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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Sun City Anthem Official "Real Deal #1" Article was Real "Garbage"

A few days ago following the expose regarding The Sun City Anthem sponsored article entitled "The Real Deal--#1"...

Anthem Opinions subsequently published an article entitled:

The Slippery Slope in Believing "Official"
Community Sponsored Informational
Tainted "Garbage"

We believed then, and now, that "The Real Deal" was tainted...

 ..and its publication was nothing more than a FEEBLE attempt to HIDE and AVOID informing the Sun City Anthem community of the problems with recent allegations regarding the questionable vetting of G2G and Frank Tutera.

We also told you that we would enhance our beliefs.

Accordingly  a statement was included that stated Sun City Anthem's ranking was #8 in the country as pertaining to Club Houses.

Well, as is the case with just about every propaganda piece written to enhance their self-importance...THAT IS NEVER ALLOWED ANY OPPORTUNITY TO REBUT...

(NOTE" the the actual author of that "garbage" was not disclosed)... appears that the author of that article...didn't give the community the full story, and "cherry picked" that statement.

How about looking at the REAL....Real Deal !

Remember When Sun City Anthem Was Once Rated
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Retirement Community in the Country?


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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Art Opinions
    Since it appears that the board and the manager have not fully
    vetted G2G and their principals as to whether they have been
    released from bankruptcy, which in itself is a red flag, to the full background information of the principals and their willingness to give away the farm to have  a restaurant, in spite of five failures and not listening to the full desires of the residents, it would be in our best interests to tie the contract of our manager to the losses incurred by the restaurant, which we, the residents, would have to make up
    from our reserves and/or assessments(either regular or special).

    If we lose money, the managers pay is cut, if it is a severe loss, then the members of the board are held financially liable for not filling their fiduciary responsibilities.

    Two members of the board have already shown enough sense to ask
    for more debate.

    What is wrong with the others?

    Are they mesmerized by the glitz of a Denny’s like restaurant or do they just not see the financial pitfalls that are ahead? 

    Remember Vic’s, not too long ago, more glitz but a loss
    of over a quarter of a million dollars or more.

    Sometimes you just have to walk away from an offer that smells
    too good.

    In my background of negotiating about 20 commercial leases,
    if I got such a sweetheart deal they would have made me
    the president of the company I worked for!

    In normal business operations these deals, if they are good, just don’t come along, unless you are an Amazon, Tesla, Ford, BMW, etc., trying to relocate a new office or plant!


  2. From Tony Opinions

    Who the hell is FRANK TUTERO?

    Google him & be surprised.

  3. Tony,

    We did, and we too were surprised. 

    We learned the information was provided to the Sun City Board,
    and thus far, it appears that they have completely IGNORED IT.

    Instead, they countered the allegations with a "Real Deal" published report that has more holes in it than Swiss cheese...

    ...a report that not any of them will take personal responsibility for writing, yet by placing "Sun City Anthem Board of Directors" as the author on the official eblast, EACH OF THEM must be held personally responsible for conveying it to the owners of the Sun City Anthem.

    They knew exactly what they were doing...CONNING a community,
    using an official Sun City Anthem source, to draw attention from the damning information THEY KNOWINGLY DECIDED TO WITHHOLD.

    We also had one report that someone appeared to see something
    that looked like a pizza oven being delivered.

    Of course NOT ONE OF THEM OR THE MANAGEMENT TEAM has yet to even have the common courtesy to CONFIRM if any lease
    has been signed, but we suspect that it has been WITHOUT

    We have asked SEVERAL TIMES, and we have yet to receive ANY

    And...if it has...

    ...despite everything that has been uncovered, in my opinion, confirms everything we have tried to explain to a community as to the need to rid ourselves of such deception at the earliest opportunity next spring.

    Those pompous self-serving supposed leaders deserve utter contempt for ignoring such relevant information when one considers that their past...all of whom...are what we have consistently referred to as "The Machine", have more than proven their selfish unworthiness to properly govern a retirement community.

