Information Pages

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Looking at the Real Numbers

Sun City Anthem Legal Fees
Soar in 2017

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Barry Goldstein
Former Member of The Sun City Anthem Finance Committee

Remember we were promised that self-management would save our association money? certainly didn't when it came to dialing....

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According the "supposed" excellent financial capabilities of our $200,000 Chief Financial Officer in conjunction with our Association Treasurer, we learned that when it comes to decisions, all too often, Ms. Seddon & Mr. Weddle jump on the telephone at will to discuss association affairs.

And...there is a problem with those ...
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... frequent telephone calls to the Clarkson Law firm.

You see, the budgeted amount for association legal expenses is $7,500.00 per month. ($90,000 for the entire year).


Let's see now, the total legal fees incurred year to date:


The Total Amount budgeted for the first 9 months of 2017:


So...according to simple subtraction, that means we're this much OVER BUDGET in the first nine months of 2017.

Above the original projected

There is a detailed report attached to the recently published financial statements which I consider a significant number of lawsuits filed against Sun City Anthem.

As to the total legal fees expended to remove Nona Tobin, that has yet to be disclosed.

In June, 2017 a detailed report of claims against the association insurance policies was obtained that uncovered a total of 55.

On the recently produced October, 26, 2017 report, that number has now jumped to 92.

Of those 92 claims, two involve workers compensation; one from 2016, another from 2017. 

Both claims far exceed the premiums on the insurance policies and as a result, Sun City Anthem claims experience has been severely hampered, and insurance premiums have skyrocketed to an unprecedented sum.

These claims and the adverse experience of their relationship to insurance premiums suggest this question:

Is there a problem of some kind for employees working for our association that would cause these results?

Would it be wise for our management team to contact a risk management professional to assess a problem that may exist?

When huge legal fees began to appear a number of months ago, according to reports, the General Manager Seddon commented on the Clarkson  legal fees:

"It's part of the New Attorney Learning Curve"

Wonder why Rex Weddle should be removed or that 836 unit owners signed a "No Confidence" petition against the management of Ms. Seddon?

This is just another reason.

Isn't it nice to know our association attorney's "experience" required...

"A Learning Curve"

Perhaps they..."should do the walking"...

... rather than their fingers....

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...hitting  the A T T O R N E Y speed dial button at what appears to be a "hotline" between their phones !

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. Be it known that most CAI attorneys have a strong lobby in Carson City and a history of being responsible for anti-homeowner rights legislation.

    Choosing Adam Clarkson to be their new president after the manner by which he rudely treated Nona Tobin, shows how much compassion such individuals have for homeowners.

    To paint them in any other light is ridiculous.

    To prove a point, look at those who seem to "adore" the manner in which they operate.
    1. From Barry Opinions

      Dick, I remember the comment was made during a finance committee meeting I attended.

      The reason I know it is true because another member that attended the meeting had a conversation with me, regarding the statement after the meeting ended.

      Maybe Mr Berman did not hear it because he was busy with Rex Weddle outside the room planning their response to a negative comment that was made at the meeting.

      Sitting at the back of the room, it was actually amusing to watch Mr. Berman signal Rex to meet outside.

      Near the end of the meeting, Mr Berman was also imploring the finance committee chairman to make a statement opposing the recall.

      The FC chair responded that the committee has no statement.

      I wonder if he did this at other committee meetings, especially after certain comments were made by other committee members.
      1. Barry, don't be concerned about his latest threats. 

        He may refer to others as such, but it's so obvious he believes that insulting others is a way to impress, when in fact, to those who do have integrity, see him for the BULLY he has always demonstrated himself to be over and over again.

        Sun City Anthem in now well aware that he has no depth to his desecrating the reputations of others while never addressing the topics at hand.

        He held the record of "code of conduct violations" before his wife, as association president, made sure they would removed.

        For anyone to look at such an individual in admiration, make them every bit the BULLY.

        Have you ever examined the definition of the word "bully"? 

        "a blustering, browbeating person; especially one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others".

        Keep in mind it was approximately a year ago, that the former association attorney recommended incorporating an "anti-bullying" policy in Sun City Anthem.

        Anthem Opinions fully supported it. Berman was strongly against it, and the Board refused to accept the attorney's recommendation.

        Why? Because it was obvious. 

        They needed his BULLYING to maintain their control.
        1. From Harlen Opinions

          I was in Oregon until 10/23/17 I put in a change of address with the post office to Nevada.

