Information Pages

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sun City Anthem Unit Owners Look to REMOVE Four Board Members with Scathing Petition

Recall Petition Drive in Full Force
Petition Specifics Disclosed  

sign_petition.jpg (475×345)

Anthem Opinions has obtained additional information regarding the Recall Petitions now circulating through the Sun City Anthem community.

 There are two; one calling for the removal of 4 members of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors, and a second (non-binding) "No Confidence" in General Manager, Sandy Seddon petition to present to the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors for consideration.

These petitions have been sent to us for publication.

As we have previously stated, we are not the driving force behind these proposed actions; WE DID NOT START THIS EFFORT; however, in light of the many legitimate complaints made against the respective parties over the past year and a half, we wholeheartedly support these measures.

Accordingly, we have taken the following position:

A cancer has been allowed to exist in Sun City Anthem for years...

...a cancer that has brought substantial financial waste, an unwarranted dues increase,  multiple restaurant failures, inadequate construction and repair supervision, flagrant violations of Nevada NRS regulations, and most recently, regulations engineered by a General Manager that have had an adverse affect on sponsored association entertainment, association clubs, as well as, any activities including entertainment they provide...

...a cancer that is spreading due to certain board members allowing it to exist and grow on a continual basis.

Four members of the current Sun City Anthem Board, namely Rex  Weddle, Thomas Nissen, Aletta Waterhouse, and Bob Burch, have allowed a General Manager to spend an outrageous $800,000 in salary on just five individuals...

...a sum that contributed to a 10% increase in 2017 association dues to all unit owners, and likely will increase again, as a result of the inept supervision these individuals have allowed the General Manager to needlessly expend on certain employees who primarily, are HER FRIENDS.

These four individuals have allowed the current General Manager and that close knit group of her friends to financially flourish at the expense of those who spent years of their lives providing qualified and friendly service to the Sun City Anthem community.

Valued long-term employees, two of which included Meg Paulson, a popular mainstay for years in the fitness department, as well as, the late Don Berman, whose smile greeted us for years in the Anthem and Liberty Centers as a monitor, were victims of a new system in which they were found to be expendable and replaced with personal friends at incomes FAR above the norm in Nevada standards.

Only YOU can allow this to continue, and ONLY YOU can stop it.

...and stopping it means REMOVING these four individuals from the Sun City Anthem Board in order that new QUALIFIED individuals can take the reigns of leadership and RESTORE and PRESERVE the neighborly attitude we all enjoyed when we first arrived.

And so...we ask you...

Will you sign the petition(s) and/or ask others to sign them as well?

Remember, some use email; others need to be asked in person.

Anthem Opinions has received numerous comments indicating the anger that has overtaken the Sun City Anthem community in opposition to the current administration.

Many do not or will not, attend Board meetings believing their voices are not heard, creating an environment of despair and hopelessness.

That attitude simply MUST CHANGE.

Our existence as a happy and financially secure organization is now at stake.

If possible, can you give one hour of your time to volunteer making people aware of the issues and asking them to sign the petitions for removal?

If you are willing to assist this effort, we would ask you to contact any of the following individuals who have given their time to assist unit owners in this effort. 

They are now providing unit owners the necessary petitions that require the signature of a unit owner (one per family) in order remove any or all of the above referenced individuals.

They are:
Robert N.
Renee R.
 Assistant Coordinator      
Marcia K.
Assistant Coordinator
Charlie W.
Contact Person
Erlinda P.
Contact Person
Dave C.
Contact Person

Eleanor S.
Contact Person

This is your community. Please take a moment to contact any of these individuals, thanking them for their assistance, and even more importantly, if you might assist them in this monumental effort to restore our community to peace, prosperity, and "good will toward men".

Thank you.

The Board Recall Petition can now be viewed as follows:


Click on our Information Page

"Nevada Know How"

(tomorrow we will print the "No Confidence" Seddon petition)

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Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Sherry Opinions

    I will be monitoring in the Ceramics room on the 29th from 9-12 and i will have a copy of the petitions if that would make it easier for some people. 

    Please see Sherry. 

    We need to let them know we won't take this anymore. 

    Please sign the petitions and if you have more then one property you can sign and fill in the multiple addresses. 

    Otherwise I will be in the poker room on Sat. Morning from 10 A.M. 

    I will try to meet people where they want or even bring it to their home. 

    Please e-mail me at:

    We need as many concerned homeowners to sign.
    1. From Marty Opinions

      I read with great interest the proposal to "fire" the 4 board member's, and Ms. Seddon, also along with the lot of them her friends. While all this would seem to get rid of a cancer that has spread in our "mini government" it would also send a message of, "we are watching you."

      Of course Ms. Meese "skated" thru this entire issue and should feel very lucky her reign came to an end when it did. I hope she gets it and "lays low" forever.

      I look forward to a favorable result that will clean house and bring a vote of confidence for our community and in this particular case people will become involved.
    2. Marty, initial reports are that unit owners are sending numerous emails to the coordinator, assistant coordinators, and contact persons for multiple petitions.

      We have even had requests from those unit owners who are "snowbirds" which are being mailed to them for signature.

      A particularly humorous comment came from another blog.

      Claiming to be a "reporter", for some reason, he has avoided the entire subject, instead ridiculing an Anthem Opinions reader, and defending a $200,000 salaried CFO's numbers, which of course, have been heavily questioned.

      ...all that from a guy who obviously didn't know how to count himself, when it came to paying Massachusetts their taxes on behalf of the client who trusted him and subsequently had to cover his tracks with forgery.

      Oh well...he is what he believes himself to be...while those who have witnessed his "I am a somebody" antics over the years, more correctly look at him as a "wannabe" whose life is filled with failure.

