Information Pages

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Meet Adam Clarkson: Sun City Anthem Association Attorney

Sun City Anthem Association Attorney
Adam Clarkson
A Former Associate
 Nancy Quon 

It comes as no surprise that Sun City Anthem's newest Association Attorney, Adam Clarkson, made his "mark" on Sun City Anthem history by stating his opinion that Director Nona Tobin be removed from the Sun City Anthem Board.

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The reports of his arrogance at the Board meeting in which Nona was removed have since shocked the Sun City Anthem community in the manner which she was "blindsided" by the Sun City Anthem Board and cruelly "fired".

When Ms. Tobin was given her "hit the road" letter by attorney Clarkson as she entered the Board meeting a few weeks ago, Rana Goodman of Anthem Today asked Clarkson which Nevada statute he was citing that allowed the Board to remove her.

...and his response was startling.

His answer was merely "talk to Nona".

 According to Nevada statutes, it appears such "action" taken by a Homeowners Association Board is ILLEGAL; that such  action DEMANDS that the individual being removed have an opportunity of defending oneself BEFORE THE NEVADA REAL ESTATE DIVISION.

No such opportunity was afforded Nona Tobin and the matter is now the subject of a formal complaint filed with the Nevada Real Estate Division.

Following that disgraceful act, the deceptive ballots were mailed; however, when a unit owner sent an email to General Manager, Sandy Seddon,  asking for a substitute ballot due to his not having received forwarded mail, he received this response from her....which, according to this email, represented advice from the Clarkson law firm.

"As we discussed SCA is not managing the recall election.  

The decision was made to have a 3rd party handle all aspects of the election.  

In speaking with the attorney he provided me the comments below:

NRS 116.31036(3)(a)requires the ballots to be mailed by USPS and does not provide/allow for in person pick up.  

The owners should not be directed to Ovist & Howard or your office.  

We will direct Ovist & Howard not to communicate or respond with owners

Owners are responsible to maintain their current mailing address with the Association, which is where their ballots will be mailed pursuant to the mailing list provided by your office.  

If owners will be out of town they may go online for mail forwarding.  

If owners will be out of town and do not believe they will be able to set up mail forwarding then that is their choice, but they are not entitled to alternative arrangements.

So, I understand your concerns and desire to vote in the recall election.  

I provided the direct language to you so that you would understand that I have no alternative for you."

This response was then brought to the attention of the Ombudsman, who we believe,  REVERSED the letter's contents by allowing individuals who had not received their ballots TO CONTACT the CPA FIRM DIRECTLY, for a substitute ballot to be forwarded.

Just who is our new association attorney, Adam Clarkson?

We did a bit of research on Mr. Clarkson and found out where he may have learned his "eloquent" manner of communication.

Once we opened the link, we scrolled down the summary and learned an interesting tidbit about Mr. Clarkson's past employment.

Turns out that Clarkson was a former associate in the law firm of:

 "Quon Bruce Christiansen"

For you readers who weren't around back in 2008 and 2009, we had a massive FBI investigation regarding widespread homeowners association FRAUD;  and during that investigation, a number of individuals that included attorneys and law enforcement officials, "coincidentally" committed suicide prior to "facing the music" !

One headline read:

"FOUR public figures - including a police chief and two lawyers - 'commit suicide' after probe into homeowners association fraud"

And one of those attorneys was a woman named:

Nancy Quon

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Want to know more about the homeowners association scandal?

Here are a few articles you might examine.

We are not accusing Mr. Clarkson of any wrongdoing and he was not charged with any crime, but we do wonder if this news was ever disclosed and/or discovered during his interview process when General Manager, Sandy SeddonHIGHLY RECOMMENDED HIM and the Board merely went along with HER REQUEST.

You be the judge !

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Rana Opinions

    I miss John Leach; bet you never thought you would hear me say that!
  2. From Jeff Opinions

    Can you tell me who to contact about not receiving the special "no confidence" ballot.

    I’m a part time resident and have my mail delivered to my home in Illinois.