          I had a change of address from NV to OR before that.

          I called the office who were to count the ballot and they mailed out that evening and I never received the ballot
          I wanted to vote for removal of the board members.

          I hope we don't loose the recall by 1 vote.
        2. Harlen,

          I wish you weren't the only person who has made this type of comment. The entire manner in which this election was handled was a disgrace. Either nothing was forwarded, they never received any ballot, or none was ever sent.

          The very thought to hear some say "it was an oversight"; well, there appear to be too many oversights.

          Can you imagine how many of removal opponents would yell and scream if the tables were turned and they were treated in the manner the proponents have been?

          This election was the worst display of bias anyone would imagine and requires further investigation.

          How anyone would could possibly believe this was conducted fairly, based on your complaint in addition to the many others, has proven the extent a corrupt group of people will go to maintain some kind of control.

          This entire election has taught me something that I have always tried to deny. My belief was that many of the leaders were incompetent and or/ ignorant by the way they have handled association funds. That was always my biggest complaint...that those elected didn't have sufficient experience to govern 12,000 people.

          This election has brought a new dimension of that belief.

          That view of incompetence is now CONTEMPT.

          This group, in my judgment, are the most UNETHICAL and DECEPTIVE members of our society, and all of us who pride ourselves in truth and honesty, should now be convinced that is no longer in question; that to condone these actions, these individuals represent the worst in human behavior, should be ashamed of themselves, and deserve to be looked on as the DISHONEST people they have now proven themselves to be.

          We should look at all of them with utter contempt, and alienate them at every opportunity.

          They are the miserable ones who have this unnatural need to control at an age when most just want a happy existence.

          Just look at most of them. So many have few friends, just associates who are similar to themselves, not at all friendly, selfish, believe the world "owes them", and who by and large, are "tolerated" not liked.

          Who spends their lives going to meetings day in and day out?

          Boring individuals who have NO LIFE. These are the OUTCASTS of society who need to feel important to themselves, because the rest of society looks at them as "taking up space".

          They are individuals who use people, abuse them, and somehow seem to enjoy doing so.

          They are LOSERS
        3. From Dan Opinions

          This data is shocking. How did the HOA get to this
          state ?

          Where are the comments and/or excuses from the board members?

          Were they railroaded by the GM and her cronies (attorney) of are they incompetent ?

          Are they too old to realize what's taking place?

          I've served on 5 different HOA boards in California over the past 20 years and when we had a rogue board member we blunted the actions of that member ----

          Where were the honest board members when this apparent general manager takeover occurred ?

          I would suggest all possible (legal )actions to remove all board members and the GM as soon as possible.

          This state of affairs will impact our home values and quality of life here in Sun City Anthem.
        4. Dan, it got this way because the residents of Sun City Anthem allowed it to get that way.

          So many don't even have the slightest idea as to the goings on in our community. They take no time to learn anything about their governance.

          Add that fact to an unscrupulous group of individuals who will take full advantage of that, and you get what we have today....

          CHAOS, INCOMPETENCE, UNETHICAL and CORRUPT governance by the most inexperienced of individuals, who can't see beyond the tips of their noses that they are being controlled by what has turned out to be a SHARK General Manager, who has in turned, employed the services of a SHARK association attorney, the object of which is to make sure you SWIM IN THEIR POOL, OR DROWN.
          1. From Rod Opinions


          2. Rod,

            They were sent on October 9th and had to have been returned by Thursday, October 26th.

            Your comment is just one of hundreds similar comments that have proven this election to be the most tainted in the history of Sun City Anthem.


  1. Be it known that CAI attorneys have a strong lobby in Carson City and a history of being responsible for anti-homeowner rights legislation.

    Choosing Adam Clarkson to be their new president after the manner by which he rudely treated Nona Tobin, shows how much compassion such individuals have for homeowners.

    To paint them in any light is ridiculous.

    To prove a point, look at those who seem to "adore" the manner in which they operate.

  2. From Barry Opinions

    Dick, I remember the comment was made during a finance committee meeting I attended.

    The reason I know it is true because another member that attended the meeting had a conversation with me, regarding the statement after the meeting ended.

    Maybe Mr Berman did not hear it because he was busy with Rex Weddle outside the room planning their response to a negative comment that was made at the meeting.

