Information Pages

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

President of Foundation Assisting Seniors & Former Sun City Anthem President Weighs in On State of Sun City Anthem

Former Sun City Anthem President
Current Foundation Assisting Seniors President
Speaks Out
Removal Election

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 Favil West

Fake news abounds in our community. I’ve seen it produced by this SCA Board, a committee chair, a vice chair, a club president, a blogger and on down the line. Good grief even one of our board members has sent out a plea for you to vote no so she can stay on the board. A move without precedent.

Let’s look at the Berman blog. He unabashedly states that the 3 board members, currently to be recalled, have committed “no crimes or malfeasance.” 

That just is not true. 

I personally know of 8 infractions of NRS Statutes. For starters, the 3 board members to be removed are accused of having violated the following statutes:

1.     NRS 116.31035
2.     NRS 116.31036
3.     NRS 116.31088
4.     NRS 116.31085
5.     NRS 116.3108
6.     NRS 116.31184
7.     NRS 116.31183
8.     NRS 116.31175

At least one of these violations is a misdemeanor and even though it is in the NRS 116 ACT, it falls under other jurisdictions.

Ron Johnson produces an editorial page, usually well documented, the most recent of which has factually debunked most, if not all, of the claims made by the OSCAR group.

Dick Arendt lends his passion to the fray, stimulating research and thought, while Rana Goodman gives us a more even-handed treatment of the facts.

Nona Tobin just started a blog. We won’t know its character for a while, but I personally look forward to seeing it as I know it will contain significant detail.

To top it off, through personal conversations with the Ombudsman, I know that NRED is concerned with what is taking place here at Sun City Anthem.

Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of financial figures knows full well that numbers can be manipulated to show anything you want them to show.

I believe all of us have heard the old adage:  "figures lie and liars figure".  I fear that is true in the instant case.  

Why doesn’t the board lay out the true cost of management in dollars and cents for all the unit owners to see?

How much has this self- management debacle truly cost?

What was our annual cost of management before self- management and what is it now?

They should show consulting fees, the trips, parties, meals, salaries, separation payments, if any; the current salaries of the top 5 highest paid staff, their bonuses, their allowances, and their benefits; as well as, the total salary costs including that of Lori Martin, the recent Community Association Manager, who has or will shortly leave SCA.

Then add in the legal fees which according to the recent report, are approximately $90,000 over budget, and all the outside contracted work such as Information Technology, and all accounting services.

Once all of that is added together, we, the unit owners, can actually compare costs.

Until this information is released to the unit owners, well, we will never know the true costs.

While unit owners angst cannot be measured in terms of dollars and cents, there has been a substantial decrease in the happiness factor because of board, GM, and legal actions.

In my nearly 18 years living here in Sun City Anthem, six years of which I served on the SCA Board, I have never seen anything that compares with what is now happening on our hill.

This removal election has already turned into a debacle.

Words such as voter suppression, stupidity, mismanagement, failure of the board and its General Manager to do its fiduciary duty, and probably a few I cannot repeat, are being bantered around while board members are pleading for you to vote "no" so they can continue their sordid behavior.

Even those who do not support the recall agree that the ballot mailing and instructions show a high degree of incompetence.

In my opinion, these ballots should be thrown out and new ones issued.

These new ballots should be color coded to eliminate confusion, a simple explanation included, and, finally, the outside envelope should say "Ballot Enclosed".

That’s not too hard is it?

It’s what we've  done in the previous 17 elections. That is really not too hard if you know what you are doing.

Not withstanding the impact this will have on the reputation of our Sun City, win, lose, or draw, this removal election and the reasons for it will be an everlasting stigma on the 3 to be recalled, the rest of the board and its GM.

Frankly, in my opinion, Weddle, Burch, Nissen, and Waterhouse should all resign as they will have no respect in the future.

Folks, at the hands of this board and its immediate predecessor board, we are no longer the class active living community we once were.

Our reputation has been sullied by incompetence, prevarication, and dereliction.  How sad.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Anthem Opinions is proud to have former Board members send us articles to publish.

We thank Favil West for his critique of the Sun City Anthem affairs, and yes, the community blogs !