    To date I have not received it.
  3. Jeff,

    We get so many inquiries about this removal election.


    Because of the deception that was sent and left so many questions unanswered...

    ...and in our opinion, was intentional to taint a true vote total.

    Let's cover a few of them.


    There is no ballot for the General Manager. Her petitions (836 signed) were non-binding and used to merely show the current Board how dissatisfied so many owners were with her actions and "decrees". 

    We can't even get the Board to acknowledge a request that they be placed in her permanent employee file to be used for performance measurement and compensation increases.


    There is the question as to the removal ballot itself. 

    The original letter from the CPA firm wouldn't even provide owners a telephone number to call.

    It was then that numerous complaints and letters were sent to the Nevada Ombudsman complaining about the method in which they were DISGUISED and in so many cases, were "tossed in the garbage" by owners believing the letter from the CPA firm (Ovist & Howard, CPAs) was nothing but a junk mail solicitation.

    GM Seddon would then send the "attorney advice" that essentially convened this message:


    As a result of that DECEPTION, honesty prevailed and you can indeed obtain a substitute ballot by contacting the CPA firm directly at:

    (702) 456-1300
    1. From Joseph Opinions

      So now you want color coded envelopes?

      Isn’t that unfair to those of us who are color blind?

      There are some people who will always blame others for their own stupidity.

      You throw away mail without opening it and then blame others for not getting your ballot.

      How about an envelope that says “Hey stupid, open this, it’s your ballot”.

      Stop blaming others for your own incompetence.
    2. Joe,

      Come on, is that the next excuse to disguise DECEPTION?

      Discrimination against color blind individuals?

      Well Joe, perhaps if they would have printed "Hey Stupid, open this, it's Your Ballot", it might have avoided a lot of confusion...and with the inclusion of the word "Removal", at the very least people MIGHT have been curious to open it.

      But THEY DIDN'T, did they?

      Joe, lots of people dispose of mail that appears to be junk, and in this case, how many people would be able to recognize an envelope from an unknown CPA firm...completely unmarked with any SCA to it pertaining to anything to do with SCA, much less a ballot to remove directors?

      Evidently the "stupid" authorities recognized how DECEIVING the mailing was, and as a result, the "stupid" people were DECEIVED, and then were allowed to obtain a substitute ballot.

      Do you really justify the manner in which the ballots were mailed, considering there has NEVER BEEN ANY OFFICiAL PUBLICATION from SCA management that a removal election is even taking place?

      If so, please send us a response so as our readers can understand your thinking.
      1. From Anthony Opinions

        How much garbage needs to be uncovered before the Sun City Anthem association gets off it's collective butt & fires Seddon, and recalls the 3 board of directors ?

        What does it it take to understand that the Board & Seddon are frauds, & only looking out for themselves?

        Any associate of dead (suicide victim) Nancy Quon, a former associate of Clarkson, is obviously NOT another GREAT choice by the BOARD OF SUN CITY ANTHEM.

        What do you need to act & move forward with the recall & fire SEDDON, ANOTHER SLIMELY CREATURE OF THE GREAT SUN CITY ?

        Get off your butts people !

        1. From Jeff Opinions

          Thanks for giving me the phone for the CPA firm.

          Just called and was told that the person handling the ballots, Eric Lorenz, wasn't in and won't be available until Monday.

          Must be another way that the board is trying to interfere in this procedure.
        2. Jeff,

          You have to be kidding. We're paying some high class CPA firm and that's the answer you got?

          Some CPA firm...only one individual who can send out a substitute ballot?

          Let's see, assuming you reach him and he does indeed send you the substitute ballot, that means another FOUR to FIVE days will pass until you get it.

          What a sham !

          Looks like the Ombudsman will get another complaint.
          1. From Douglas Opinions

            I called and was told the person in chargewon't be in till Monday.

            How inconvenient.

            So another 4 day delay.
          2. Looks like you're not the only one, Douglas.

            By the way, we had another question come up from a reader regarding her not obtaining a ballot at all.