    Sitting at the back of the room, it was actually amusing to watch Mr. Berman signal Rex to meet outside.

    Near the end of the meeting, Mr Berman was also imploring the finance committee chairman to make a statement opposing the recall.

    The FC chair responded that the committee has no statement.

    I wonder if he did this at other committee meetings, especially after certain comments were made by other committee members.

  3. Barry, don't be concerned about his latest threats.

    He may refer to others as such, but it's so obvious he believes that insulting others is a way to impress, when in fact, to those who do have integrity, see him for the BULLY he has always demonstrated himself to be over and over again.

    Sun City Anthem in now well aware that he has no depth to his desecrating the reputations of others while rarely addressing the topics at had.

    For anyone to look at such an individual in admiration, make them every bit the BULLY.

  4. From Harlen Opinions

    I was in Oregon until 10/23/17 I put in a change of address with the post office to Nevada.

    I had a change of address from NV to OR before that.

    I called the office who were to count the ballot and they mailed out that evening and I never received the ballot
    I wanted to vote for removal of the board members.

    I hope we don't loose the recall by 1 vote.

  5. Harlen,

    I wish you weren't the only person who has made this type of comment. The entire manner in which this election was handled was a disgrace. Either nothing was forwarded, they never received any ballot, or none was ever sent.

    The very thought to hear some say "it was an oversight"; well, there appear to be too many oversights.

    Can you imagine how many of removal opponents would yell and scream if the tables were turned and they were treated in the manner the proponents have been?

    This election was the worst display of bias anyone would imagine and requires further investigation.

    How anyone would could possibly believe this was conducted fairly, based on your complaint in addition to the many others, has proven the extent a corrupt group of people will go to maintain some kind of control.

    This entire election has taught me something that I have always tried to deny. My belief was that many of the leaders were incompetent and or/ ignorant by the way they have handled association funds. That was always my biggest complaint...that those elected didn't have sufficient experience to govern 12,000 people.

    This election has brought a new dimension of that belief.

    That view of incompetence is now CONTEMPT.

    This group, in my judgment, are the most UNETHICAL and DECEPTIVE members of our society, and all of us who pride ourselves in truth and honesty, should now be convinced that is no longer in question; than to condone these actions, these individuals represent the worst in human behavior, should be ashamed of themselves, and deserve to be looked on as the DISHONEST people they have now proven themselves to be.

    We should look at all of them with utter contempt, and alienate them at every opportunity.

    They are the miserable ones who have this unnatural need to control at an age when most just want a happy existence.

    Just look at most of them. So many have few friends, just associates who are similar to themselves, not at all friendly, selfish, believe the world "owes them", and who by and large, are "tolerated" not liked.

    Who spends their lives going to meetings day in and day out?

    Boring individuals who have NO LIFE. These are the OUTCASTS of society who need to feel important to themselves, because the rest of society looks at them as "taking up space".

    They are individuals who use people, abuse them, and somehow seem to enjoy doing so.

    They are LOSERS

  6. From Dan Opinions

    This data is shocking. How did the HOA get to this
    state ?

    Where are the comments and/or excuses from the board members?

    Were they railroaded by the GM and her cronies (attorney) of are they incompetent ?

    Are they too old to realize what's taking place?

    I've served on 5 different HOA boards in California over the past 20 years and when we had a rogue board member we blunted the actions of that member ----

    Where were the honest board members when this apparent general manager takeover occurred ?

    I would suggest all possible (legal )actions to remove all board members and the GM as soon as possible.

    This state of affairs will impact our home values and quality of life here in Sun City Anthem.

  7. Dan, it got this way because the residents of Sun City Anthem allowed it to get that way.

    So many don't even have the slightest idea as to the goings on in our community. They take no time to learn anything about their governance.

    Add that fact to an unscrupulous group of individuals who will take full advantage of that, and you get what we have today....

    CHAOS, INCOMPETENCE, UNETHICAL and CORRUPT governance by the most inexperienced of individuals, who can't see beyond the tips of their noses, that they are being controlled by what has turned out to be a SHARK General Manager who has in turned employed the services of a SHARK association attorney, the object of which is to make sure you SWIM IN THEIR POOL, OR DROWN.

  8. From Rod Opinions



  9. Rod,

    They were sent on October 9th and had to have been returned by Thursday, October 26th.

    Your comment is just one of hundreds similar comments that have proven this election to be the most tainted in the history of Sun City Anthem.
