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Friday, September 21, 2018

Restaurant Deal Abandoned...Remember Those Who Created It and Those Who Supported It...An Anthem Opinions Editorial




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  1. From Forrest Fetherolf (Mr. Fix-It) Opinions
    Now that the restaurant agreement in not longer, so should the sewer line replacement for the restaurant area. 

    As I understand, the plumbing included about 3000 feet of mainline sewer and 2000 feet of laterals including 20 grease traps for the kitchen area.

    The plumbing should not continue until such time as the Association decides to have a restaurant or repurpose that space with additional multi purpose rooms.   

    The majority of the cost would be replumbing the kitchen area drains and sewer lines.

    No restaurant money would be wasted simply because the
    multi- purpose rooms would not need plumbing.

    At this time there is no need to continue the underground is working. 

    I think the plumbing was a rush job to open the restaurant this year.

    Hopefully Management have given this some thought and will wait until a decision is made as to how that space will be utilized.

  2. So...once again the restaurant deal is "dead"? Hmmm..where have I heard that one before?? Just as the Board MUST use diligence in exercising their fiduciary responsibilities, the Residents MUST use vigilance to assure this absurd waste of our HOA fees never again rears its ugly head

  3. From Rana Opinions
    Please encourage those who were planning on attending the 9/27 meeting to still go.. 

    Let’s try to make sure it is really a done deal by the volume of attendees.

  4. Good idea, Rana, and if and when they go, I hope those who choose to speak, will let it be known this Board's previous actions and incompetent attempts to sell Sun City Anthem down a financial drain, was the ultimate insult to a community who they asked to trust them with their financial well-being !

    They should be ashamed of themselves to have allowed this entire matter to last as long as it did.

    I wonder how much this stupidity cost us in legal fees?

    I wonder why a General Manager didn't properly vet the matter...something that took an hour to find free of charge by simply googling the parties?

    It's inexcusable.

    Finally I wonder if and how they will chastise the GM for the negligence that could have cost SCA homeowners in excess of $250,000 each and every year?


    This is a time to look at the culprits and say:

    "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore"

    Excuse time is OVER.

    ACCOUNTABILITY must now prevail.

  5. From Bill Opinions

    After reading one complaint after another about how bad the BOD are in our community, it amazes me to no end that I see no one standing up and be willing to run for the Board and start putting all these complaints to rest.

    It is our right to express our opinions with the written words, but useless unless we find people who can do this unforgiving job. 

    Those of you that have hammered the Board and management should be first in line when the elections come around.

    Not to say that I do not agree with all that has been presented, I do.

    If change is needed, then who will be the resident that stands up first for the community?

    Voice our opinions only goes so far.

    Apathy by the majority of this community speaks louder than words. Who are we willing to rally for to get the words of dissenting minority’s rolling?

  6. Bill, your concerns are well documented and believe me, they WILL BE addressed in the Spring.

    Many people won't consider running for office because those members of "The Machine" make life difficult on them if they run and especially if they get elected.

    That was always the case because being in a minority position, they were cast aside as garbage who were "rocking the boat"...their self-serving incompetent boat.

    Bob Frank and Nona Tobin are perfect examples of individuals who did their best "to make a difference", but were shunned by the dirtiest of tactics by both existing Board members and their "Machine" associates who had to maintain their stranglehold, along with a blogger whose poison pen did anything, without conscience, to not only defeat them, but destroy their character as well.

    How can that be changed? 

    We have 5 seats open in the next election, and we need to elect 4 of them in order to control the "machine" and make the necessary changes to clean up the mess.

    At first glance, that might seem improbable...

    However, due to:

    1. This restaurant issue.

    2. Naming an individual to a Board position who received 40%+ of the removal votes and who eventually lost in the regular election.

    3. Appointing a 2nd individual who made every attempt to influence members of the community by sending emails to individuals...making sure she made mention of the fact that she was a member of the Lifestyle Committee...  recommending they send emails to their members to vote against the Removal...who also, voted approval of the restaurant lease. 

    4. The elblast sent by the current Association Treasurer which was clearly designed to have individuals vote against the candidates for removal.

    5. A "fill in president" who after 2 months decided to resign after he initially told many he had no desire to run for reelection, the same person it was proven that he should have been added to the Removal ballot.

    6. The disgusting unethical manner in which the Removal election ballots were handled with no acknowledgment that they were official Sun City Anthem Business.

    7. An association attorney whose billings are well about those that were budgeted.


    8. A General Manager who became the subject of an HOA Hall of Shame broadcast on Channel 13, 

    ...The times they are a changin'.

    People are now beginning to come forward in contacting individuals regarding running in the 2019 election...

    ...and the qualifications they possess, I PROMISE, are those that will MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 

    All have relevant experience in matters that would ensure the financial stability of our community.

    But to accomplish that goal means we must support them in any number of ways.

    Now my question to you and all our readers?

    Will you assist us in talking to neighbors, placing a sign in your front lawn, even taking an hour of your time to walk down your street and pass out leaflets that will be prepared?

    This will also have some costs.  Would you or any of our readers donate $10, $25 to make it happen?

    Most people are unaware that a candidate can spend between $700-$1,000 of their own personal funds to run a campaign.  As a result, any contribution, no matter how small, can assist them.

    Better yet, let us know if you may know a person (including yourself) who would like to be a candidate in the election?

    As my article stated, we need all the assistance we can get in establishing...


  7. From Angelina & Tony Opinions
    Congratulations Dick,

    Thanks you for sticking to your guns!

    Also thanks to the many other residents who have responded to your publication by voicing their agreement with your position.

    Rana and Barry,come to mind but there were many, many more that I read commenting on the sad state of affairs of the  Board of Directors, the overpaid & underworked general manager sandy$$$$$,& last but not least, the unpardonable action to ram thru yet another restaurant ! ! !

    Your comments today asking us the retired residents to step up was right on ! 

    We need now more than ever a Bob Frank,  Nola, & others  with their attitude to run for the Board to replace the
    incompetents !


  8. From Dorothy Opinions

    Hi, Dick, I just read today's Anthem Opinions and the following was my reaction:

    Wow, thanks, what a pleasant surprise!  

    We welcome this decision and know how hard you have worked keeping facts and presenting to the residents of this community not only about this particular issue, but many other issues we are facing here at Sun City Anthem.  

  9. Dorothy, there are so many out there who assist me on a regular basis.  They deserve the thanks more so than I do. 

    Dedicated individuals such as Rana Goodman, Barry Goldstein, Tim Stebbins, Jim Mayfield, Favil West, Forrest Fetherolf,  and another special lady who for now will remain anonymous whom I hope strongly consider running for the Board next Spring, just to name a few, care so much for others in the community. 

    It's "the people" who matter.  None of us should ever forget that !

  10. From Chuck Opinions

    Luckily I have stuck to my ideals and beliefs that I learned as a young man and continue to believe in today that “You are innocent until proven guilty”. 

    I am sure many residents feel the same way otherwise our community is headed in the wrong direction.

  11. Chuck,

    Luckily there are individuals in our community who looked at the lease provisions for what they were and realized that a community would be harmed if that ridiculous deal went forward.

    OJ was innocent too, right?
