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Monday, April 30, 2018

M Resort...What a Way to Treat Neighbors...Biting the Hand That Feeds Them

M Resort
Changing Point Requirements 
Complimentary Lunch & Dinner Buffets

Image result for m  resort las vegas logo

Is it time for the Anthem communities to send a message to Penn Gaming's M Resort?

Until April 30, 2018, a slots player could obtain a complimentary buffet at "The M" by  satisfying the following requirements during the week.  

Separate requirements were applicable to weekends.

Monday thru Thursday

11:00am to 2:30pm                                  300 "tier" points

2:31pm to 8:00pm                                    450 "tier" points

You simply walked up the buffet counter...using the "VIP Line"...

...present your Marquee Rewards (players card) indicating you had played that day...

...and "in you went" to the buffet.

As of of May 1, 2018 that's all been changed !

Here are the new requirements:

Monday thru Thursday

11:00am to 2:30pm                                  600 "tier" points

2:31pm to 8:00pm                                    800 "tier" points

For those who play the slots, "tier" points are different depending on which slots you play.   The above requirements are for basic reels.

The video poker "tier" point requirement is DOUBLE these amounts.

They've also made a couple of additional changes:

First, you now enter through the regular admission line.

Second, you must obtain a voucher from a kiosk prior to entering the line.

Under these new requirements to get the respective "freebie", you will now be required to actually PLAY between $600 and $800 in a single day...double that amount on video poker !

This latest change in our opinion can be defined in one word:

Image result for greed

...and defines their feeling toward their loyal patrons as:

Image result for greed

This is how Penn Gaming treats its neighbors, and if you find it as appalling as we do, we have a few suggestions:

First, write, call, or email the C.E.O. of Penn gaming and express your feelings.

Here is the information in which to do so:

Mr. Timothy J. Wilmott
Chief Financial Officer
Penn National Gaming, Inc.
825 Berkshire Blvd.
Wyomissing, PA 19610
(610) 373-2400

Here's the email address:

Second, most individuals are not aware that accumulated points can be redeemed for CASH.

Give them 7 days to respond, and tell them that unless they immediately  remove these increased GREEDY RESTRICTIONS, you will redeem any points you have for CASH.  

Third,  choose any other gaming outlet while you're waiting for a response.

As it is, the M Buffets are perhaps the most expensive in the Las Vegas off-strip area: $16.99 for lunch and $24.99 for dinner Monday thru Thursday.

Here's one last tip:

Don't even bother to contact the M Resort directly.  Rarely, if ever, do they return calls.

Just convey this simple message:

Image result for i'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take it anymore

Related image

Got a comment?

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  1. From Jan Opinions

    We turned in our top level cards over poor customer service and never looked back, that has been over 4 years now!

    Go to South Point. Much more user friendly!!!
    1. From Mary Ann Opinions

      We rarely go to M anymore.

      Been that way for several years now. Always downgrading the patrons.

      First taking away the free soda pop fountain, then constantly increasing the prices of the buffet, and other restaurants.

      I find the slot machines to be the tightest around (unless you're playing big bucks.)

      What's next, The first off strip casino to pay for parking?

      I'll take South Point hands down over M any day, any time.

      Love all the reasonably priced restaurants and atmosphere.

      Plus I find the slot machines looser, at least winning there some of the time as opposed to none of the time at M.  
  1. From Barbara Opinions

    I was at M today and asked about the increase in amount of points needed for a free buffet.  There was no sign in front of the buffet but I asked the girls working there and was told that the increase in required points was only for some individuals and not a blanket increase.

    You might want to check out the story to see which one is true.  I know they require some people to earn points to get a free gift and some people (who gamble more) get them for nothing. 
  2. Barbara,

    The M Resort in my opinion is one of the most mysterious organizations when it comes to "who gets what" in their mailings.

    I know of one person who has the 2nd highest level card based on play, yet received offers identical to those with the lowest play.

    I'm also aware that some with minor play get offers similar to those with higher play.

    When a major player brought that to the attention of M management, the individual was told "they would get back to him".