    How any Board could act in this manner without informing a
    community of actions that will cost the owners a reported minimum of $250,000 per year each and every year, is perhaps the most blatant act of contempt for a community in its 19 year history.

    Any person who in any way can condone such actions should be
    ashamed of themselves for favoring this act of incompetence and

    They too must be looked at in the same manner as those
    who committed these acts. 


    Now that all of them are fully aware of the potential risks associated with what appears to be improper vetting, and condoning such activity, fall in the same category.

    Ignorance can no longer be accepted as a result.

    Open your eyes, Sun City Anthem, look at what has been discovered; and for once, pay attention.

    Your financial future is being determined, and all of you who pay little attention to your community's financial
    matters, are EVERY BIT AS RESPONSIBLE as those who have made
    such disastrous decisions.

    If you put them there by voting for them, then simply stated, YOU GOT WHAT YOU DESERVED by believing the wrong people.

  4. From Robert Opinions
    Ever since the 8/23 debacle at which our Board of Directors "sold us out" with their vote favoring the inevitable thorn in the checkbooks of our property owners by approving the lease to the restaurant location to a $70,000,000 per year partnership, with virtually no out of pocket expense and the right to pick our pockets in the future; the company, which surprisingly many homeowners are still unaware, the G2G group, apparently had financial problems in the past and possibly still do, as they refused to release financial info to board treasurer Forrest Quinn.

    Still, they had easy pickings with our board in negotiations as the key points in the lease released to us look  like something favored by dropouts  trying to pass the business portion of a high school equivalency certificate test.

    What I find most disturbing about how this was railroaded through, was the way we were kept in the dark, until the early August meeting, when we we were informed that negotiations had been held, with knowledge of a select few, after G2G seeming rejected the previous offer. 

    The whole process was obviously well planned, seemingly to keep dues payers, especially those showing displeasure and opposition previously, by keeping it  "under the hats" of those involved,

    Notice how the time of year was such where many snowbirds were not about and many residents were vacationing, elimination one group of potential opposition.

    Apparently, the thinking being that a venture on this magnitude cannot be passed in such secrecy, but the board and the lawyers they feed a lot of shekels to, can quote NRS areas confirming its legality

    Before and since the boards decision, I spoke to numerous residents regarding the issue and was shocked at how many were informed about it.

    Most recall discussion in the spring but thought it was dead, due to the previous rejection.

    A few thought it was a good idea until they found it would cost us any money, especially when they heard the costs.

    A few thought is was OK for breakfast until told it was no go.

    Virtually all voiced opposition when they found out it would serve dinner type food , especially those remembering Trumpets. and sone thought it should require a general vote by homeowners, and many felt the catering exclusive was unacceptable.

    Truth be known, it seems to be nearly impossible to spread the word about any issue without the graces on the BOD (REMEMBER THE RECALL VOTE)?

    This publication,  Anthem Opinions, is transmitted daily on most weekdays and contains a plethora of information mostly of interest to SCA residents, including entertainment and dining news, household tips, Mr Fix It for home repairs, seasonal news, and of course information of this dilemma we not face  which presented opinions of homeowners with differing opinions.

    It is no charge (Anthem Opinions) and I encourage all residents to log in.  

    Speaking to many residents, there seems to be some confusion as there is another electronic publication, favored by the BOD called the EBlast which is selective on what they will print  (It should be subtitled “all the news the BOD wants you to hear”)

    There is also “The Next Door’ which is OK if you want to sell a used car or want a pizza recommendation.

    Anthem OpinionS has recently printed articles, one by a former director, pointing out the reason for recent enforcement on property violations, most likely to collect fines to help offset increased Association costs.

    Are they preparing for the estimated 1/4 million impact the restaurant subsidies, the generous management salaries bonuses, or the pending lawsuit on the Liberty center repairs which could reach a 7 figure liability. 

    Keep informed and make our community something we can be proud of !

  5. From Robert Opinions

    It appears that the "Restaurant Deal" has already been approved:

    At a recent Board meeting of an SCA service organization (at which Sandy Seddon was in attendance) a question was posed as to how this service organization could use a room at the Anthem Center for future seasonal parties (in lieu of an 'outside' facility) in order to save money and not pay outrageous "room rental fees". 

