Information Pages

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Does the Sun City Anthem General Manager Have Free Reign with the Association Check Book?

Our N.R.S. Expert Learns 
Sun City Anthem Management Not Subject
to Numerous HOA Board Laws
Tim Stebbins

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  1. From Rana Opinions

    In my opinion, I personally would like to see confirmation in writing from the state that what the new CAM states is factual.

    If it is, then I firmly believe this is an issue that needs to go to the legislature along with other problems in HOA law come next legislative session.

    The problem is however, it takes lots of signatures on a petition to get laws passed.

    If people fight an issue in large numbers it will work, a handful of people cannot change HOA laws alone.

    CAI’s lobby is too strong and guess who will be leading them come January?

  2. For those of you who don't know who the new CAI leader is...

    It is none other than Sun City Anthem General Manager's handpicked and Board approved, association attorney, Adam Clarkson.

  3. We are merely Vassals enduring a life in a corrupt Kingdom ruled by corrupt individuals assisted by their Lawyer and their Internet Troll

  4. From Al Opinions

    It is embarrassing to drive around southwest Henderson and see every community except Sun City Anthem with there Christmas decorations up!

  5. Al,

    Obviously the GM wants to keep the money to pay herself and staff an additional bonus.
