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Sunday, December 2, 2018

Is Sun City Anthem Being Lead Down a Path of Losing Complete Control of its Community ? An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Sun City Anthem Restaurant Poll
Just Another Deceptive Step to Control Your Life

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  1. From Tim Opinions


    MSN (Microsoft Network) a popular on-line news and information service had a feature article listing the 21 most luxurious retirement communities in America.  About half were in Arizona and Florida and the rest all over the country.

    Sun City Summerlin made the list - BUT Sun City Anthem did not.

    SCA just did not measure up.

  2. From Malcolm "Scotty" Opinions

    Give us a Bar, not a Restaurant.

    I belong to the American Legion Post in Henderson, it is a lively friendly place where members and guests gather for a few drinks, comradery and maybe to watch a ball game or play a game of pool.

    Although it has a meeting hall and a kitchen, daily activities always revolve around the bar, which is run entirely by volunteers working for tips.

    No food is available other than chips, nuts, pickled eggs and the like, available for a modest price.

    The post bar is able to make a profit selling beer and drinks at extremely reasonable prices.

    Food is prepared in the kitchen on a schedule dictated by post officers, prepared by volunteers and sold at cost. (no volunteers no food).

    Why could not a similar system be put in place in the restaurant area?

    I'm sure there are numerous individuals in Anthem who would volunteer to run the bar either for something to do or to make a few extra bucks. Groups could reserve the kitchen for various functions if they wanted to prepare food (being responsible for cleaning up of course) or hiring a caterer to do it for them.

    In fact here is no reason that meeting space and a bar could not co-exist in the same area.

    The whole operation would be non-profit, and the HOA would provide nothing but utilities and janitorial services.

    Possibly a group such as the Veterans club, or Silver Foxes could take the lead in setting up such a system, if for any reason it fails due to lack of volunteers we're no worse off than we are now.

  3. From Matt Opinions

    Previous restaurants did not do maintenance correctly or at all and we got stuck with huge costs to remedy the neglect.

  4. From Bob Opinions

    People should refuse to return a response, as I have. Homeowners deserve a real effort at research, not this bogus non-effort. Boycott the one-question!!!

  5. From Samuel Opinions

    I received my opinion poll survey and crossed out both options and put my opinion on what we should do.

    First, I do not remember the famous quote exactly, but I believe it was “ Doing the same thing over and over exactly the same every day and expecting different results is inanity amplified”, or words to that effect.

    Restaurants have repeatedly failed and nothing I can see has changed and any new attempt is due to failure.

    As to office space, people in this country are obsessed with meetings, whether in the military, industry or associations, we are constantly meeting about something.

    Fortunately, I think we have enough meeting rooms. Let’s cut down on the meetings.

    Ok, so what do we do with the space.

    I know this will cost a lot of money, but how about another workout room?

    While I cannot use the equipment we now have, I am sure people would use such a room more than any other solution.

    How about going to the extreme. I would like to see another thermal pool that is free of thermal aerobics, or even a pool for walkers only, or lap swimmers only, all free of any classes?

    I know where we can come up with a half a million by selling the kitchen equipment we paid for.

    A cut in GM’s 250K salary would add another 75K.

    I would pay an extra to have a pool free of any kind of classes. I know, I am just being funny, but I am curious just how much such a facility would cost. 3-5M?

    OK, I had my fun, hope someone comes up with something, other than the two options we were given.


  6. From Vincent Opinions

    My name is Vincent Cimino I made a suggestion in reference to the restaurant I think we should leave the kitchen area as is for maybe a future restaurant.

    Take the seating area restaurant leave as is or refresh with more seating etc.

    Let the SCA members use for games,cards, poker or whatever.

    Leave the bar and have it maintained by SCA volunteers to man and sell soft drinks, coffee, water, have pre made sandwiches, hot dogs, and whatever snakes we can think of etc all proceeds go to SCA to maintain.

  7. From Richard Opinions

    After many attempts to get a response from “the other guy” and Ms. “spend ‘till it’s gone”, I ask you:

    1. What incentive would a restaurateur have to please SCA residents if they were subsidized?

    2. What incentive would a restaurateur have to even succeed in SCA if they were subsidized?

    3. What incentive would any of us here have to be our best if failure was taken off the table?

    4. What ever happened to the old John Smith axiom “if you don’t work, you don’t eat” rule?

    I assume from their lack of any answers, they have none; there is no reason to launch another fiasco.

    Maybe someone in our community could provide some reasonable answers, but I seriously doubt it.

  8. Richard,

    All good questions.

    In my opinion, the first THREE are NONE.

    As far as #4, that axiom obviously doesn't mean much any longer considering 53% of Americans would likely starve if it did !

    What can I say, Richard?

