Information Pages

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Five Members of Sun City Anthem Board Create the Greatest Financial Calamity in Association's History

Restaurant Decision
A Blatant Act of Fiscal Irresponsibility
 by 5 Members of the Sun City Anthem Board

Image result for an act of incompetence

 Remember these names:

Candice Karrow
Newly Elected Sun City Anthem President

Rex Weddle
Sun City Ahthem Vice President

Patricia Carrell
Board Member

James Coleman
Board Director

Arthur Lindberg
Board Director

They betrayed you.

Image result for why

...because of these five individuals...these five MACHINE individuals...Sun City Anthem residents will bear perhaps the heaviest and most irresponsible financial burden in its 19 year history.

When two other directors actually state...

"Hold on, we need more information regarding the financials of a restaurant before we can cast an intelligent and well informed vote" of which is the Sun City Anthem TreasurerForrest Quinn, and the second, Aletta Waterhouse, the Board Secretary...

...and those warnings are then ignored by the above named individuals...

Image result for ignored

....something is wrong...VERY WRONG....and even worse...


...when it comes to committing thousands of association funds without full disclosure and an obvious adverse reaction by those members of the community who were FINALLY made aware of the terms of the ridiculous deal through independent HONEST community blogs...

..while being carefully hidden in Sun City Anthem records and finally acknowledged as to their existence in another "machine" publication, now referred to as... 

Image result for the bull sheet

These five could not properly answer the many questions that arose as to the financial commitments and liability that will impact Sun City Anthem.

Let it be known that heretofore:

If this restaurant venture fails and the residents of Sun City Anthem incur substantial financial losses or strains on its financial integrity...

...the TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY should fall on these five individuals whose legal responsibilities and COMMON SENSE, were ignored and overridden by an arrogant and insane quest for a restaurant that even fewer now support...

...ESPECIALLY after they and the community finally became aware of the numerous adverse affects that Sun City Anthem residents will be forced to endure. 

They were warned of the consequences; informed of the potential financial liability risks, and rather than exploring the concerns as to their validitymerely ignored them, and passed a vote to accept them.

That is unacceptable in the minds of rational thinking individuals in representing the best interests of a community.

In short, these five made a decision without approval of the community and will have been responsible. 

As a result...

...all five of them must pay a price.

That price?

A community finally accepting the fact that such actions are intolerable !

How is that accomplished?

Looking at them for what they have demonstrated themselves to be:

Image result for incompetent


Image result for dangerous the well-being of Sun City Anthem.

While the first reaction would be to seek REMOVAL of each of them from office, we all know full well by now that such action will incur a reaction of legal trickeryunethical emails and mailingsdisturbing eblasts, and other forms of chicanery which has earned each of them and the unofficial organization to which they belong, as being referred to as:

Image result for the machine

...while at the same time, innocent parties would be blamed for the expense.

That action will not be recommended.

However, this latest act of irresponsibility demands that each of these individuals be looked at as...

Image result for enemies of the people

...while also sharing that belief toward any other individual who supports such adverse community action.

These actions can only stop if YOU, as a Sun City Anthem resident, will MAKE SURE THEY DO.

And how is that accomplished?

First, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should any intelligent person who cares about the well-being of our community, give the slightest thought to their reelection next spring. 

Doing so, makes YOU as guilty as them for committing this calamity that to date, only they, one blogger, and a restaurant executive, have publicly applauded.

Second, support any candidates who pledge to clean up the current political "pit" that exists in the next election. 

(We have spoken with prospective candidates).

And third, you can cut short this act of incompetence by strongly considering NOT SPENDING YOUR DOLLARS in any organization that a group of incompetent leaders, through their inept negotiating abilities, have clearly demonstrated, will harm you.

They have PURPOSELY and without concern for the financial well-being of a community, abandoned prudent decision making capability...

...actions which will likely... 

...take Sun City Anthem residents for a YEARLY financial "ride" they never before experienced, if not corrected through the ballot box.

Just remember, this current group of supposed leaders can't control every aspect of your life, no matter how much they try...