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Robert Opinions

    Again as I’ve previously stated “Where there’s Smoke there’s Fire”.

    I’ve met Favil West several times over the past 14 years.

    I do not know him personally but believe him to be a man of honesty and integrity based on all his previous years of “thankless” volunteer service to our community.

    To my way of thinking his reputation has been peerless.

    So I ask, why should he not be believed now?

    Oh, I see…Because the Foundation for Assisting Seniors was told by the Board to vacate the space they have used since he and Chuck Davis created the charity 17 YEARS AGO.

    Is Mr West’s response righteous indignation or a petty temper tantrum carried on by a spoiled child?

    Legality be damned over the use of the space.

    Had the board members wanted to continue to allow the space to be used as such, it would have happened.

    As the old saying goes,“Where there’s a will, there’s a way”…NO WILL-NO WAY…

    Forget all the other issues before the voters If you're on the fence about recalling the board members listed on the ballot.

    Please consider the above board action as to what is in the heart and mind of our elected representatives.

    So by all means vote…If you toss your ballot away no one wins as the recall effort requires at least 1/3 of the unit holders to vote…OTHERWISE…the election is void.
  2. From Robert Opinions

    "Let’s look at the Berman blog. He unabashedly states that the 3 board members, currently to be recalled, have committed “no crimes or malfeasance.”

    "That just is not true".

    Not surprising Berman can't decide what is true or what is false.

    Not surprising - after all, a leopard doesn't change it's spots.
    1. From Elaine Opinions

      I for one would love to have Favil run for the board again.

      Perhaps then, we can have some unity to this insane madness.
      1. From Robert Opinions

        "Let’s look at the Berman blog. He unabashedly states that the 3 board members, currently to be recalled, have committed “no crimes or malfeasance.”

        "That just is not true".

        Not surprising Berman can't decide what is true or what is false.

        Not surprising - after all, a leopard doesn't change it's spots.
      2. From Elaine Opinions

        I for one would love to have Favil run for the board again.

        Perhaps then, we can have some unity to this insane madness.
      3. Another message to Ms. Krivec. a member of the Sun City Anthem Election Committee...who calls many in our community IGNORANT.

        First of all, many of us have little if any regard for the association attorney you admire.

        Secondly, your and his concerns are now before the Ombudsman for election interference.

        Third, there is not a chance in the world many in this association believes the Election Committee hasn't been involved with the obvious deception ballot that was mailed...

        ....or...had you not been...

        ...common sense should have prevailed, and you and "your kind" would have voiced an objection as to the manner in which it has been handled.

        Just your obvious admiration for this association attorney more than convinces many of us, YOU are merely a member of the "MACHINE" that has been responsible for much of this...

        ...a member who somehow believes that because you are currently serving on the Election Committee, you have a duty to support each and every UNETHICAL thing this Board has done and continues to do.

        Where is your sense of fiduciary duty to homeowners, your morality, and your ethics?

        How dare you blame concerned homeowners for the problems we have uncovered; the problems "your kind" have been responsible for in your glowing endorsements of "the machine" regarding the emails "your kind" have sent to so many individuals?

        "Your kind" never took the opportunity to even make this community aware of the Removal election. 

        No, Ms. Krivec, YOU are just one of a group of individuals who have endorsed all the problems that "your kind" haven't even had the decency to inform the homeowners exist.

        That best describes a BUREAUCRAT.

        The ignorant ones are THOSE who are blind to accepting reality. 

        The intelligent ones can look at something with OPEN EYES to what "your kind" have done to the financial stability and neighborly spirit that once existed, that "your kind" have slowly DESTROYED.

        And, by the way, you can rant, but is there any reason you never saw fit to answer any of the questions I brought up in a previous comment?

        Or are you TOO UNINFORMED to answer them honestly or correctly, or are you merely listening to the BUREAUCRATIC rhetoric of "your kind"?
        1. Mr. West,
          Thank you for a clear and sober message. Just the facts. for those unfamiliar with the NRS regulations here are the main subject heading, and a bit of the verbiage from the first on Mr. West's list. 

