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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Miss a Dues Payment...You'll Pay Plenty

Still Believe the Sun City Anthem 
General Manager & Board
Chose the Right Association Attorney ?

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Jim Mayfield...former of Vice President and Chairman of the Sun City Anthem Finance Opinions

    I fought for 4 years to get rid of John Leach.  He played favorites with individual Board members, sought to exclude dissenting directors from timely or even complete information, and the quality of his legal services was on the decline.  His firm had to go. 

    When we sent out an RFP to a broad bidder pool, the quality of the responses was poor, and the final three was comprised of Leach's firm another long-serving Nevada HOA attorney, and Clarkson. 

    Clarkson was at least a new face.

    Now that SCA has two years experience with Clarkson, I have learned the following lessons. 

    The HOA environment in Nevada is corrupt, starting with NRED. 

    All of the HOA specialty law firms are part of the problem. 

    SCA must now ask if HOA experience is really that necessary. 

    My answer is "NO". 

    What is needed is a good law firm with the resources to handle the business issues of the HOA, an independence from the current corrupt, insider regulatory system, and a relationship in which it reports to the Board and not the GM.

  2. From Rana Goodman of Anthem Opinons

    There can be numerous reasons someone might miss an HOA payment, as I discussed with Bella Meese when she was president.

    Rex Weddle was present at the meeting so he heard this point..

    During the time I started working with guardianship victims, I learned that someone in guardianship does not receive their mail.

    I pointed this out to Bella and Rex at the time and suggested that prior to turning a delinquent home owner to collection, the board needs to have someone reach out and find out WHY IT WAS MISSED.

    Is the owners living in the house?

    Was it an illness issue, as in this case?

    Have they been placed in guardianship or might they be in a rehab facility for some reason?

    In our case we now have a general manager who, in my opinion, should have a member of her staff research the reason rather than just turn the owner over to collection, especially for missing ONE payment.

    And don't you all think that a regular collection agency would be far more cost effective than a law office?

  3. From Rana Goodman of Anthem Opinions
    As part of my projects for Elder Hub, the volunteer arm of the Vegas Voice, we requested a list of all persons currently in guardianship and who each of their guardians were. 

    I just received the list and it is 36 pages long. 

    Elder Hub is reaching out to get locations and be able to visit these people.

    But as I read your column today, I wondered how many of those folks lived in an HOA, as did one victim we rescued 2 yeas ago and stand to lose their home for non payment while they are oblivious to the fact the assessment is not being paid by the guardian as it should be.

    Would this type of collection practice...

    Never asking the question WHY...

    ...make an HOA board, at least morally, complicit to this wrong doing?

  4. Rana,

    Your dedication to the Guardianship cause is second to none.

    How do individuals get in touch with the Elder Hub if they would like to assist your efforts?

    Count Anthem Opinions "in" as a volunteer.

  5. From Rana Goodman of Anthem Opinions

    Volunteers can contact me either on my Vegas Voice email ( or at 

    The web site is

    Interested volunteers can learn more of "our mission" by checking the site.

  6. From Robert Opinions
    I agree with Mr. Mayfield's statement:

    "What is needed is a good law firm with the resources to handle the business issues of the HOA, an independence from the current corrupt, insider regulatory system, and a relationship in which it reports to the Board and not the GM."

    However, what we also need are Board members with the testicular fortitude to make common sense decisions, AND stand by their decisions without hiding behind the HOA Attorney (at who knows how much $ per hour).

  7. From Bill Opinions

    Good morning my fellow Americans.

    I am proud to fly the flag of my adopted country with pride.

     My parents came to this country after suffering the hatred and killing of my people. All their rights of a people were brutally taken away. 

    Now here in a place that I live in my rights to fly a flag other than the “grand old flag” are in jeopardy. REALLY? 

    We are a diverse community. 

    Who is going to tell all the Veterans that they are not able to fly the colors from the branch of the Armed Services they served for?

    Who will tell the resident that was the first in their family to go college that this pride of flying the flag of that college is not acceptable?

    Finally I pity the individual who knocks on the door or sends a letter to the couple in my neighborhood that have been here since day one and have served this community with heart and soul and tells them that “sorry, that cute flag that respects the changing of the season is not appropriate.”

    There are so many more pressing issues that we of the elder generation face in our daily life, like being thankful that the day has given us their blessing for another day. 

    Thanks for opportunity to write my thoughts.