...especially where and when you spend your money ...

...unless your complacency will continue to allow them to do so.

The time for community complacency must stop NOW; it's that simple.

Complacency BREEDS problems that can become so immense that they can overtime become unsolvable if not properly identified and confronted.

Solving that complacency requires qualified, experienced individuals whose past has shown patterns of success in relevant BUSINESS ORIENTED problem solving, not "good old boy" politics of selecting "yes" individuals chosen by a "machine", not for their experience or competence, but for their ability to blindly "follow a leader" down a selfish bureaucratic path. where Sun City Anthem has now evolved over the years, and we cannot, if we wish to survive, allow that to continue.

People MUST understand that, or the consequences will be fatal.

In the meantime, while we are forced to deal with a "good old boy" political network, show that you care and demand that these individuals be receptive to YOU.

Answer their arrogance in the same manner they have answered your legitimate concerns !

Tell them all to...
Image result for go jump in the lake

Just click on this link for the email addresses of all the Sun City Anthem Board members to express your feelings !

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Victor Opinions

    Re: decision to proceed despite financial mayhem

    Politicians have political action committees dollars that influence them.  Makes me wonder if there is something similar at work here.
    1. From Irvin Opinions

      Something has been puzzling my wife and me, and we cannot come up with why.

      On the national scene, it is easy to see why most of the players in the Deep State behave as they do – Comey, for example, stood to gain additional millions of dollars and continued high-position status (in addition to the millions of dollars and juicy appointments he had already harvested due to Clinton/Obama influence) if only a Progressive had been elected to the Presidency.

      Most of the other significant players had their sights set on similar rosy expectations.

      “Screw what’s good for the country, I want Mine!”

      But what, exactly, do the Fiscal Failure Five hope to gain by approving still another financial fiasco, and saddling the owners of Anthem with the umpteenth predestined-for-failure restaurant?

      Why are they trying to force such an albatross on their protesting constituents?

      What is their potential gain?

      Please, in an upcoming issue, reveal to us what could possibly be their bizarre motivation.
    2. Irvin,  we try to avoid anything about national politics. but as far as the "why" such incompetence exists?

      That question has baffled many of us for years.

      In my opinion it revolves around the belief that those who have no knowledge of finance, believe they do, and the results have been catastrophic...

      ...and they know it....

      ...yet, they will do anything to disguise those failures, always blaming them on others.

      None have ever been in business for themselves, yet believe they know how to run a business.  It's the blind leading the blind, and the stupidity of lifelong bureaucrats, following those blind and costly decisions.

      They also deserve the blame for the failures every bit as much as the leaders do.

      It's all a "club" who can't handle any form of criticism or examination of their activities.

      Nona Tobin and Bob Frank, former directors, will attest to that fact.

      As part of their need to control, they will do ANYTHING to rid themselves of anyone who questions them, and as a result, the "follow the leader" weak members will go along with most of the ridiculous decisions made by the main control freaks who at our advanced age, many have accomplished so little in life, that they feel it's their "last hurrah" to do so.

      That's how our SCA  political "machine" operates and thrives.

      And...their knowing most people care little about the inner workings of their community, such complacency fuels the "machine".

      If you examine those who comment on another blog, most of those individuals make the most ridiculous comments possible.

      Few, if any, have a single ounce of financial intelligence other than criticizing those who question the system.  That's what bureaucrats do.

      They have no argument, yet look for excuses to condone STUPIDITY and incompetence because they can't even possibly conceive that their beloved system, could have flaws.

      All of them couldn't recognize them anyway.
      Instead, out of such stupidity and ignorance, they cling to believing anything another guy who has failed in every manner and even admitted to dishonesty, for guidance, and rather than produce any form of intelligent response, resort to insults and bully remarks....which further demonstrates their IGNORANCE.