          NRS 116.31035  Publications containing mention of candidate or ballot question: Requirements; limitations.
                1.  If an official publication contains any mention of a candidate or ballot question, the official publication must, upon request and under the same terms and conditions, provide equal space to all candidates or to a representative of an organization which supports the passage or defeat of the ballot question.
                2.  If an official publication contains the views or opinions of the association, the executive board, a community manager or an officer, employee or agent of an association concerning an issue of official interest, the official publication must, upon request and under the same terms and conditions, provide equal space to opposing views and opinions of a unit’s owner of the common-interest community.
                3.  If an association has a closed-circuit television station and that station interviews, or provides time to, a candidate or a representative of an organization which supports the passage or defeat of a ballot question, the closed-circuit television station must, under the same terms and conditions, allow equal time for all candidates or a representative of an opposing view to the ballot question.

          NRS 116.31036  Removal of member of executive board.

          NRS 116.31088  Meetings regarding civil actions; requirements for commencing or ratifying certain civil actions; right of units’ owners to request dismissal of certain civil actions; disclosure of terms and conditions of settlements.

          NRS 116.31085  Right of units’ owners to speak at certain meetings; limitations on right; limitations on power of executive board to meet in executive session; procedure governing hearings on alleged violations; requirements concerning minutes of certain meetings.

          NRS 116.3108  Meetings of units’ owners of association; frequency of meetings; calling special meetings; requirements concerning notice and agendas; requirements concerning minutes of meetings; right of units’ owners to make audio recordings of meetings.

          NRS 116.31184  Threats, harassment and other conduct prohibited; penalty.

          NRS 116.31183  Retaliatory action prohibited; separate action by unit’s owner.

          NRS 116.31175  Maintenance and availability of books, records and other papers of association: General requirements; exceptions; general records concerning certain violations; enforcement by Ombudsman; limitations on amount that may be charged to conduct review.

          To read them yourself go to:

          Thank you again Mr. West
        2. From Peter Opinions

          It seems every day or two another former Board member steps forward and writes an article in support of the need for such a recall.

          I believe Mr. Favil West has presented to date the strongest case yet for such a need. He states and provides a list of factual information that would be so easy for the Board to address and present to its members.

          With the Boards refusal to address such facts that these individuals have provided Anthem Opinions, readers over the past couple of weeks only adds to the concerns of one like myself has towards this current Board.

          I want to believe my HOA Board is trust worthy.

          Willing to seek bids and retain the best candidate for services provided.

          Willing to stand tall and admit to when mistakes are made and how the Board plans to move forward an correct them.

          Again, Mr. West has provided enough information of where they can start.

          As for all the accusations made against such a recall, such as our home values dropping, future impact of potential home sales, financial cost associated to this recall and so on are just accusations that have no basis of support.

          But what I believe will impact these items in the years to come is if today’s Board and those yet to follow, continue to leave the impression of mistrust by its members.

          Sun City Anthem is a great place to purchase a resident, to live in and enjoy the many amenities it has to offer.

          I will do my part in making sure it continues to stay that way and I hope many others will continue to do the same as well.

          I thank you for this opportunity.
        3. From Douglas Opinions

          I need to get the number and process to obtain my second ballot.

          Of course my renter thought it was junk mail and tossed it.

          Lots rentals here that owners have the same issue.

          No information sent out with ballot not even the past phone number?????
          1. Douglas, call the CPA firm, Ovist & Howard, CPAs at 

            (702) 456-1300.

            Thank goodness the concerned Sun City Residents contacted the Ombudsman's office to express their disgust with the way this entire matter was handled.

            The General Manager, Sandy Seddon, passed this DIGSUTING email to a resident 

            "NRS 116.31036(3)(a)requires the ballots to be mailed by USPS and does not provide/allow for in person pick up. The owners should not be directed to Ovist & Howard or your office. We will direct Ovist & Howard not to communicate or respond with owners. Owners are responsible to maintain their current mailing address with the Association, which is where their ballots will be mailed pursuant to the mailing list provided by your office. If owners will be out of town they may go online for mail forwarding. If owners will be out of town and do not believe they will be able to set up mail forwarding then that is their choice, but they are not entitled to alternative arrangements."

