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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Shocking Information Hidden in Sun City Anthem Board Book Agenda

Sun City Anthem Board Anticipated Actions to Cost Owners
Thousands of Dollars

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Mary Lee Opinions

    What next? Appears she’s locking herself into a FOREVER POSITION and the machine, once again, does nothing except abide by her every wish and passes whatever she dictates.  

    I am soooooooo sorry for the residents.  

    I have never understood how so many can keep their heads in the sand over these issues.

    SCA is so damn lucky to have all of your time and energy going into keeping the SCA residents INFORMED!  

    I do not miss the drama and the way the association is run.

    It could be such an incredible community but will continue to be run in that fashion until the apathetic community WAKES UP.

  2. From Valerie Opinions

    Say this isn’t going to happen, please!  We need to get rid of this over paid , power hungry woman who is destroying what was once a wonderful community. 

    How can we get rid of her?

  3. Valerie, my deepest fear, and the "machine's" only weapon left,  is to give her a contract. 

    They know that the public tide is dramatically moving  against HER and THEM, and this idea of any long-term contract would be just another way to BULLY a community into maintaining  their devious ways....AND...a GM's way to prove SHE'S THE BOSS, not any Board.

    Let's not forget that Nona Tobin strongly advised all of us that this would take place; and as a result, every attempt was made to shut her up at every turn. 

    ...and an uncaring community not only watched it, but allowed it to happen.

    To you Nona, this community owes you a sincere apology for doubting you in any way.  Over time they all have proven themselves to be the untrustworthy group you tried to warn us about again and again.

    The "sickest" aspect of this entire thing is that they are REFUSING to disclose the contents of the agreement.

    That is despicable and certainly makes total LIARS of all of them when they preach the word "transparency".

    I hope that many in the community will finally look at all of them for what many of us have stated for years...

    ...and been ridiculed for as a result !

    This group and those who support them and such activity are completely untrustworthy and deserve to be dumped as soon as possible.

    We hope and PRAY that some honest individuals with integrity will come forward, run for the Board, and literally do everything in their power to curb these acts. 

    Our community is at a turning point that without such change, our future will be a dark one to say the least.

  4. From Jack Opinions

    What exactly are you trying to say in you lengthy article?

    It is so long the I cannot figure our what you are complaining about? 

    Please be shorter and get to the point. 

    Maybe I would write a response if I could understand what exactly you are saying.

  5. Jack, read my above comment if you want a shorter version. 

    My objective was simple...READ the facts from the past; DIGEST them; and unless you want to loose your identity as a community, make sure you DUMP any individuals from a Board who would make such fools out of intelligent people as a result of their actions.

    Hope this clarifies things in order for you to submit a comment.

  6. From Robert Opinions

    Since the holidays occupying much of out time, it is easy to overlook events going on in our backyard, relatively unnoticed. A perfect example is the article in the Anthem Opinions about the apparent plans of changes our Board of Directors have in store for us.

    The article seems quite innocent with its main feature being to change the title of Ms. Seddon to Chief Operating Officer, with no change in responsibility. 

    Then why bother, especially by barely mentioning the fact in an obscure place in the board book? 

    Not questioning the Board’s integrity (right), it is reminiscent of our last president a few years ago wishing to reward some staff members in his favor do so, as their salaries were set by Civil Service regulations, so he merely created a new job title for them and gave them raises. I’d lay odds that the Board of Directors has a motive. 

    The Board also gloated in their E-Blast, which should be subtitled “All the news we want you to hear’  to the results of the “opinion questionnaire” sent out last month. However, I doubt they could justify the facts that several hundred ballots more than property owners were sent out and many completed ballots were counted from renters, with no vested financial interest in out community. 

    For all we know, the Board of Directors may already have a restaurant lease signed, which many of us thought was the case last fall until a surprise almost cost us dearly.

    Also, has anyone heard what was happening out with the Liberty Center lawsuit? Do we feel like it is being conducted in our best interests? 

    After the first of the year, I saw a new or near new pickup on  our street with some compliance title on it.

    I later found out it was a person hired by Ms. Seddon (at $40,000) to cruise the area looking for landscaping violations and report them to a group to mail out no-no letters, also hired by management.
    When questioning why, I has told the compliance policy was being proactive, not reactive.

    Since we can’t seem to find any qualified people internally to address envelopes and check out the nature of violation to the culprits and outside help is needed, I hope we don’t have to pay for truck purchase or lease, as it looked like a $60000-$70000 model.

    These are merely a few examples of what out our “Sad Seven” keeps from us behind closed doors,

    What can we do?

    Do not accept the logic that no news is not always good news as we are finding out.

    Speak to your friends and neighbors, many of whom are not aware or only hear part of an issue.

    Subscribe to the Anthem Opinion an online publication, and voice your dislikes by using your “toxic keyboard” to enlighten others.

    And more important, an election for 5 board seats will happen later this spring. It is about the only chance we have to seat members who may by the moat qualified and committed.

    There is an open monthly meeting of the Board of Directors on Thur 1/24 at I believe 1:00 PM in the Delaware Room of the Anthem Center. 

    All Homeowners are invited, but Board Members are very good at dodging issues.

  7. From William Opinions
    Unbelievable the membership is not even provided a job description for this new position.

    I am still not happy about being questioned by another member regarding my vote on a particular issue in an election in which member votes should be confidential.

    Instead of paying someone $40,000 to drive around looking at properties, give our patrol volunteers forms and a clipboard and include this in their duties as they drive around.
