Information Pages

Monday, October 23, 2017

Mr. Fix-It: Remove Them..Their Mistakes Have Cost Sun City Anthem Millions

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Forrest Fetherolf
Mr. Fix-It

Wasting $1,183,810 was only the first of a chain of events leading up to more than...
$3,000,000 losses for SCA Residents.

The incompetent Board of Directors led by former President, Mike Dixon, would not listen to good advice from someone with over thirty years of experience in the construction industry.

When The Liberty Center was in the planning stages, Mike Dixon demanded the building “Go Green”, believing Sun City Anthem would be the first Homeowners Association in Nevada to do so.  

The remaining Board followed his demand blindly, including fellow board member Roz Berman.

Over and over again, I spoke out attempting to convince the Board that “Going Greenwas not cost effective and a waste of money.

In 2008 Roz Berman became President of the association and with her at the helm, carried "the torch of disaster" by allowing Liberty Center to be built without any oversight.

If only the board would have listened….

...we, the unit owners, would not have spent thousands of dollars on The Liberty Center on repairs because of the substandard construction.


...because no one on that Board was competent enough to know anything about construction, nor were they willing to accept any guidance from individuals with years of experience.  

The patch jobs to fix the defective “Go Green” installation and construction defects continued costing Sun City Anthem more and more $$$ over the next five years until mold and major defects were discovered by an outside construction consultant.

SCA paid about $2,000,000 for repairs, including $60,000 to remove and junk the entire Go Green defective solar system.  

The solar system had been installed incorrectly, causing the roof to leak; which in turn, caused mold and premature deterioration to the interior of the building.                 

All of this could have been avoided...

...all $3,000,000...

...had common sense prevailed and competent individuals been elected to the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors.

What we saw THEN, is no different than NOW.       
That's why it is so important to look back at the mistakes, those who made them, and realize that this current Board is every bit as incompetent as those we've had in the past.

The only answer is...REMOVAL.

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  1. From Anthony Anthem Opinions

    Great article by Mr. Forrest Fetherolf. ! ! ! !

    Why don't you put this in a poster size & display around the community ?
  2. Anthony,

    The tragedy of this is that Forrest ran for the Sun City Anthem Board on 2 occasions, and because he was "anti-machine", he was strongly opposed by them.

    Perhaps the worst example was David Berman referring to Forrest as "slippery" and "a clown". That was the first time he ran.

    The second time, Forrest lost to Aletta Waterhouse, Bob Burch, and Thomas Nissen.

    Those names sound familiar?

    They are three of the Board members subject to the Removal election.


  1. From Anthony Anthem Opinions

    Great article by Mr. Forrest Fetherolf. ! ! ! !

    Why don't you put this in a poster size & display around the community ?

  2. Anthony,

    The tragedy of this is that Forrest ran for the Sun City Anthem Board on 2 occasions, and because he was "anti-machine", he was strongly opposed by them.

    Perhaps the worst example was David Berman referring to Forrest as "slippery" and "a clown". That was the first time he ran.

    The second time, Forrest lost to Aletta Waterhouse, John Burch, and Thomas Nissen.

    Those names sound familiar?

    They are three of the Board members subject to the Removal election.