    It appears the words "work ethic" and "capitalism" are now politically incorrect.

  9. I would love a casual place like a Deli/Coffee shop. We could have breakfast with a friend or a club. How about a quick sandwich, soup,or salad for lunch. I don't want a high end place just a place to to run in when I'm too lazy to cook. So many of us run to a place like Coffee Bean or Starbucks to meet friends, why not here in our own coffee shop? This is my opinion but it's also the opinion of many of the residents here in SCA that I have spoken to about this.

  10. From Al Opinions

    The Restaurant Is a Stated Amenity.

    Many of us were shown the restaurant and it was hyped as one of the many amenities here at SCA. If the Board decided to remove it, or even let it sit closed, there might be lawsuits involved.

    It is no Costlier than Other Amenities.

    Folks complain about the fact that the restaurant will be costly to operate since it is impossible for it to run at a profit.

    I won’t argue about the assumption that it won’t operate at a profit, but it is certain that it would be no costlier to operate than our swimming pools, Bocce, tennis & Pickle ball courts and other amenities that are only used by a subset of homeowners.

    The Cost Could be Handled Nicely.

    Instead of just adding to the assessment, we could add an amount, say $10/mo, for example only, and issue a coupon to each homeowner good for a $10 buy in the restaurant. That acts as an incentive for them to use the restaurant and spend even more there. If they choose not to use the coupon immediately, they could save them up or sell, trade, or give them to others. Many clubs use this method for their restaurants. We have approximately 7200 homes which would gross about $72,000 per month or $864,000/year. That would be a heck of a good start at making it profitable for a vendor or we could operate it ourselves and the profit would go back to the Association, perhaps reducing the assessment.

    The Restaurant Needs to Be Open 14/7.

    Having a restaurant here that is open just for dinner or lunch and dinner is just plain silly. If you visit one of the local restaurants during breakfast or lunch, you’ll find many of our residents there. To be most successful, we need to address the wants and needs of our residents. Let’s have it open by 8 for breakfast, open the bar when lunch begins and stop dinner orders around 8pm. The bar could stay open until 10 or later with bar snacks available.

    The Restaurant Must be Affordable.

    We can’t support a fine dining restaurant up here. For the restaurant to be most successful, we need a menu that will encourage residents to dine multiple times per month. That means a breakfast and lunch menu similar to upscale family restaurants with the dinner menu including the lunch items plus 3-6 standard dinner entrees and a special. Having a midweek special such as all you can eat fish and chips and an upscale weekend special like a filet would be great.

    The bar should be a friendly, neighborhood bar with competitive prices and bar food.


    We should set our sights on the mainstream of resident’s tastes, neither shooting too high or too low. A friendly eating & drinking place that everyone will feel comfortable visiting, some on a frequent basis, will indeed be an amenity that will be worthwhile.

  11. Al,

    Let me address several of your comments.

    First, there is strong disagreement at to a restaurant being an amenity.  An amenity is strictly for owners.  The current proposal would allow outsiders.  Your comparison to the swimming pool is not valid comparing that to a restaurant.  Should outsiders be allowed to use that as well as all other facilities that we refer to amenities?  

    In addition, the original SCA Master Plan called for a 3rd golf course too !

    The idea of a lawsuit is ridiculous.  Who would personally sue SCA and use personal funds to do so knowing at the same time, their dues money would be used against them in defense?

    As far as cost, I also disagree.  The examples you use to compare the relatively fixed costs of your examples to the variable and inevitable increasing costs of a restaurant are not valid.  A subsidized restaurant would be an ever increasing expense that  it has been proven through 5 previous attempts ,will not be patronized sufficiently. 

    Al, your coupon idea represents not only additional cost, but try selling that to the 30% of owners who do not reside here year round. 

    Let me just say that for years, I have yet to hear about anyone starving because of not having a restaurant.  Somehow we've also made it elsewhere over the years to dine.

    Major chains have examined the situation and wanted no part of us for various reasons. Doesn't a marketing department of a large corporation have more knowledge about such matters than "winging it"?

    Sorry Al, in my opinion, it's a waste of time, money, and expense. 

    That space can be utilized by more residents for Club and meeting purposes than the few who would patronize any eatery...and it's the usage by the majority that should prevail.

  12. From Dolores Opinions

    I like Scotty Fraser's ideas, with a little bar food offered like hamburgers and a few simple sandwiches.

  13. From Valerie Opinions

    We no longer need a manager with Sandy’s expertise so why do we still employ her for her exorbitant salary and that of her staff?  

    If Sun City Summerlin,  which is larger and has more homes than we have, pay a manager $160,000, something is seriously out of line with what we pay our manager.  

    We are being fleeced, and most of the owners are not happy.