      There is only one solution to the problem...GETTING RID AS MANY AS POSSIBLE in the next election.
    3. From Robert Opinions

      Some homework for the Board:


      fi·du·cia·ry \ fə-ˈdü-shē-ˌer-ē , -shə-rē , -ˈdyü- , fī- \

      of, relating to, or involving a confidence or trust: such as

      a : held or founded in trust or
      confidence a fiduciary relationship a bank's fiduciary obligations

      b : holding in trust
      1. From Joe Opinions



        NUFF SAID
        1. From Favil West...Former President of Sun City Opinions

          Forrest Quinn’s numbers are WRONG.

          The actual number for 2001 was $273,000 + and for 2002 approximately $165,000.

          S & D took over effective September 1, 2002.


  1. From Victor Opinions

    Re: decision to proceed despite financial mayhem

    Politicians have political action committees dollars that influence them.  Makes me wonder if there is something similar at work here.

  2. From Irvin Opinions

    Something has been puzzling my wife and me, and we cannot come up with why.

    On the national scene, it is easy to see why most of the players in the Deep State behave as they do – Comey, for example, stood to gain additional millions of dollars and continued high-position status (in addition to the millions of dollars and juicy appointments he had already harvested due to Clinton/Obama influence) if only a Progressive had been elected to the Presidency. 

    Most of the other significant players had their sights set on similar rosy expectations. 

    “Screw what’s good for the country, I want Mine!”

    But what, exactly, do the Fiscal Failure Five hope to gain by approving still another financial fiasco, and saddling the owners of Anthem with the umpteenth predestined-for-failure restaurant? 

    Why are they trying to force such an albatross on their protesting constituents?

    What is their potential gain?

    Please, in an upcoming issue, reveal to us what could possibly be their bizarre motivation.

  3. Irvin,  we try to avoid anything about national politics. but as far as the "why" such incompetence exists?
    That question has baffled many of us for years.
    In my opinion it revolves around the belief that those who have no knowledge of finance, believe they do, and the results have been catastrophic...

    ...and they know it....

    ...yet, they will do anything to disguise those failures, always blaming them on others.

    None have ever been in business for themselves, yet believe they know how to run a business.  It's the blind leading the blind, and the stupidity of lifelong bureaucrats, following those blind and costly decisions.

    They also deserve the blame for the failures every bit as much as the leaders do.
    It's all a "club" who can't handle any form of criticism or examination of their activities. 

    Nona Tobin and Bob Frank, former directors, will attest to that fact.

    As part of their need to control, they will do ANYTHING to rid themselves of anyone who questions them, and as a result, the "follow the leader" weak members will go along with most of the ridiculous decisions made by the main control freaks who at our advanced age, many have accomplished so little in life, that they feel it's their "last hurrah" to do so.

    That's how our SCA  political "machine" operates and thrives.

    And...their knowing most people care little about the inner workings of their community, such complacency fuels the "machine".

    If you examine those who comment on another blog, most of those individuals make the most ridiculous comments possible.
    Few, if any, have a single ounce of financial intelligence other than criticizing those who question the system.  That's what bureaucrats do.

    They have no argument, yet look for excuses to condone STUPIDITY and incompetence because they can't even possibly conceive that their beloved system, could have flaws.

    All of them couldn't recognize them anyway.  
    Instead, out of such stupidity and ignorance, they cling to believing anything another guy who has failed in every manner and even admitted to dishonesty, for guidance, and rather than produce any form of intelligent response, resort to insults and bully remarks....which further demonstrates their IGNORANCE.

    There is only one solution to the problem...GETTING RID AS MANY AS POSSIBLE in the next election.

  4. From Robert Opinions

    Some homework for the Board:


    fi·du·cia·ry \ fə-ˈdü-shē-ˌer-ē , -shə-rē , -ˈdyü- , fī- \

    of, relating to, or involving a confidence or trust: such as

    a : held or founded in trust or
    confidence a fiduciary relationship a bank's fiduciary obligations

    b : holding in trust

  5. From Joe Opinions




  6. From Favil West...Former President of Sun City Opinions

    Forrest Quinn’s numbers are WRONG.

    The actual number for 2001 was $273,000 + and for 2002 approximately $165,000.

    S & D took over effective September 1, 2002.