            After she told me she was an owner, not a renter, she was going to make a copy of a ballot from her neighbor and send it back in her own envelope.

            NO NO NO..not acceptable and will be VOIDED.

            You have to call the CPA firm and HOPEFULLY get through to them on Monday.

            What's next folks?

            This is getting past DECEPTIVE & DISHONEST; now we're at INTELLIGENCE INSULTING and STONEWALLING.

            How could any honest individual want to be keep any of these people in charge?

            Maybe I answered my own question.

            You couldn't possibly be HONEST, if you did !
            1. From Barry Opinions

              Dick, regarding association legal fees, the latest numbers I have are from 8/31.

              Actual paid in August:  $25,919.50

              Budgeted:  $7,500

              Actual over budget YTD:   $91,714.03.
              1. From Laura OpinIons

                1. I am an 84 year old living in Sun City and had posted to a blog before today. I was directed to a different blog by a neighbor, who explained to me the ballot, which by the way I nearly threw away. My ballot is still awaiting my decision. I've read a lot on here and on the other blog. There is an awful lot to digest. I remain confused and posted the following to the other blog. I received a partial answer, and wondered if you have a comment, as you appear to be the main outlet for voices on the removal side.

                  I have one nagging observation. Why, when this thing got started, didn't the Board have a dialog with the removal advocates? Why haven't they at least notified every one this is happening? I feel that if the Board had listened to the advocates we might have been able to address most of the issues without the special election. According to your blog the removal folks just don't understand. Your voice appears to be the only one defending the Board's actions. Why are they silent? Why won't they explain themselves and defend their activities as not illegal? Has the lawyer taken away their right to do so?
                  1. Jack,

                    Your observations are good ones.

                    First, when the original petitions were brought out, Anthem Opinions made a suggestion that the 4 of those who were originally subject to removal, sit at a desk and let the entire community ask questions to each of them.

                    That suggestion was ignored; however, the other blogger, David Berman, came up with the stupid idea that he would be their spokesman and answer questions on their behalf.

                    What Berman doesn't seem to understand is that he is not a Board member and most people couldn't care less about what he thinks, that those of us who were in favor of the removal wanted to talk to the "real McCoy", rather than their shill.

                    The community elected THEM, not him and if they were unable to defend themselves, that obviously meant they either chose not to, or were incapable of doing so.

                    Instead they have taken to the pen and written emails to many in the community...a convenient way to boast of their achievements, but cowardly when not questioned publicly.

                    And so their "political appointees" have also done so because most of them are a part of their "machine".

                    I don't quite understand your comment about Anthem Opinions being the only one defending Board actions. On the contrary, we've examined those actions and find many of them questionable at best.

                    Going to a Board meeting means they allow you to speak 2 minutes before they get started and 2 minutes thereafter while they pine away listening to themselves vote on things that have already been decided on in their private "secret meetings" that they refer to as "executive sessions".

                    Your comments at Board meetings are normally meaningless. I suggest you attend one yourself to witness the same 30-50 people out of 12,000+ who reside in Sun City Anthem.

                    Most couldn't read a balance sheet or income statement if their lives depended on it. The average individual who attends believes they "know it all" yet you would be hard pressed to find many who have had any relevant business experience (as do board members), and the results of their decisions are obvious:

                    Failed restaurants
                    Increased dues
                    Outrageous incomes paid to personnel

                    You may be at an age where your joining some kind of committee may be tedious, but if you do, before you do, make sure you are lock step in the system's beliefs, or you will either be shunned by those who do, or the frustration of watching so many of the bureaucrats in action, will result in your saying "Why did I ever get involved with any of this?"

                    Jack, the removal proponents want a "new beginning". This current bunch are nothing more than "recycled" old guard who perpetuate a system that has over the years, developed into an inefficient "good ole boy" network whose results in the real word would have had them fired by any standard.

                    We want leaders who have relevant experience, who in turn will appoint those to committees who are knowledgeable and can provide valued input with differing opinions.