    It's been a week and nothing.  It's also the 2nd time this has taken place.

    As far as what player levels get what, perhaps the M Resort might clarify their requirements. No one at the M Resort is willing to give an explanation.

    The email I sent to their CEO has not been answered.

    Perhaps there'is someone out there who could give us an explanation, especially from a person in M Management.

    In that absence, my days at the M Resort are over.
  1. From Barbara Opinions

    When I had a problem at M, I contacted them and got a response from this individual.

    Don't know if she is still there but here is her contact info if you want it.

    Abby Wenman
    Marketing Specialist

    12300 Las Vegas Boulevard, South
    Henderson, Nevada 89044
    Phone: (702) 797-1251

  2. Thanks Barbara.

    Anyone else out there who might get us some accurate and detailed information as to what the M requirements might be?
    1. On Tuesday, I asked the cashiers at the buffet about the new buffet point requirements and they said, "We received a memo regarding the new buffet point structure. Did you receive a letter?" I told them, 'no.' They said, "The letter was only sent out to a select few. If you didn't receive a letter, then it doesn't pertain to you." Then they said something like, "I don't know why anyone would be unhappy with the new structure, it actually makes it easier to get a buffet when you add your tier points."

      Since I did not receive a letter, I didn't ask what that meant...could it be that you can add your tier points with the multiplied points?

      As someone already mentioned, The M does not reveal the requirements to receive mailers/gifts. I have asked customer service several times what their criteria is and the only answer I get is, "You have to gamble more."
    2. Karen,

      I received another call saying something similar, but in all cases, nothing specific.

      As you said, no one can give a definitive answer to what I would consider a very basic question.

      I for one, want to know "the rules of the road" before I make my "investment" to their well-being.

      I'm tired of the guess work and runaround without specifics.

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Sunday, April 29, 2018

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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

You Never Know Who's Watching You

Armed Gunmen Attempt Robbery
Green Valley Ranch Parking Garage

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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Light 'em Up !

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Monday, April 23, 2018

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Sunday, April 22, 2018

An Article We Did Not Wish to Publish

About the Recent Berman Article
"Arendt Goes Ballistic"

  Image result for Video does not lie

I have received numerous calls and there have been a number of comments on the Berman blog that have made the most vicious attacks on my character; some in my estimation, even suggesting violence towards me.

I have remained silent until now for a number of reasons which in time will be privately addressed, not making this a public spectacle as the Berman blog has chosen to do.

As to what those actions will be, I will not disclose now, nor will I at any time in the future.  As I stated, this is a private matter.

However, due to those many inquiries (and my phone burning off the hook), this limited information I will provide to you and will do my utmost to never address this subject again on Anthem Opinions.

1.  What was reported on the Berman blog was false.

2. Within 30 minutes following the incident at approximately 10:15am,  I contacted Green Valley Ranch security, and following their acknowledgement that video of the incident was made, an incident report was then filed by MYSELF at approximately 11:15am at the Henderson Police Department.

3Following that report, Green Valley Ranch was then recontacted, and after discussion with a member of Station Casinos security, I then filed an additional report requesting that the video not be destroyed.

4Copies of the Berman article INCLUDING THOSE MAKING the malicious comments were then also provided to both organizations.

Those individuals making those comments in response to the Berman article included:

a. Carl Weinstein
bMercedes Barris
cAndrew Peluso
dJohn Burke
e. Bonnie Ser
f. Others under the aliases "Dory", "JL", and "Moe" (which are attainable under certain circumstances.)

It is quite sad that such defamatory commentary could be made toward another individual without witnessing what actually took place, based solely on the Berman article.

For that, those individuals have now chosen to be involved and whose names are now on record with the two organizations as a result.

I wish to make one final comment.

While at the police department completing the report, one of the two officers made this remark regarding the incident with David & Roz Berman:

"If we contact him, what will he say?"

To which I replied:

"Probably something different than what I have told you."

Further stating...

"Green Valley Ranch informed me it's on video, and I would ask you
 why I would ask you to obtain it, if it would produce evidence to convict myself?"

