and rile people who may consider joining her.

Now, all of that being said, here is my 2nd letter to her, along with the first, and an answer to her article written in her husband's freebie magazine this month.
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"OK, Ms. Meese,

I read your story in the April edition, and since you provided your email address, I'm submitting this to find out what your concerns really are.

Specifically to first address your article in order, as you have written it is the following reply. 

Before I do, I submitted my concerns to both the city of Henderson, and to Ms.  Vassiliadis of Clark County and McCarran airport, and am also sending it to you for your perusal and information.  

It now has been presented as an official document for those who continually find fault with the Henderson airport, and brings light to the growth of a community and its local airport.

This also addresses the nearly 40 airports in Southern California and the over 18.5 million people who reside there, and who live side by side along the daily workings of these airports, you have something you find objectionable to our local Henderson airport. 

Just what is it?

Now, since I come from the San Fernando Valley in California I am specifically choosing Van Nuys airport because the circumstances are very similar.  The runway at VNY is 16/34, and HND is 17/35. The runway lengths are about the same, and certainly the population at VNY is 10 times of Henderson, NV.

Back to your April article…

What airport officials have you spoken too, and what was the inquiry about? 

What did you learn (for all of us to understand)? 

What was changed after you had your meeting? 

What businesses are so concerned? 

Why did both these businesses and residential consumers choose to move and locate near the Henderson Airport, especially after knowing they were informed about potential growth for both the city and the airport? 

I think it has come time to be "open and candid" about your continual issues about "safety,"  especially since you no longer have a "Board" to hide in.

You mention "SORO" in your April article, which is on the EAST SIDE of the airport, not as you surely mean "SAGE."  

We are done with the SAGE project as it is certainly a dead issue, one that I understand, and know as a project that was on the WEST SIDE of the airport, so I think facts are important.

Obviously the City of Henderson approved the "Soro" project,  which by the way, is city approved, as compared to Henderson airport that is County owned, so imagine there are jurisdictional issues that always need acceptance between the jurisdiction personnel.  

Further, I do not have any type of investment, and all my concerns are to always bring out the hidden agenda and truth.

Why did the city approve the "SORO" project, especially after the "SAGE" debacle?"  

It surely seems to be well on the way to completion.

You might be aware of the traffic patterns at the Henderson airport.  

They are unusual to say the least as they BOTH (the two runways) keep both departing traffic and any "touch and go" local traffic on the west side of the airport, keeping any mitigating  noise to a minimum.  

These traffic patterns surely meet FAA, county, and city noise issues, as well as meeting "safety" demands for aviators.  

I'm convinced as airport information is disseminated thru the AC Circular Reports along with tower operators communicating to pilots, noise will be kept to a minimum.  

Note too that meant; many times people complain about noise not realizing the flight is for police, military, or medical purposes, and not aware of the specifics.

Do you know what the approach and departures are for this airport? 

Do you know what is meant by "Fly Quiet?" 

Does the Henderson pattern's and "Fly Quiet" meet your demands, or what else do you want added? 

Have these traffic patterns addressed your concerns?

As (another) side note, and to be candid, I would recommend a Homeowner/Airport committee very similar to the one in the greater Van Nuys/Los Angeles area.  

It (VNY Homeowners) has been operating for more than 15 years and has been  successful in respect to stopping innuendo's and blaming without proof and documentation.  

 One thing I don't know if has been done, but seems to have been accomplished, is a 150 airport study.  It would provide information for your "Fly Quiet" concerns.

I also wonder why after "SAGE" did the city approve the "SORO" project, not that I see anything that would be of concern regarding "aviation safety." 


Martin Winger
Sun City Anthem Resident
Private Pilot and Instructor

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We wish to thank Mr. Winger for his valuable contribution to this issue, and we would very much like to hear from you...especially if you have a private pilot's license to further enlighten our readers.

Send your comments to:
  1. From Linda Opinions

    RE: Bella Meese's article

    I attended a meeting and viewed the Henderson Strong plan, located south of St. Rose Pky. and west of Executive Airport Dr.

    The Henderson City Council has rezoned the land so that the property owner can build stores or office buildings there. It is for their financial benefit, mostly.

    I didn't see the flight path in their plan nor the safety and quiet zones surrounding the area.
  1. From Robert Opinions

    Once again Ms. Meese proves the old adage:

    "Most of the time it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people THINK you're stupid, than it is to open your mouth and remove any doubt from people's minds."
  1. Still no responses from Ms. Meese at this time. All she does is stir the pot, and has done this for years. Her time is over...done. Watch out if she "hooks up" with the March mayor program, and of course EVERYONE hold on to your shorts when you see serious increases in your property taxes for these programs that they present. They are all listed in the city's website, and you can bet it takes serious money to do.

