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Thursday, November 30, 2017

Are You "Buying" this Sun City Anthem Board Decision? We Want to Know How You Feel About this Latest Official Eblast

                     Sun City Anthem Board Sends
               Foundation Assisting Seniors Update

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Carole Opinions

    I feel we should not have kicked out the FAS.

    They (The Board) are trying to make it look like they have no plan for how to utilize the FAS space.

    If that's the case, we ought to attend their utilization meeting in mass and suggest the board lease it back to FAS for $1 per month!

  2. From Marilyn Opinions

    This board is terrible.

    They kick Nona Tobin out, and then the Foundation Assisting Seniors.

    I will not vote for them.

  3. From Robert Opinions

    The current HOA cabal has a strangle-hold on a majority of mind-numbed SCA residents.

    NO I don't believe their latest attempt to spin the would be nice however, to see FAS's response to this mailing...........the opposition is rarely (if ever) given the proper courtesy of a response.

    Remember: if it sounds like BS and/or looks like BS, it's BS.

  4. From A. Opinions

    Wait - so now they are spending more if our money on attorney fees and court fees?

    When will it ever stop ?

  5. It will stop when Sun City Anthem residents will take note of the disgusting individuals who residents have elected to their Board who have created this entire mess...

    ...especially with the hiring of a GM who has a "Bat Phone" to an association attorney whose ring tone must sound like:

  6. From Laura Opinions


    .......that’s how I feel about our Board of Directors.

    People, like myself relied on this wonderful service.

  7. From Tim Opinions


    As you repeated on your Blog the FAS equipment apparently has been removed from the Independence Center.

    A few years ago Favil took me on a tour of their storage facility.

    Large floor to ceiling steel storage racks and a very large amount of equipment - wheel chairs, walkers, hospital beds, crutches, etc.

    Plus there was an office room with desks and chairs, computers, etc.

    Do you have nay idea of where SCA put all that stuff?

  8. Tim, I wish I knew. My suggestion is to contact FAS through their website at:

  9. Perhaps a couple of the best I've heard is that one of the biggest complainers about FAS is a former SCA Board member who has used the services of the Foundation for years and has never made a single donation for any services that were provided.

    Then is was learned that there's another jerk who makes a lot of noise about wanting to get FAS equipment, yet he too supports the Board's decision.

    I won't name anyone in particular, but these two are obvious cronies who have been part of the "machine" for years, and  make more noise than dogs barking at the moon.

    Wouldn't be it wonderful if the two identified themselves, so the SCA community can see them for the hypocrites they are?

    Takers who enjoy USING others and THEIR MONEY, and yet complain about an organization that is willing to provide them services WITHOUT COST.

    My guess is that neither have the guts to come forth.

  10. The Board didn’t consult the residents of SCA on whether or not we wanted to continue to let FAS have the space to store equipment under some fair arrangement for that space. NOW they want our opinion as to what to do with it after it’s forcibly vacated????? I say - donate it to FAS to store their equipment.