            Thankfully, this action was overturned as a result of the NUMEROUS COMPLAINTS.

            It was an obvious attempt to further "RIG" the election, but this time, the "OBSTRUCTIONISTS" lost.
            1. From Lynda Opinions

              Let me start by saying I have no dog in this fight. I am a renter therefore I have no voting power.

              Over a year ago the company I work for loaned me out to the Foundation Assisting Seniors to help them with administrative work since they have no paid employees. This past year because of the separation and
              divisiveness of the Community Service Group, my responsibilities now include taking requests for durable medical equipment and making sure they get delivered and or picked up.

              Over the past several months the Foundation has loaned out equipment to some of the same people who seem to come after the Foundation as if they were poachers or squatters. I'm somewhat surprised that they feel it necessary to bite the hand that helps them. These people seem to forget that if it weren't for the Foundation, they couldn't arbitrarily drop by the Foundation office to pick up equipment, (we had eight people this past week do so), or call and request equipment.

              Now I started this out by telling you I have no dog in this fight but what I do have is fight in THIS dog. I guess I don't understand why the same people who over and over again use the services of the Foundation for medical equipment, would come after them. I can tell you from experience that 90% Plus of the durable medical equipment is loaned out to this community, Sun City Anthem. Why you would ever want to move them from this convenient location or disparage their name is way beyond me.

              I cannot tell you how many times a week I get told "God bless you" or "Thank You for being here". Or even worse, " you made my spouse' last few days comfortable by providing the medical equipment I didn't HAVE to worry about."

              The argument with the board and the management is strictly that ..the argument with them. The Foundation has been dragged into this and it's sad. They will always exist no matter the outcome, but I think it's kind of silly that you're fighting about a piece of property that was initially created and negotiated so that they would be on property in the event of need.

              I cannot tell you how many times myself or one of the Board of Trustees have come to the store room after hours, at night, on weekends etc. to help someone in immediate need of durable medical equipment.

              We are bunch of seniors who daily grow older and sometimes more infirmed than we thought possible. Why would you want to remove a service from our property that provides the luxury of not having to spend money for medical equipment and provides it in a fast, efficient service.

              This is the back half of our lives , we should be enjoying it instead of bickering about it.


  1. From Robert Opinions

    Again as I’ve previously stated “Where there’s Smoke there’s Fire”.

    I’ve met Favil West several times over the past 14 years.

    I do not know him personally but believe him to be a man of honesty and integrity based on all his previous years of “thankless” volunteer service to our community.

    To my way of thinking his reputation has been peerless.

    So I ask, why should he not be believed now?

    Oh, I see…Because the Foundation for Assisting Seniors was told by the Board to vacate the space they have used since he and Chuck Davis created the charity 17 YEARS AGO.

    Is Mr West’s response righteous indignation or a petty temper tantrum carried on by a spoiled child?

    Legality be damned over the use of the space.

    Had the board members wanted to continue to allow the space to be used as such, it would have happened.

    As the old saying goes,“Where there’s a will, there’s a way”…NO WILL-NO WAY…

    Forget all the other issues before the voters If you're on the fence about recalling the board members listed on the ballot.

    Please consider the above board action as to what is in the heart and mind of our elected representatives.

    So by all means vote…If you toss your ballot away no one wins as the recall effort requires at least 1/3 of the unit holders to vote…OTHERWISE…the election is void.

  2. From Robert Opinions

    "Let’s look at the Berman blog. He unabashedly states that the 3 board members, currently to be recalled, have committed “no crimes or malfeasance.”

    "That just is not true".

    Not surprising Berman can't decide what is true or what is false.

    Not surprising - after all, a leopard doesn't change it's spots.

  3. From Elaine Opinions

    I for one would love to have Favil run for the board again.

    Perhaps then, we can have some unity to this insane madness.

  4. Another message to Ms. Krivec. a member of the Sun City Anthem Election Committee...who calls many in our community IGNORANT.

    First of all, many of us have little if any regard for the association attorney you admire.