The officers then accepted the report.

Copies of the Berman article and comments of those listed above were then provided to the Henderson Police Department PROVING WHAT David Berman would say, asking them to compare the words of both parties to the video footage. comments.  Let this matter now be private between myself and the parties involved.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Apathy..and...The SCAM...Part Three of Three

Why Removal Proponents Chose Not to Participate in The 2018 Sun City Anthem Board Elections

(Part Three of Three)

Image result for open your eyes

The removal ballots themselves, as all of you know, were sent by an outside accounting firm that charged Sun City Anthem $85,000 to conduct the election...

...using what any individual having INTEGRITY would consider a deceptive manner of delivery to Sun City Anthem unit owners who many mistakenly considered junk mail, and discarded.

Now it was time for the next SCAM.

This time the removal proponents were once again blamed for the high cost; however, if one searches ANY RELIABLE publication, you will plainly see that THE REMOVAL PROPONENTS NEVER...EVER...made any suggestion to use an outside entity.

The only requests asked were those pertaining to safety and security...all of VOLUNTEERShandled by the Sun City Anthem Election Committee, at NORMAL ELECTION COSTS.

However, the removal opponents next TACTIC...and...SCAM... was  making it appear to blame them for the high cost.

"Let's paint them as those who spend our money foolishly"....

...was the constant excuse used by the machine and their MACHINE BLOGGER !!!

All of them knew the truth...that THEY WERE THE ONES RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTRACTING AN OUTSIDE ACCOUNTING FIRM....recommended by the Association attorney in conjunction with a General Manager who have received 836 votes of "no confidence"...

...wasting Association assets of $85, an excuse to further their unethical crusade to demean those who tried to merely hold an HONEST, IMPARTIAL, AND INEXPENSIVE election...

...while the SCAMMERS...all along... pretended to "sell it" as a security measure !

And so the next part of THE SCAM occurred.


...THEN MAILED THE BALLOTS in ENVELOPES THAT WERE  PURPOSELY DISGUISED... envelopes that in no way indicated they contained official Sun City Anthem business.

When that was reported by ANTHEM OPINIONS...

...yet another group of complaints were filed with the Nevada Real Estate Division believing that the method was deceptive...especially to those who own, but do not reside in Sun City Anthem.

While all of this was going on, a group of residents subsequently identified as primarily consisting of a number of  former Sun City Anthem Board members, collected $5,000, identified themselves as "OSCAR", and mailed every owner, INCLUDING THOSE NOT RESIDING in the community, a letter condemning the removal election.

...and make no mistake....

...they collected those funds TO PROTECT THEMSELVESnot YOU.

Meanwhile, the dedicated removal proponents continued to be harassed and humiliated...yet they persisted despite the many insults they sustained...

...almost ALL OF THE INSULTS at  the urging of a blogger who constantly used his publication to destroy their character for the simple reason that they shared a different belief.

One former Board member, Carl Weinstein, even went so far as to publicly CALL ONE WOMAN A WHORE... action NEVER EVEN ACKNOWLEDGED, much less CONDEMNED, by that "machine" publication.

When Anthem Opinions became aware of that disgraceful comment, Weinstein was IMMEDIATELY BANNED from any further ability to comment on Anthem Opinions, immediately terminating his subscription; however, HE, TO THIS DAY, CONTINUES TO BE WELCOMED for comment by the "machine" publication.

The election then proceeded, and while the removal proponents were in NO WAY SOLICITED for funds and not sending any outside correspondence to those owners who did not reside in Sun City Anthem...

...garnered a mere 200 votes less than those who voted against the removal.

THAT in turn has been referred to a "great victory" by those who supported the "machine"....

...spending $5,000 to send mail to unsuspecting individuals who were never given an opportunity to hear the other side of an argument...

What did it accomplish?

In excess of 1,200 people nonetheless expressed the opinion that problems existed in the Sun City Anthem community; that the only remedy afforded them, was to remove those who created those problems.

