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Monday, December 10, 2018

Former Sun City Anthem Director Warns Current Restaurant Poll Sets Precedent for Future Special Assessments & Negative Real Estate Reaction

Restaurant Poll
A Last Ditch Plea to Please Vote

Image result for poll

Jim Mayfield

Former 2 Term Sun City Anthem Board Vice President
Former Chair of the Sun City Anthem Finance Committee

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From A. Opinions

    To Anthem Opinions:

    I don’t usually complain. ,but, I never received this survey.

    I travel a couple times a year. My mail is forwarded by the US Postal Service. They do an excellent job of forwarding all my important mail.

    I received my HOA dues coupon book. It’s sent 1st class mail, as it should.

    If the survey is so important.I would assume it was sent 1st class mail.

    I wonder how many other owners have not received the survey?        

  2. As per Jim Mayfield's concluding note to his article, I would suggest that you go to Anthem Center, report you had not received it, and ask for replacement ballot.

  3. From Bob Opinions

    James and all others.

    It is good to hear from you. 

    My immediate thoughts are as follows:

    Apathy is normal by joy-seeking, tired, and ill seniors who came here simply to enjoy their last days and prefer to pay for inconvenience rather than challenge theft, corruption and fraud by the SCA boards and their close friends on the Henderson City Council.

    Members are being informally asked (not required to vote among major, high-cost modifications to common facilities per Statute and our By Laws) to choose among 2 unacceptable, very expensive options when in fact, there is at least one additional option--to do nothing but change the rules of use of the dining area and kitchen.  

    The 3rd option would require the association to issue consistent rules to turn the current SCA-owned dining and restaurant facilities into private use only--as is the case for all other facilities.  

    The rules would allow SCA clubs and ad hoc SCA member groups to reserve use of the restaurant area and/or kitchen area as they wish, and SCA would managed them much as the multi-purpose rooms are.  Club/group clean up and any needed repairs resulting from group use would be handled the same as other SCA multi-purpose rooms, game rooms, pools and the ballroom.  This would make it possible for the restaurant area to be reserved independently for catered events held in other locations than the dining area.

    The 3rd option will mean that many groups will be using the dining and/or restaurant areas in lieu of multi-purpose rooms, and free up some multi-purpose rooms for plain meetings.

    The board survey is a false dilemma using fuzzy logic. 

    The survey and any preliminary actions should be withdrawn and the following 3rd option tested in 2019.

    A nonprofit, NV LLC organization should be formed for a small cost to prepare to file a suit to protect membership rights if the board refuses to honor the 3rd option trial use approach and abandon their fiduciary duties to the membership.  

    If desired, I will help in any way fellow members wish.  

    I know many of the newer SCA members who attend my Church and believe there are many others who will prefer to fight such board corruption in ways most likely to be successful in this city election year. 

    As stated before, all our property values will start to decline as well as having to pay a special assessment and pay higher dues in the future, if a firm stand with a stronger membership strategy is not implemented this time around. 

    We are facing hundreds of dollars of losses during the next few years if we simply respond to the board's unacceptable survey.