    Secondly, your and his concerns are now before the Ombudsman for election interference.

    Third, there is not a chance in the world many in this association believes the Election Committee hasn't been involved with the obvious deception ballot that was mailed...

    ....or...had you not been...

    ...common sense should have prevailed, and you and "your kind" would have voiced an objection as to the manner in which it has been handled.

    Just your obvious admiration for this association attorney more than convinces many of us, YOU are merely a member of the "MACHINE" that has been responsible for much of this...

    ...a member who somehow believes that because you are currently serving on the Election Committee, you have a duty to support each and every UNETHICAL thing this Board has done and continues to do.

    Where is your sense of fiduciary duty to homeowners, your morality, and your ethics?

    How dare you blame concerned homeowners for the problems we have uncovered; the problems "your kind" have been responsible for in your glowing endorsements of "the machine" regarding the emails "your kind" have sent to so many individuals?

    "Your kind" never took the opportunity to even make this community aware of the Removal election.

    No, Ms. Krivec, YOU are just one of a group of individuals who have endorsed all the problems that "your kind" haven't even had the decency to inform the homeowners exist.

    That best describes a BUREAUCRAT.

    The ignorant ones are THOSE who are blind to accepting reality.

    The intelligent ones can look at something with OPEN EYES to what "your kind" have done to the financial stability and neighborly spirit that once existed, that "your kind" have slowly DESTROYED.

    And, by the way, you can rant, but is there any reason you never saw fit to answer any of the questions I brought up in a previous comment?

    Or are you TOO UNINFORMED to answer them honestly or correctly, or are you merely listening the BUREAUCRATIC rhetoric of "your kind"?

  5. Mr. West,
    Thank you for a clear and sober message. Just the facts. for those unfamiliar with the NRS regulations here are the main subject heading, and a bit of the verbiage from the first on Mr. West's list.

    NRS 116.31035  Publications containing mention of candidate or ballot question: Requirements; limitations.
          1.  If an official publication contains any mention of a candidate or ballot question, the official publication must, upon request and under the same terms and conditions, provide equal space to all candidates or to a representative of an organization which supports the passage or defeat of the ballot question.
          2.  If an official publication contains the views or opinions of the association, the executive board, a community manager or an officer, employee or agent of an association concerning an issue of official interest, the official publication must, upon request and under the same terms and conditions, provide equal space to opposing views and opinions of a unit’s owner of the common-interest community.
          3.  If an association has a closed-circuit television station and that station interviews, or provides time to, a candidate or a representative of an organization which supports the passage or defeat of a ballot question, the closed-circuit television station must, under the same terms and conditions, allow equal time for all candidates or a representative of an opposing view to the ballot question.

    NRS 116.31036  Removal of member of executive board.

    NRS 116.31088  Meetings regarding civil actions; requirements for commencing or ratifying certain civil actions; right of units’ owners to request dismissal of certain civil actions; disclosure of terms and conditions of settlements.

    NRS 116.31085  Right of units’ owners to speak at certain meetings; limitations on right; limitations on power of executive board to meet in executive session; procedure governing hearings on alleged violations; requirements concerning minutes of certain meetings.

    NRS 116.3108  Meetings of units’ owners of association; frequency of meetings; calling special meetings; requirements concerning notice and agendas; requirements concerning minutes of meetings; right of units’ owners to make audio recordings of meetings.

    NRS 116.31184  Threats, harassment and other conduct prohibited; penalty.

    NRS 116.31183  Retaliatory action prohibited; separate action by unit’s owner.

    NRS 116.31175  Maintenance and availability of books, records and other papers of association: General requirements; exceptions; general records concerning certain violations; enforcement by Ombudsman; limitations on amount that may be charged to conduct review.

    To read them yourself go to:

    Thank you again Mr. West

  6. From Peter Opinions

    It seems every day or two another former Board member steps forward and writes an article in support of the need for such a recall.

    I believe Mr. Favil West has presented to date the strongest case yet for such a need. He states and provides a list of factual information that would be so easy for the Board to address and present to its members.

    With the Boards refusal to address such facts that these individuals have provided Anthem Opinions, readers over the past couple of weeks only adds to the concerns of one like myself has towards this current Board.