Yes, many knew that to obtain 51% of the membership would be an almost unattainable goal, but dedicated individuals did everything they could COMPLETELY ABOVE BOARD in a manner that displayed IMPARTIALITY, stressing COST EFFECTIVENESS, only seeking Governmental assistance when ALL OTHER ASSOCIATION AVENUES WERE CLOSED TO THEM.

And  for those noble, personally costly, and time consuming unselfish efforts, the "machine"chose to DEMONIZE them by supporting what was the...



...what was accomplished by that dedicated corps of honest individuals, was making a community aware of the many problems that exist,  the most important of which were:

aexcessive salaries and benefits of Sun City Anthem employees.
b. the unethical tactics used by those in power to maintain their control.

Which over the ensuing months, eventually produced...

ca recent initial attempt to scare owners from sharing valuable 
information to which they are entitled, by requiring a signature stating the information would not be shared with any outside party...through a deceptive and unenforceable Document Request form...

...subsequently convincing the Nevada Real Estate Division to reverse that decision without requiring a signature, YET MAINTAINING THE SAME RETALIATORY THREATS in the initial Request Document...

...which WILL LIKELY CONTINUE to subject ANY UNIT OWNER wishing to share that information with AN UNSUSPECTING PUBLIC to:

Criminal misdemeanor Charges
Legal Litigation

Last but not least...

Yet another blow to Freedom of Speech and the Press, being attacked AGAIN by The Sun City Anthem President in yet another DISTURBING event.

On the biased Berman publication,  we believe he recently made this THREAT to those publications who would have alternative opinions to those of his "machine"...likely using ASSOCIATION FUNDS TO CARRY OUT THE THREATS:

"These are my observations and may not represent that of the Board; however, I’m weary of any crackpot with a computer believing they have the power to bring a $10M organization to its knees by spreading maliciousness. I’ll have a more detailed look at that unfortunate aspect of the community in my May Spirit President’s article." act that in our opinion, is similar to another human being who once believed in BURNING BOOKS as a manner to STONEWALL freedom.

So...why did those who supported the recall not obtain candidates to run in the 2018 Sun City Anthem election?

The answer to that is simply:

Apathy toward a system,  while those with integrity now convinced after witnessing these corrupt actions, believe that any reform they would attempt, would be thwarted by a "machine" that will do anything and everything in its power to destroy them....

..without conscience as to the emotional distress any individual seeking truth and honesty would sustain...

...while freely expending OUR association funds in legal fees.

At the current time there is little belief in the existing system that is populated by those we believe have misused it...

...that trying to save or reform it, is no longer worth the effort on the part of devoted individuals who had unselfish best interests in their hearts, yet were berated as a result.

We realize that is a sad commentary, but it is an HONEST one... continuously expressed by MANY who look at things as THEY ARE, rather than WHAT THEY ARE TOLD BY A GROUP OF DECEITFUL INDIVIDUALS in coordination with a blogger whose history in LIFE ITSELF, is cluttered with acts that were so disgraceful, that he would leave his home state, and relocate to another location in the country to FURTHER those acts on other UNSUSPECTING INNOCENT individuals.


We firmly believe those efforts will someday be recognized; perhaps not today or probably tomorrow, but by those younger and newer residents who will be forced to bear the growing financial burden of the mistakes and selfishness of those who came before them.

Reform must start sometime...but that time can only take place when a community chooses to look at "what is", rather than what cunning deceitful people "tell them".

Remember, those who tried to tell you the truth had no desire for power, and no motive other than a dedication to providing you detailed information in order to make an intelligent decision.

None of  us in any way committed any act that we were ashamed of.  

We did everything we could to provide fairness and impartiality in the many hours we spent trying to protect you.

What we got in return was scorn, condemnation, and continuous attempts to reduce your freedoms.  

Alone, we can no longer, fight for your rights.  

A person once said...

"It takes a village !

The question is now:

"How long can a village profitably and happily exist that no longer controls itself, while closing its eyes to its surroundings?"

A final plea...

Vote your conscience in this 2018 Sun City Anthem election by asking yourself which of the actions detailed in this three part series of articles are those your value system embraces.
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