    Sure, Ms. March, being the politician with money burning a hole in her pocket will tell you countless things why she needs to spend all of those dollars the way she'll present it so you are dazzled by her brilliance, but in the end it'll truly cost people more. And forget (don't) those who are living on a fixed income will be sucked up into the fray, so she'll tell you, "it's such a small amount" and the "amenity" is to have Henderson the greatest place on earth.

    Back to Meese, she's foaming at the mouth to join up with March. More power, more power. It never the days in California, "ain't it!" 
    1. Regarding the SOROS Project. As long as the current airport traffic takeoff and landing patterns are unchanged (in actual future USAGE, not just regarding the flight regulations -- and there are sufficiently large fines for pilots to discourage them from violating the regulations), and the developers of proposed residential properties west of the airport (as well as buyers of the homes who will be living there) understand this, there should be no problem.

      If not, then the existing homeowners in Seven Hills, Anthem and Sun City Anthem have every right to oppose this development. That said, as one of the latter, I'd prefer to "not take a chance" and rely on this.

      The best solution is to not have any residential development in the proposed area -- there is plenty of open space here in the valley for any number of residential developments. Use the area west of the airport for non-residential development.
      1. From Marty Opinions (Part One)

        I can easily understand Joe G's concerns. While I read the issues that Joe states, he makes it sound like, "this is the law and under, no situation will anybody deviate it, come hell or high water."
        We need to first cut the aviator some slack, and by that I mean what first comes to mind is and most concerning to people who live here is the "transient" pilot, and where they are coming from.

        That said, I will always rely on the professionals who make these "depictions for arrival and departure."

        Over the last many years the FAA has adopted several "depictions" for noise and I believe they have worked out very well. Specifically, they look at the area and make the decisions to design for all things, including noise abatement. You may recall the "helicopter incident" when Favil West and Mr. Vermin went on their rampage.

        The FAA came up with the "Hwy 15 departure" and I thought that was simple and ingenious. They also submitted to the FAA in Oklahoma City and D.C. their findings and generated documents such as "AC Circulars" that are free to the aviator, and must read, before flight, and be aware of all items found in:

        14 CFR Part 91, Subpart I-Operating Noise Limits

        14 CFR Part 91, General Operating and Flight Rules


        Subpart A, General

        Subpart B, Flight Rules (91.1 thru (91.101-91)

        Flight Rules (91.105) I recommend he read this one…its easy!
      2. From Marty Winger to Anthem Opinions (Part Two)

        Back to Joe's concerns; I have found that through the years especially when things are working well, they are rarely changed.

        What I am referring to as to "change" is weather conditions where rather than (say) we use normally use runway 35L (northerly) and a condition arises where the pattern is changed to land on 17R (southerly). This is exactly what McCarran does where the preferred runway is 25 (L&R), and weather conditions require jets to depart runway 7 (L&R).

        I'm going to mention something Joe mentioned, and quite frankly I have never heard of is his word "fines."

        If an issue arises, the FAA will immediately investigate the issue. Again, think of the recent event with Harrison Ford landing on the taxiway at Orange County Airport in California. It was investigated, and in the final analysis, gave him a written warning, but found him safe to continue to fly.

        Keep in mind a few things too, the whole aviation thing is pretty much based on honesty and not like cops looking for someone to give a ticket too!

        The "whole" of much of my issue(s) are, the city wants tax revenues and are willing to do what they can to "allow" these projects like SAGE and SORO.

        I'd bet they're will to do "political" things within their jurisdiction and let the chips fall where they may, and then we have the "Ms. Meese's" crawl out of the woodwork.

        The National Airspace System doesn't work at that level. So at that point I agree with Joe.

        Keep in mind another factor (a big one), and that is pilots arriving 5 miles out, to their HND destination, will tune on their radio, call the Tower with the first call (with ATIS) the ATIS is (Aviation Terminal Information Service) in air, to know what runway is in use, will call Approach Control, or the Tower for instructions for landing, and the Tower WILL guide them and tell them of any critical potential noise area to avoid. This is not a request by the Tower to the pilot, it is an instruction.

        Departures are simple too. There is a pilot's room at HND to make all the pre-arrangements prior to the flight. The room (that Joe could walk right into to see if he wishes is available 24 hours), and that is where all the departure information is available. He doesn't even have to ask if he can see it, just walk right in!

        If he is interested I could arrange to take him there.