    I want to believe my HOA Board is trust worthy.

    Willing to seek bids and retain the best candidate for services provided.

    Willing to stand tall and admit to when mistakes are made and how the Board plans to move forward an correct them.

    Again, Mr. West has provided enough information of where they can start.

    As for all the accusations made against such a recall, such as our home values dropping, future impact of potential home sales, financial cost associated to this recall and so on are just accusations that have no basis of support.

    But what I believe will impact these items in the years to come is if today’s Board and those yet to follow, continue to leave the impression of mistrust by its members.

    Sun City Anthem is a great place to purchase a resident, to live in and enjoy the many amenities it has to offer.

    I will do my part in making sure it continues to stay that way and I hope many others will continue to do the same as well.

    I thank you for this opportunity.

  7. From Douglas Opinions

    I need to get the number and process to obtain my second ballot.

    Of course my renter thought it was junk mail and tossed it.

    Lots rentals here that owners have the same issue.

    No information sent out with ballot not even the past phone number?????

  8. Douglas, call the CPA firm, Ovist & Howard, CPAs at

    (702) 456-1300.

    Thank goodness the concerned Sun City Residents contacted the Ombudsman's office to express their disgust with the way this entire matter was handled.

    The General Manager, Sandy Seddon, passed this DIGSUTING email to a resident

    "NRS 116.31036(3)(a)requires the ballots to be mailed by USPS and does not provide/allow for in person pick up. The owners should not be directed to Ovist & Howard or your office. We will direct Ovist & Howard not to communicate or respond with owners. Owners are responsible to maintain their current mailing address with the Association, which is where their ballots will be mailed pursuant to the mailing list provided by your office. If owners will be out of town they may go online for mail forwarding. If owners will be out of town and do not believe they will be able to set up mail forwarding then that is their choice, but they are not entitled to alternative arrangements."

    Thankfully, this action was overturned as a result of the NUMEROUS COMPLAINTS.

    It was an obvious attempt to further "RIG" the election, but this time, the "OBSTRUCTIONISTS" lost.

  9. From Lynda Opinions

    Let me start by saying I have no dog in this fight. I am a renter therefore I have no voting power.

    Over a year ago the company I work for loaned me out to the Foundation Assisting Seniors to help them with administrative work since they have no paid employees. This past year because of the separation and
    divisiveness of the Community Service Group, my responsibilities now include taking requests for durable medical equipment and making sure they get delivered and or picked up.

    Over the past several months the Foundation has loaned out equipment to some of the same people who seem to come after the Foundation as if they were poachers or squatters. I'm somewhat surprised that they feel it necessary to bite the hand that helps them. These people seem to forget that if it weren't for the Foundation, they couldn't arbitrarily drop by the Foundation office to pick up equipment, (we had eight people this past week do so), or call and request equipment.

    Now I started this out by telling you I have no dog in this fight but what I do have is fight in THIS dog. I guess I don't understand why the same people who over and over again use the services of the Foundation for medical equipment, would come after them. I can tell you from experience that 90% Plus of the durable medical equipment is loaned out to this community, Sun City Anthem. Why you would ever want to move them from this convenient location or disparage their name is way beyond me.

    I cannot tell you how many times a week I get told "God bless you" or "Thank You for being here". Or even worse, " you made my spouse' last few days comfortable by providing the medical equipment I didn't HAVE to worry about."

    The argument with the board and the management is strictly that ..the argument with them. The Foundation has been dragged into this and it's sad. They will always exist no matter the outcome, but I think it's kind of silly that you're fighting about a piece of property that was initially created and negotiated so that they would be on property in the event of need.

    I cannot tell you how many times myself or one of the Board of Trustees have come to the store room after hours, at night, on weekends etc. to help someone in immediate need of durable medical equipment.

    We are bunch of seniors who daily grow older and sometimes more infirmed than we thought possible. Why would you want to remove a service from our property that provides the luxury of not having to spend money for medical equipment and provides it in a fast, efficient service.

    This is the back half of our lives , we should be enjoying it instead of bickering about it.
