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Sunday, September 30, 2018

What Did Sun City Anthem Do to Deserve This ???

Why Even Considering Reelecting Any of the Sun City Anthem Incumbents is Insane
(Part One of Two)

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Valerie Opinions

    Or has it only ceased to be considered for NOW?

    Does anyone really trust the Board and the General Manager, or has it been only postponed till some future time when the machine again tries to get it passed?

    How many people trust a Board and manager who "speak with forked tongue" and try to again force the issue of a restaurant for their benefit and not that of the resident?

    Does anyone else wonder about that?

    Read between the lines. So much has gone on that has been secret. 

    When that occurs how can we trust their motives/decisions?

    How stupid do they think we are?

    We need positive change all around, and hopefully we can elect a Board for the people and not just for themselves.

  2. Valerie,

    If history repeats, there is no doubt that another attempt will be made.

    Why would any of them change? 

    We all know how they made an attempt to "slip" the last one in, so why would any person in their right mind believe they would do anything other than that?

    The trust factor is all but gone with this group, and it's now a matter of how much additional damage they will do before the next Board election in the spring.

    A new Board minus these individuals is the only hope for change in any way.