                    The immense amount of talent in so many different fields have been overlooked, and we would hope "a new beginning" would welcome that belief and encourage varying thoughts in order to come to a logical conclusion before casting any vote.

                    Good luck in your decision Jack. I wish more people would take the time to do what you did.

                    My best.


  1. From Rana Opinions

    I miss John Leach; bet you never thought you would hear me say that!

  2. From Jeff Opinions

    Can you tell me who to contact about not receiving the special "no confidence" ballot.

    I’m a part time resident and have my mail delivered to my home in Illinois.

    To date I have not received it.

  3. Jeff,

    We get so many inquiries about this removal election.


    Because of the deception that was sent and left so many questions unanswered...

    ...and in our opinion, was intentional to taint a true vote total.

    Let's cover a few of them.


    There is no ballot for the General Manager. Her petitions (836 signed) were non-binding and used to merely show the current Board how dissatisfied so many owners were with her actions and "decrees".

    We can't even get the Board to acknowledge a request that they be placed in her permanent employee file to be used for performance measurement and compensation increases.


    There is the question as to the removal ballot itself.

    The original letter from the CPA firm wouldn't even provide owners a telephone number to call.

    It was then that numerous complaints and letters were sent to the Nevada Ombudsman complaining about the method in which they were DISGUISED and in so many cases, were "tossed in the garbage" by owners believing the letter from the CPA firm (Ovist & Howard, CPAs) was nothing but a junk mail solicitation.

    GM Seddon would then send the "attorney advice" that essentially convened this message:


    As a result of that DECEPTION, honesty prevailed and you can indeed obtain a substitute ballot by contacting the CPA firm directly at:

    (702) 456-1300

  4. From Joseph Opinions

    So now you want color coded envelopes?

    Isn’t that unfair to those of us who are color blind?

    There are some people who will always blame others for their own stupidity.

    You throw away mail without opening it and then blame others for not getting your ballot.

    How about an envelope that says “Hey stupid, open this, it’s your ballot”.

    Stop blaming others for your own incompetence.

  5. Joe,

    Come on, it that the next excuse to disguise DECEPTION?

    Discrimination against color blind individuals?

    Well Joe, perhaps if they would have printed "Hey Stupid, open this, it's Your Ballot", it might have avoided a lot of confusion...and with the inclusion of the word "Removal", at the very least people MIGHT have been curious to open it.

    But THEY DIDN'T, did they?

    Joe, lots of people dispose of mail that appears to be junk, and in this case, how many people would be able to recognize an envelope from an unknown CPA firm...completely unmarked with any SCA to it pertaining to anything to do with SCA, much less a ballot to remove directors?

    Evidently the "stupid" authorities recognized how DECEIVING the mailing was, and as a result, the "stupid" people were DECEIVED, and then were allowed to obtain a substitute ballot.

    Do you really justify the manner in which the ballots were mailed, considering there has NEVER BEEN ANY OFFICiAL PUBLICATION from SCA management that a removal election is even taking place?

    If so, please send us a response so as our readers can understand your thinking.

  6. From Jeff Opinions

    Thanks for giving me the phone for the CPA firm.

    Just called and was told that the person handling the ballots, Eric Lorenz, wasn't in and won't be available until Monday.

    Must be another way that the board is trying to interfere in this procedure.

  7. Jeff,

    You have to be kidding. We're paying some high clss CPA firm and that's the answer you got?

    Some CPA firm...only one individual who can send out a substitute ballot?

    Let's see, assuming you reach him and he does indeed send you the substitute ballot, that means another FOUR to FIVE days will pass until you get it.

    What a sham !

    Looks like the Ombudsman will get another complaint.

  8. From Douglas Opinions

    I called and was told the person in chargewon't be in till Monday.

    How inconvenient.

    So another 4 day delay.

  9. Looks like you're not the only one, Douglas.

    By the way, we had another question come up from a reader regarding her not obtaining a ballot at all.

    After she told me she was an owner, not a renter, she was going to make a copy of a ballot from her neighbor and send it back in her own envelope.

