Information Pages

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Anti-Recall Supporters Will Do Anything to Keep "The Machine"

Fake News...Insults
Avoiding the Allegations
Dominate Anti-Removal Forces

As the days proceed, the Anti-Removal forces have, in our opinion, become so panic stricken at the potential loss of their "machine", they have reverted to depths that have created the most embarrassing, controversial, and concerning moments in Sun City Anthem history.

Let's begin with the first:

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According to the leader of the "Anti-Removal pack", it has been alleged that numerous individuals have been approached by someone saying a 20% increase in dues assessments is on its way to Sun City Anthem unit owners.

We have no idea as to who that person would be, or if that person even exists !

Here is what we do know about that allegation:

First, NO NAMES were identified as to the individuals regarding those "numerous messages" supposedly received by any person.

Second, NO NAME was identified as to the identity of the individual that approached the individual who reported the matter.

Third, NO NAME was identified as to who the individual who was making the 20% dues increase allegation.

As we previously said...

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Now let's get to the...

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This is not fake news and has been verified.

It seems that when a petitioner was attempting to obtain signatures from unit owners, she was verbally attacked by a leader of the Anti-Removal forces, former Board Director, Carl Weinstein.

To our knowledge, no petitioner has been accused of creating any unpleasant incident toward any individual refusing to sign the removal petition.

Mr. Weinstein...

carl-300x225.jpg (300×225) a fit of rage, and in front of a group of people, insulted her by calling her a...

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Keep that in mind, ladies

He represented you the past two years on the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors. what the Anti-Removal people are asking you to consider "acceptable behavior" in their representation.

The Pro-Removal people have literally been "demonized" by the Anti-Removal forces for following the laws of the State of Nevada, yet they have maintained their dignity, avoided controversy, and politely accepted any petition refusal.

And, third...

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Many have asked, "What's this Recall about?"

The anti-Removal folks never want to confront the real issues.
Instead, they choose a political tactic called:

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Does this fit the picture of what we have witnessed by supporting the removal of the various Board members?

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These individuals refuse to confront the allegations and instead, make every attempt imaginable to avoid them. 

In this case they will cite costs, criticize petition seekers, and even call in former directors whom they consider a success; when in fact, those same directors often laid the foundation for the current removal movement.

They will try anything imaginable to avoid the question at hand, namely...

"Should these individuals continue their present course of governance?"

You will not see a full disclosure, nor will you likely hear a rebuttal, from those who have been charged...

...and that should have any thinking individual VERY CONCERNED.

Anthem Opinions published the contents of the Removal Petitions, the "No Confidence" allegations against the General Manager, as well as, the requirements to remove the Directors in question.

Here they are for your convenience:

We seek accuracy and fairness, but without full disclose, bias and corruption will continue to be a way of life in our community. 

We hope those who have been accused will defend themselves.

It's the right...and reasonable...thing.. any honest individual would do.

This Recall effort is a quest to "take back a community" and restore kindness, open communication, and a neighborly spirit.

It must start with the leadership, and accomplishing these goals can only result by removing those whose actions have impeded those objectives.

Got an opinion? 

Send it to us at:
  1. From Linda Opinions

    What has become of Carl Weinstein?

    This latest outburst was rude, obnoxious, and certainly not in keeping with an individual who was a member of the Board.

    He used to think of the association, but it seems he are now in bed with Weddle, Niesen, Waterhouse, and Burch (ALL that HE openly criticized openly when HE was running for office and needed votes and he criticized David's Anthem Journal and Dave Berman).

    NOW, he lost the election, is bored (?) and he would be happy with the SAME people that grossly lack in skills needed to run any corporation?

    We are sorry we voted for him and thankful he did not win!

    We need NEW ideas, NEW people (not same ole guard).

    Seems as only one trying to do anything is Nona Tobin.

    I guess the GROUP will not listen to her ideas or expertise any more than they did Weinstein or Mayfield this past year.

    Jim Mayfield and Carl Weinstein DID try to educate Weddle, Niesen, and others BUT now Carl is “in with the group” and is backtracking on everything he promised as a candidate.

    He would be the first in line for the recall given his current position.

    We (and many others) think he needs professional help and hope he has family that is alive and can take care of him as the mental decline is obvious as is the physical.
  2. Linda,

    Watching his actions have baffled all of us, but it does appear that based on his recent outbursts and support for individuals he once openly criticized, something is rather strange.

    It's one thing to refuse to sign a petition, but to go on a rampage?

    No matter what the case, there is no excuse to call an innocent woman such a degrading name.

    He is what he is, and perhaps it's time he just sit back and enjoy his remaining years. between the lines, his behavior is typical of what we've witnessed before on numerous occasions from those many wish recalled; namely, smiling to your face, telling you what you want to get elected, and then, when your back is turned, getting stabbed in the back.

  1. From Buddy Opinions

    The best endorsement of the Recall effort has to be the ravings of Carl Weinstein, combined with Ron Johson's recent article.