        Joe's final comment;

        (I agree with)


  1. From Linda Opinions

    RE: Bella Meese's article

    I attended a meeting and viewed the Henderson Strong plan, located south of St. Rose Pky. and west of Executive Airport Dr.

    The Henderson City Council has rezoned the land so that the property owner can build stores or office buildings there. It is for their financial benefit, mostly.

    I didn't see the flight path in their plan nor the safety and quiet zones surrounding the area.

  2. From Robert Opinions

    Once again Ms. Meese proves the old adage:

    "Most of the time it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people THINK you're stupid, than it is to open your mouth and remove any doubt from people's minds."

  3. Still no responses from Ms. Meese at this time. All she does is stir the pot, and has done this for years. Her time is over...done. Watch out if she "hooks up" with the March mayor program, and of course EVERYONE hold on to your shorts when you see serious increases in your property taxes for these programs that they present. They are all listed in the city's website, and you can bet it takes serious money to do.

    Sure, Ms. March, being the politician with money burning a hole in her pocket will tell you countless things why she needs to spend all of those dollars the way she'll preseent it so you are dazzled by her brilliance, but in the end it'll truly cost people more. And forget (don't) those who are living on a fixed income will be sucked up into the fray, so she'll tell you, "it's such a small amount" and the "amenity" is to have Henderson the greatest place on earth.

    Back to Meese, she's foaming at the mouth to join up with March. More power, more power. It never the days in California, "ain't it!"

  4. From Marty Opinions (Part One)

    I can easily understand Joe G's concerns. While I read the issues that Joe states, he makes it sound like, "this is the law and under, no situation will anybody deviate it, come hell or high water."
    We need to first cut the aviator some slack, and by that I mean what first comes to mind is and most concerning to people who live here is the "transient" pilot, and where they are coming from.

    That said, I will always rely on the professionals who make these "depictions for arrival and departure."

    Over the last many years the FAA has adopted several "depictions" for noise and I believe they have worked out very well. Specifically, they look at the area and make the decisions to design for all things, including noise abatement. You may recall the "helicopter incident" when Favil West and Mr. Vermin went on their rampage.

    The FAA came up with the "Hwy 15 departure" and I thought that was simple and ingenious. They also submitted to the FAA in Oklahoma City and D.C. their findings and generated documents such as "AC Circulars" that are free to the aviator, and must read, before flight, and be aware of all items found in:

    14 CFR Part 91, Subpart I-Operating Noise Limits

    14 CFR Part 91, General Operating and Flight Rules


    Subpart A, General

    Subpart B, Flight Rules (91.1 thru (91.101-91)

    Flight Rules (91.105) I recommend he read this one…its easy!

  5. From Marty Winger to Anthem Opinions (Part Two)

    Back to Joe's concerns; I have found that through the years especially when things are working well, they are rarely changed.

    What I am referring to as to "change" is weather conditions where rather than (say) we use normally use runway 35L (northerly) and a condition arises where the pattern is changed to land on 17R (southerly). This is exactly what McCarran does where the preferred runway is 25 (L&R), and weather conditions require jets to depart runway 7 (L&R).

    I'm going to mention something Joe mentioned, and quite frankly I have never heard of is his word "fines."

    If an issue arises, the FAA will immediately investigate the issue. Again, think of the recent event with Harrison Ford landing on the taxiway at Orange County Airport in California. It was investigated, and in the final analysis, gave him a written warning, but found him safe to continue to fly.

    Keep in mind a few things too, the whole aviation thing is pretty much based on honesty and not like cops looking for someone to give a ticket too!

    The "whole" of much of my issue(s) are, the city wants tax revenues and are willing to do what they can to "allow" these projects like SAGE and SORO.

    I'd bet they're will to do "political" things within their jurisdiction and let the chips fall where they may, and then we have the "Ms. Meese's" crawl out of the woodwork.

    The National Airspace System doesn't work at that level. So at that point I agree with Joe.

    Keep in mind another factor (a big one), and that is pilots arriving 5 miles out, to their HND destination, will tune on their radio, call the Tower with the first call (with ATIS) the ATIS is (Aviation Terminal Information Service) in air, to know what runway is in use, will call Approach Control, or the Tower for instructions for landing, and the Tower WILL guide them and tell them of any critical potential noise area to avoid. This is not a request by the Tower to the pilot, it is an instruction.

    Departures are simple too. There is a pilot's room at HND to make all the pre-arrangements prior to the flight. The room (that Joe could walk right into to see if he wishes is available 24 hours), and that is where all the departure information is available. He doesn't even have to ask if he can see it, just walk right in!

    If he is interested I could arrange to take him there.

    Joe's final comment;

    (I agree with)
