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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Got a Compliance Complaint Letter ? Some Advice in Appealing the "Supposed" Violation

Former 2 Term Sun City Anthem
Vice President Finance Committee Chairman
Gives Advice in Seeking Compliance Complaint Appeal

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Angelina & Tony Opinions
    When I read the headline regarding " a bit of Las Vegas History soon to be a memory "I had 2 thoughts:

    a) Sun City Anthem has been found to be a scam & we all lose our shirts.

    b) the current Board of Directors are being called before the Nevada Senate for a hearing into their mishandling of their duties & the possibility of them facing jail time & returning all fees improperly collected from which they derived substantial monetary gains.

  2. Tony,

    Did your thoughts include Sun City Anthem management, their attorney, and their mouthpiece blogger?

    Just wondering !

  3. From Valerie Opinions

    What is this about the Board being made responsible for their actions? 

    When did this take place? 

    What about including our manager as well into this?

  4. In publishing the above article we were informed that this information was also sent to David's Anthem Journal.

    Why would he refuse to publish it? 

    Perhaps he might address that issue on his publication as this was written by a former member of the Sun City Anthem Board.

    If not, is that further proof that he merely mirrors "The Machine" and its actions in promoting their wasteful decisions?

  5. From Carolyn Opinions

    It just boggles my mind that this Board really thinks after 5 restaurant failures a 6th will be successful. 

    I posed that question to one of the Board members and the answer was “I have hope”. 

    Hope just doesn’t get it. 

    I predict it will not be successful. 

    I can have a glass of wine and enjoy the sunset from my living room or patio. 

    What gets me out to eat is good food for a reasonable price or if willing, gourmet food for a higher price. 

    The last meal I had at the center was neither inexpensive nor good.  I never went back. 

    I would love to hear why the Board thinks restaurant #6 will be successful. 

    The liability issues and parking issues are certainly something that should be seriously taken. 

  6. Carolyn,

    Did a Board Member actually say "I hope so?"

    Nothing like "We have every reason, based on our research, that it would succeed" ???

    Who in their right mind would invest a dime when the supposed "expert decision maker" would use that answer to commit $250,000+ each and every year of one's money ?

    The answer is evident by the 0 for 5 record...

    ..7 "bureaucratic unqualified imbeciles !

  7. It has come to my attention that the "Machine blogger" made the following statements on his blog which I feel must be addresses.
    "If you want to have your thoughts or comments published directly to Arendt’s blog, you are not permitted to do so. Instead, you must send him a message and he will decide whether or not to publish it." 

    This is completely untrue.  Individuals can comment directly if they choose to do so.  We have found it easier to send an email to Anthem Opinions.  Do we edit?  Yes, for spelling and at time clarification.  It has proven to assist our readers and have yet to have a complaint from any person....except of course the "Machine" man.

    "I have heard from many folks over the years who sent him items they wanted shared with his readers and they never saw the light of day. He WILL occasionally publish a message of disagreement, but only so that he can immediately follow it with a strong disagreement of his own, or even a personal attack on the sender."

    Yes, this is true...somewhat.  In the few that have been omitted, in our opinion they constituted comments that your mother likely would have washed your mouth out with soap as a kid.  Unlike "Machine man", we don't have a desire to stoop to such levels that seem to constitute the majority of the commentary that appears on his publication. Perhaps he can supply us the names on his publication of those we've deleted and determined as both condescending and low class not worthy of any value.  We believe if he did so, their names would likely be synonymous with those few who often comment on his blog in the demeaning manner in which we omit.

    Of course, the part of "large numbers" is reminiscent of the time a number of years ago when "Machine man" reported that a large number of individuals demanded a woman not be reappointed to the Henderson Senior Citizens Advisory Commission through a petition that proved to have contained all of 8 signatures as a result of The Freedom of Information of which was forged. 

    That same woman was also denied admission to the Sun City Anthem Lifestyle Commission after first being recommended by that Committee, yet was rejected by the Sun City Anthem Board....the President of which at that time was "by coincidence, his wife, Roz Berman.

    That same damned as he tried to portray her in the eyes of a community, happened to be the one woman who eventually changed the Guardianship Laws in the State of Nevada, Rana Goodman.

    We have no desire to focus on him in any way.  He has more than proven his "worth" to the community in recommending ideas and continual waste that has become known at "The Machine".  
