Information Pages

Monday, July 24, 2017

Petition Removal Signature Pages

Looking for the Removal Petitions & Signature Pages ?

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Anthem Opinions has received numerous requests to obtain both the verbiage of the petitions, as well as the signature pages of those directors we believe should be removed from the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors.

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The actual wording of the  Director Removal Petition and  General Manager "No Confidence" Petition can be viewed by clicking on this link:

We have also created Director Removal signature pages for your convenience for the following Sun City Anthem Board Directors subject to removal.

These may be downloaded by clicking on the respective link for each Board member below their name.

Print one for each director you would want removed, and sign it.

They are:

Rex Weddle
Click Here
Thomas Nissen
Click Here
Aletta Waterhouse
Click Here
Robert Burch
Click Here
Sandy Seddon No Confidence 
Note that a separate signature is required for each Board member you would seek to be removed from the Sun City Anthem Board.

Once completed, send an email to the Removal Coordinator, Robert N. at:

You will be contacted as to a convenient time where the signed petitions can be conveniently delivered or picked up at your home or other location.

  1. From Sherry Opinions

    If anyone in Black Mountain Village wants to sign the petition or needs filled out pages picked up, I would be happy to pick them up, or they can drop them off to me. Ii am off Merrimack.
  1. From Philip Opinions

    SCA Opinions:

    The email I received from you by Robert N. Coordinator is absolutely laughable.

    Not one argument was made to justify removal of any board of directors member.

    This recall election is a total waste of time.

    The individuals perpetrating this hoax on residents of SCA should be held accountable and made to pay for any expenses incurred by their hoax.
  2. Mr. Livingston,

    You are entitled to your opinion as any other resident.

    Frankly, your refusing to acknowledge reality is concerning. Then again, we know you are a consistent follower of an individual whose half-truths over the years have contributed to a corrupt infection that has grown to a degree where many who refused to believe the corruption existed, can no longer avoid its existence.

    As far as Robert N, he is a dedicated member of Sun City Anthem who has devoted countless hours in his constant attempts to "drain the Sun City Anthem swamp" of those current Board members who have betrayed the confidence of their constituents, met in secret meetings, and have made some of the most disastrous financial decisions in the history of our community.

    No sir, we have not created a hoax, we have exposed the one you and others have perpetuated for years.


  1. From Sherry Opinions

    If anyone in Black Mountain Village wants to sign the petition or needs filled out pages picked up, I would be happy to pick them up, or they can drop them off to me. Ii am off Merrimack.

  2. From Philip Opinions

    SCA Opinions:

    The email I received from you by Robert N. Coordinator is absolutely laughable.

    Not one argument was made to justify removal of any board of directors member.

    This recall election is a total waste of time.

    The individuals perpetrating this hoax on residents of SCA should be held accountable and made to pay for any expenses incurred by their hoax.

  3. Mr. Livingston,

    You are entitled to your opinion as any other resident.

    Frankly, your refusing to acknowledge reality is concerning. Then again, we know you are a consistent follower of an individual whose half-truths over the years have contributed to a corrupt infection that has grown to a degree where many who refused to believe the corruption existed, can no longer avoid its existence.

    As far as Robert N, he is a dedicated member of Sun City Anthem who has devoted countless hours in his constant attempts to "drain the Sun City Anthem swamp" of those current Board members who have betrayed the confidence of their constituents, met in secret meetings, and have made some of the most disastrous financial decisions in the history of our community.

    No sir, we have not created a hoax, we have exposed the one you and others have perpetuated for years.