    NO NO NO..not acceptable and will be VOIDED.

    You have to call the CPA firm and HOPEFULLY get through to them on Monday.

    What's next folks?


    How could any honest individual want to be keep any of these people in charge?

    Maybe I answered my own question.

    You couldn't possibly be HONEST, if you did !

  10. From Barry Opinions

    Dick, regarding association legal fees, the latest numbers I have are from 8/31.

    Actual paid in August $25,919.50.

    Budgeted $7,500

    Actual over budget YTD $91,714.03.

  11. From Laura OpinIons


  12. I am an 84 year old living in Sun City and had posted to a blog before today. I was directed to a different blog by a neighbor, who explained to me the ballot, which by the way I nearly threw away. My ballot is still awaiting my decision. I've read a lot on here and on the other blog. There is an awful lot to digest. I remain confused and posted the following to the other blog. I received a partial answer, and wondered if you have a comment, as you appear to be the main outlet for voices on the removal side.

    I have one nagging observation. Why, when this thing got started, didn't the Board have a dialog with the removal advocates? Why haven't they at least notified every one this is happening? I feel that if the Board had listened to the advocates we might have been able to address most of the issues without the special election. According to your blog the removal folks just don't understand. Your voice appears to be the only one defending the Board's actions. Why are they silent? Why won't they explain themselves and defend their activities as not illegal? Has the lawyer taken away their right to do so?

    Jack Fate

  13. Jack,

    Your observations are good ones.

    First, when the original petitions were brought out, Anthem Opinions made a suggestion that the 4 of those who were originally subject to removal, sit at a desk and let the entire community ask questions to each of them.

    That suggestion was ignored; however, the other blogger, David Berman, came up with the stupid idea that he would be their spokesman and answer questions on their behalf.

    What Berman doesn't seem to understand is that he is not a Board member and most people couldn't care less about what he thinks, that those of us who were in favor of the removal wanted to talk to the "real McCoy", rather than their shill.

    The community elected THEM, not him and if they were unable to defend themselves, that obviously meant they either chose not to, or were incapable of doing so.

    Instead they have taken to the pen and written emails to many in the community...a convenient way to boast of their achievements, but cowardly when not questioned publicly.

    And so their "political appointees" have also done so because most of them are a part of their "machine".

    I don't quite understand your comment about Anthem Opinions being the only one defending Board actions. On the contrary, we've examined those actions and find many of them questionable at best.

    Going to a Board meeting means they allow you to speak 2 minutes before they get started and 2 minutes thereafter while they pine away listening to themselves vote on things that have already been decided on in their private "secret meetings" that they refer to as "executive sessions".

    Your comments at Board meetings are normally meaningless. I suggest you attend one yourself to witness the same 30-50 people out of 12,000+ who reside in Sun City Anthem, who remind me of bobbleheads in the rear of a car window.

    Most couldn't read a balance sheet or income statement if their lives depended on it. The average individual who attends believes they "know it all" yet you would be hard pressed to find many who have had any relevant business experience (as do board members), and the results of their decisions are obvious:

    Failed restaurants
    Increased dues
    Outrageous incomes paid to personnel

    You may be at an age where your joining some kind of committee may be tedious, but if you do, before you do, make sure you are lock step in the system's beliefs, or you will either be shunned by those who do, or the frustration of watching so many of the bureaucrats in action, will result in your saying "Why did I ever get involved with any of this?"

    Jack, the removal proponents want a "new beginning". This current bunch are nothing more than "recycled" old guard who perpetuate a system that has over the years, developed into an inefficient "good ole boy" network whose results in the real word would have had them fired by any standard.

    We want leaders who have relevant experience, who in turn will appoint those to committees who are knowledgeable and can provide valued input with differing opinions.

    The immense amount of talent in so many different fields have been overlooked, and we would hope "a new beginning" would welcome that belief and encourage varying thoughts in order to come to a logical conclusion before casting any vote.

    Good luck in your decision Jack. I wish more people would take the time to do what you did.

    My best.