      Increasing numbers in the community now consider him "yesterday's newspaper" and the real architect of the words "fake news".

      Someone should ask him why his "black box camouflaged blog counter" is being discontinued as of July 1, 2017.

      We's because people are finally wising up to the destruction he's endorsed again and again, and consider him a man in deep need of permanent retirement.

      We no longer get angry at him or his minion's derogatory remarks toward others. Now its laughter and similar to reading a supermarket tabloid.
      1. Yep. I made a tongue-in-cheek comment about the "content" of a comment and did not attack the person. But good old Dave had to make insulting comments about me instead of sticking to the issues. Yep. I'm a deplorable.
      2. From Barry Opinions


        Isn't it funny that he is now attacking my wife on his blog?

        I guess she is not allowed to have her own opinion.

        He makes it sound that she is doing this because I was not elected to the board.

        I find it funny that his followers all of a sudden worry about the cost of having a recall vote.

        When it came time to lend our money to a restaurant, they were silent.

        Nowhere on his blog did he mention that Nona made a motion to save the association thousands of dollars by switching the board fiduciary training to NRED Free of charge, performed here at SCA, open to members of the association, any member interested in running for a future board could get an idea what it would be like.

        Naturally certain members of the board shut her down.

        What about those thousands of dollars?

        They label people that support the petition as haters, what's next deplorables?
      3. Lawrence & Barry,

        You have to consider the source. The system he has promoted has finally become so flawed, that the sole argument remaining in his arsenal is character assassination.

        It's been a weapon used so many times that only a fool would have difficulty not seeing through.

        As I said in a previous comment, he's "yesterday's newspaper".

        He knows it, and most of the community knows it. That's why so many people have signed the petitions.

        Only his die hard minions are left in his world of name calling and character assassination.

        If that is entertaining to them, obviously they must have had unfulfilled and unhappy lives to consider such an individual a role model.

        Just ignore him.

        Most now do, and the disappearance of his blog counter as of 7/1/17 clearly demonstrates my point.


  1. From Sherry Opinions

    I will be monitoring in the Ceramics room on the 29th from 9-12 and i will have a copy of the petitions if that would make it easier for some people.

    Please see Sherry.

    We need to let them know we won't take this anymore.

    Please sign the petitions and if you have more then one property you can sign and fill in the multiple addresses.

    Otherwise I will be in the poker room on Sat. Morning from 10 A.M.

    I will try to meet people where they want or even bring it to their home.

    Please e-mail me at:

    We need as many concerned homeowners to sign.

  2. From Marty Opinions

    I read with great interest the proposal to "fire" the 4 board member's, and Ms. Seddon, also along with the lot of them her friends. While all this would seem to get rid of a cancer that has spread in our "mini government" it would also send a message of, "we are watching you."

    Of course Ms. Meese "skated" thru this entire issue and should feel very lucky her reign came to an end when it did. I hope she gets it and "lays low" forever.

    I look forward to a favorable result that will clean house and bring a vote of confidence for our community and in this particular case people will become involved.

  3. Marty, initial reports are that unit owners are sending numerous emails to the coordinator, assistant coordinators, and contact persons for multiple petitions.

    We have even had requests from those unit owners who are "snowbirds" which are being mailed to them for signature.

    A particularly humorous comment came from another blog.

    Claiming to be a "reporter", for some reason, he has avoided the entire subject, instead ridiculing an Anthem Opinions reader, and defending a $200,000 salaried CFO's numbers, which of course, have been heavily questioned.

    ...all that from a guy who obviously didn't know how to count himself, when it came to paying Massachusetts their taxes on behalf of the client who trusted him and subsequently had to cover his tracks with forgery.

    Oh well...he is what he believe himself to be...while those who have witnessed his "I am a somebody" antics over the years, more correctly look at him as a "wannabe" whose life is filled with failure.

    Increasing numbers in the community now consider him "yesterday's newspaper" and the real architect of the words "fake news".

    Someone should ask him why his "black box camouflaged blog counter" is being discontinued as of July 1, 2017.

    We's because people are finally wising up to the destruction he's endorsed again and again, and consider him a man in deep need of permanent retirement.

    We no longer get angry at him or his minion's derogatory remarks toward others. Now its laughter and similar to reading a supermarket tabloid.

  4. Yep. I made a tongue-in-cheek comment about the "content" of a comment and did not attack the person. But good old Dave had to make insulting commennts about me instead of sticking to the issues. Yep. I'm a deplorable

  5. From Barry Opinions


    Isn't it funny that he is now attacking my wife on his blog?

    I guess she is not allowed to have her own opinion.

    He makes it sound that she is doing this because I was not elected to the board.

    I find it funny that his followers all of a sudden worry about the cost of having a recall vote.

    When it came time to lend our money to a restaurant, they were silent.

    Nowhere on his blog did he mention that Nona made a motion to save the association thousands of dollars by switching the board fiduciary training to NRED Free of charge, performed here at SCA, open to members of the association, any member interested in running for a future board could get an idea what it would be like.

    Naturally certain members of the board shut her down.

    What about those thousands of dollars?

    They label people that support the petition as haters, what's next deplorables?

  6. Lawrence & Barry,

    You have to consider the source. The system he has promoted has finally become so flawed, that the sole argument remaining in his arsenal is character assassination.

    It's been a weapon used so many times that only a fool would have difficulty not seeing through.

    As I said in a previous comment, he's "yesterday's newspaper".

    He knows it, and most of the community knows it. That's why so many people have signed the petitions.

    Only his diehard minions are left in his world of name calling and character assassination.

    If that is entertaining to them, obviously they must have had unfulfilled and unhappy lives to consider such an individual a role model.

    Just ignore him.

    Most now do, and the disappearance of his blog counter as of 7/1/17 clearly demonstrates my point.