    Weinstein's latest outburst is just another example of how important it is to rid SCA of the mentality he has displayed day in and day out.

    The latest, after getting past his latest name calling display, is even more ridiculous.

    How any person can look at the latest dissertation by Ron Johnson, filled with one contradiction after another, yet still want to retain the members of the Board, if about as illogical as anything anyone could imagine.

    Only Weinstein can somehow understand it.
    1. As the article has stated, the objective is determining if removing 4 Sun City Anthem Board members with a "No Confidence" petition against the association General Manager, will better our community.

      Tactics to "stonewall" that effort in diverting attention from the real issues on which the Removal petitions are based, are merely smoke screens to avoid the issues at hand, namely:

      Should they or should they not, be retained? Would our community be better off with them not a part of it's governance?

      That is for you to decide.

      The allegations have been made; and they have made legally, and in our opinion, they must be addressed...

      ...addressed by the accused parties, not by others who would take it upon themselves to speak on their behalf.

      To date, that has not taken place.

      We have pleaded with them to respond to the allegations, yet nothing surfaces from them.

      If they are innocent, why won't they tell us why they are, and explain why EACH allegation is false?

      Is that too much to ask of those who told us they would act in our best interests?

      They gladly spoke of their qualifications when running for office, and now, all that is being asked of them, is a complete explanation of a number of their actions, actions alleged in the Removal petitions.

      That silence is similar to taking the 5th Amendment:

      ..refusing to make statements which likely would incriminate themselves.

      Yes, they have that right, but does that cast doubt? Do you deserve to hear from them personally?

      It certainly does cast a doubt in the eyes of many, and their silence serves as just another reason for Removal.


  1. From Linda Opinions

    What has become of Carl Weinstein?

    This latest outburst was rude, obnoxious, and certainly not in keeping with an individual who was a member of the Board.

    He used to think of the association, but it seems he are now in bed with Weddle, Niesen, Waterhouse, and Burch (ALL that HE openly criticized openly when HE was running for office and needed votes and he criticized David's Anthem Journal and Dave Berman).

    NOW, he lost the election, is bored (?) and he would be happy with the SAME people that grossly lack in skills needed to run any corporation?

    We are sorry we voted for him and thankful he did not win!

    We need NEW ideas, NEW people (not same ole guard).

    Seems as only one trying to do anything is Nona Tobin.

    I guess the GROUP will not listen to her ideas or expertise any more than they did Weinstein or Mayfield this past year.

    Jim Mayfield and Carl Weinstein DID try to educate Weddle, Niesen, and others BUT now Carl is “in with the group” and is backtracking on everything he promised as a candidate.

    He would be the first in line for the recall given his current position.

    We (and many others) think he needs professional help and hope he has family that is alive and can take care of him as the mental decline is obvious as is the physical.

  2. Linda,

    Watching his actions have baffled all of us, but it does appear that based on his recent outbursts and support for individuals he once openly criticized, something is rather strange.

    It's one thing to refuse to sign a petition, but to go on a rampage?

    No matter what the case, there is no excuse to call an innocent woman such a degrading name.

    He is what he is, and perhaps it's time he just sit back and enjoy his remaining years. between the lines, his behavior is typical of what we've witnessed before on numerous occasions from those many wish recalled; namely, smiling to your face, telling you what you want to get elected, and then, when your back is turned, getting stabbed in the back.


  3. From Buddy Opinions

    The best endorsement of the Recall effort has to be the ravings of Carl Weinstein, combined with Ron Johson's recent article.

    Weinstein's latest outburst is just another example of how important it is to rid SCA of the mentality he has displayed day in and day out.

    The latest, after getting past his latest name calling display, is even more ridiculous.

    How any person can look at the latest dissertation by Ron Johnson, filled with one contradiction after another, yet still want to retain the members of the Board, if about as illogical as anything anyone could imagine.

    Only Weinstein can somehow understand it.

  4. As the article has stated, the objective is determining if removing 4 Sun City Anthem Board members with a "No Confidence" petition against the association General Manager, will better our community.

    Tactics to "stonewall" that effort in diverting attention to the real issues on which the Removal petitions are based, are merely smoke screens to avoid the issues at hand, namely:

    Should they or should they not, be retained? Have their actions dictated removal?

    That is for you to decide.

    The allegations have been made; and they have made legally, and in our opinion, they must be addressed...

    ...addressed by the accused parties, not by others who would take it upon themselves to speak on their behalf.

    To date, that has not taken place.

    We have pleaded with them to respond to the allegations, yet nothing surfaces from them.

    If they are innocent, why won't they tell us why, and explain why EACH allegation is false?

    Is that too much to ask of those who told us they would act in our best interests?

    They gladly spoke of their qualifications when running for office, and now, all that is being asked of them, is a complete explanation of their actions since they were elected, actions alleged in the Removal petitions.

    That silence is similar to taking the 5th Amendment:

    ..refusing to make statements which likely would likely incriminate themselves.

    Yes, they have that right, but does that cast doubt?

    It certainly does in the eyes of many, and another reason for Removal.
