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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Anthem Community Council and It's Purpose in the Anthem Communities

Last week, Sun City Anthem resident, Nelson Orth, wrote an article entitled "Nona Tobin Appointed to Anthem Council".
Following Anthem Opinions publishing that piece, we received a number of emails asking us to explain Anthem Council and its purpose.
We "assumed" people were familiar with that organization... assumption that was clearly one we should not have made.
We then contacted our "NRS 116 expert" and author of a number of our "Nevada Know How" articles, Tim Stebbins, and asked Tim if he would be so kind as to explain Anthem Council to our readers... the typical "Tim Stebbins" fashion of helping those in need, we are proud to present....

What is the Anthem Community Council?
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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Hollis Opinions

    We have lived here for approx. 5 years... and NEVER heard of this council until your first article!

    My first thought is....since Madeira Canyon and Inspirada residents travel on Anthem Parkway every day...why don't they have to pay for it's upkeep?? Since it's kind of like a toll road...

    Also.. How did Ms. Capillano get onto that board? How long is the tenure of the officers?

    What legal leverage does this council "company" have over each community?

    How would the structure of the community reps be changed? Have the community percentages been updated...there has been continued building...?

    I think that the SCA budget should be published and sent to all homeowners once each year!!!!

  2. Hollis, Anthem Community Council has been around since Del Webb began building the Anthem communities.

    As the article stated, it's main responsibility of the council is to operate and maintain approximately 100 acres of landscaping along Anthem Parkway and the medians in the middle of Anthem Parkway...

    ...and that includes the waterfall.

    Madeira Canyon and Inspirada were not included because they will did not exist when the original "Anthem" communities were built.

    The result was their voluntarily being asked to be included...which NEITHER HAVE DONE.

    Yes, they take advantage of our roadways and beautiful landscaping, yet don't contribute a dime toward its maintenance and repairs.

    Jean Capiluppo was appointed to the Anthem Community Council by the Sun City Anthem Board as the "director at large" after she left the Sun City Anthem Board.

    Her friendship with Bella Meese, the former President and Secretary of the Sun City Anthem Board, was widely known along with her frivolous spending habits as the association Secretary and President.

    You decide if there was any backdoor arrangement.

    Subsequently the other 6 directors elected her as the president of the Anthem Council.

    The term of a director is 2 years.

    The "legal leverage"?

    That is Nelson Orth's argument....They claim to be subject to NRS 82, not NRS116 as are homeowner associations, and as a result, they believe they have total control over all expenditures.

    Mr. Orth claims they too are subject to NRS 116, and has a letter stating that though Anthem Community Council is indeed subject to NRS 82, when it comes into conflict with NRS116...

    NRS 116 prevails.

    Knowing Nelson Orth, he will do his best to receive clarification in order to obtain a fair arrangement amongst the various communities.

    Until that is clarified, Anthem Community Council will continue to act as they choose.

    The percentage is supposedly based on the number of homes in each subdivision; however, when it was requested as to when that was determined, ANTHEM COUNCIL HAS REMAINED SILENT.

    As Mr. Orth pointed out, they merely Sun City Anthem and tell us to send them a check...which currently amounts to in excess of $600,000 of their $1,000,000 revenue...or 8% of the entire Sun City Anthem budget.

    Can it be changed? That too remains in question, and thanks to Mr. Orth's passion, hopefully it might be revisited.

    What would I do?

    Well, this is where the power of the dollar would enter into the equation.

    I personally would NOT PAY A DIME until it was renegotiated and a fair arrangement was achieved.

    Would the Council sue Sun City Anthem for nonpayment? Almost certainly that would be their option...

    ...however, with 52% of their budget gone as a result of the Sun City Anthem nonpayment, the remaining funds they would receive from the other members, wouldn't be able to sustain a lengthy lawsuit as well as maintain the Anthem landscaping.

    That, in turn,would likely force them to the bargaining table, and a reasonable compromise reached.

    Then again, there are other measures...such as the costs of the landscaping and repairs amounting to $ 1 million a year. That I would like to see, along with the bidding procedure utilized as well as the companies they have chosen to do the work.

    Finally, our newest board member, Noba Tobin, was recently appointed as the Sun City Anthem representative. Let's watch her LIKE A HAWK as to how she looks at this situation.

    Finally, there is the matter of the Sun City Anthem budget. At the next Board meeting it will be voted on, but when Mr. Orth recently attended a Sun City Anthem Finance Committee meeting, our new Sun City Anthem Treasurer, and former Finance Committee Chairman, Forrest Quinn, along with a number of other members of that committee, admitted...


  3. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Very simple explanation by Tim.

    I did not know each development only has One rep.

    Since we pay 52%, seems like SCA should have more voice.

  4. From Marty Opinions

    I surely agree with Ms. Habeger about the issues.

    Did Ms Capiluppo bring in her “Carver” folks along so she doesn’t have to work at doing anything?

    Should we worry that her “bud” Ms. Meese is next?

    Wouldn’t that be something to look forward to?

    Who are the rest of the “members?”

    I guess I need to take a look at NRS 82 too. Just make sure I get enough sleep to get thru it.

    Geez, between sending a check to our newly appointed “Queen” of SCA, and the council, I guess the comments about “oh, you live at that rich place" isn’t far off, is it!

    I also suspect a million bucks just doesn’t go far these days with “middle managers” running the show as they never learned the art of “reaching in their pockets.”

  5. From Bernie Opinions

    It is incorrect because as a member of the finance committee I was there and no one said “we had not yet read a budget to be voted on” because………………… there is no budget being voted on by the Board.

    In fact the 2018 budget process is just beginning internally with departments and management and that budget will not be ready for the finance committee or the board to review and member comment or vote until this fall.

    This kind of reporting and arrow slinging is FALSE NEWS and should not be allowed because it is 3rd party reporting.

    If Mr. Orth wrote it, I could call it a lie because that would not be found in the official minutes of the committee meeting.

    If Ms. Habeger had simply looked at the board book or announced agenda at SCA website, , she would have seen there is NO vote on the Sun City Anthem Budget at the meeting as he claimed.

  6. Mr. Horton,

    There is a difference between "fake news" and a "mistake".

    In this case, it was a simple "mistake", and for that, I personally apologize.

    We take great pride in reporting ACCURATELY, and when a mistake occurs, we first apologize for making it, and then quickly correct it.

    It was not the budget Mr. Orth was referring to, it was the Audit Committee's Audit Report.