    Ms Seddon answered the question by stating that the individual should contact Mr Tutera about this matter.


    Is there a signed lease in existence that the residents were not made aware of?? 

    If not, then WHY are we expected to discuss "room usage" with an individual who isn't even an owner at SCA???

    Something REALLY smells.

    I'm sure that the SCA Minister of Propaganda will spin this to the Board's delight in a future issue of his "Bull Sheet".

  6. Robert,

    Thanks for the update.

    It's time for the community to decide just how it will handle this blatant act of deception. 

    I hope all those who see any of the OFFENDERS will look at them straight in the face and tell them that their days are numbered as far as having anything to do with our community after this action.

    I do know that I have spoken to many who wouldn't eat at that restaurant if the food was free after this calamity.

    There leaves little doubt that all of these individuals are nothing more than deceptive menaces who have shown their true selfish and incompetent colors.

    None of them could ever be trusted again.

    Let's do our best to elect HONEST individuals who will in turn make this the #1 issue for voters to decide in order that they may vote to UNDO what these untrustworthy people have done to Sun City Anthem. far as Waterhouse and Quinn, despite their objections, the only way for either of them to maintain any form of credibility and not be a part of this act, is showing their disgust, and resigning their positions, saying they want no part of any of this in any way.

    Anything short of that, makes them no better than those who deceived us.
    Why would any person want to be a part of that group after this?

    Then we can see who the new appointees would be and look at any support they too might have for any of this as well.

    That would give all of us a good indication as to where their loyalties lie; the MACHINE, or the community.

  7. According to "The Bull Sheet", to date, no pizza oven has yet been purchased or placed in the restaurant area. 

    Nevertheless, it will be interesting to see not only IF a lease was signed, but the DATE and by WHOM (likely the Association President, Candice Karrow).

    I can assure all our readers that IF any lease was, will be, or actually signed, we will indeed obtain a copy via a Document Request Form and cross check the information in order that you can read the FULL STORY. is typical of that publication, that was the only aspect of the lease that has been addressed.

    Not a single word has been stated there regarding the allegations and information discovered about G2G or Frank Tutera.

    How fair is that to his readers?

    As with every other official publication, that is TYPICAL of how that person defines JOURNALISM...HALF TRUTH in between insults on personal character.

    In addition, nothing has been said in any way as to "cherry picking" the "Real Deal" article which was obviously fully intended to tell only part of the REAL STORY.

    Just remember, "The Bull Sheet" recommended each and every one of those who are making the restaurant decision, most importantly, the individual involved with the restaurant who appears to have been improperly vetted.

    Add this to his other restaurant recommendations that included:

    ...the wife of an 8 time Las Vegas bank robber

    ...a man who was caught walking out the back door of Anthem Center with SCA restaurant equipment

    ...a man who owed his partner's widow $150,000 that had not been paid a year after the judgment, and had a first call on any SCA revenue...

    ...Mr. Tatoo and family

    and of course

    ...his subsequent partners who defaulted on $40,000 of loans that each and every Sun City Anthem property owner was forced to "eat".

    Now that's a guy every person should buy a used car from, don't ya think?

  8. From Rana Opinions

    Don't you think the meeting regarding the restaurant, explaining the topic and it's importance should have gone to EVERY home owner before that vote 

    NRS 116.3115  

    The association shall provide written notice to each unit’s owner of a meeting at which an assessment for a capital improvement is to be considered or action is to be taken on such an assessment at least 21 calendar days before the date of the meeting.

  9. From Rana Opinions

    NRS 116.31037  

    Indemnification and defense of member of executive board.  If a member of an executive board is named as a respondent or sued for liability for actions undertaken in his or her role as a member of the board, the association shall indemnify the member for his or her losses or claims, and undertake all costs of defense, unless it is proven that the member acted with willful or wanton misfeasance or with gross negligence. After such proof, the association is no longer liable for the cost of defense, and may recover costs already expended from the member of the executive board who so acted.

    (Added to NRS by 2011, 2414)
