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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sun City Anthem Treasurer...Just Another Member of Association's Political "Machine"

A Quality Lacking in Sun City Anthem Treasurer

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Barbara Opinions
    Dick, I am actually not sure I believe they got that many responses to the restaurant survey. 

    When residents won't send back the age survey to keep us a senior community, I have trouble believing that 50% of the residents voted on the restaurant. 

    I am just very skeptical.  

  2. Barbara,

    Based on so many actions of this Board in the past few years, believing anything they try to "peddle", insults the entire community. 

    They have lost all credibility...if they ever had it at all.

    They have to be dumped at the next election to avoid catastrophic financial results.

    There has never been a time when SCA was in greater need of strong and qualified leadership.

    It has become so obvious that this Board WORKS for the General Manager.

    That is not governance, but weakness as a result of incompetence.

  3. From Valerie Opinions

    When I first heard that a poll was being sent out to see if we wanted a restaurant my first reaction was, “you have got to be kidding,”. 

    In my mind it was a ruse to fool the owners so that the manager and Board could manipulate the results to show what they wanted. 

    Sure enough this is what happened! 

    They had the poll results and could show what they wanted. 

    Does that sound like a fair endeavor or was it the highest form of manipulation and control? 

    Both the Manager and the Board should be ashamed of their underhanded actions to get what they want at the expense of owners. 

    It’s us against them!

    The icing on the cake is that the numbers they used to frighten the residents had no back up, as far as anyone knows! 

    No impartial individuals monitored the results. 

    Do these individuals believe that we can’t see what they are doing? 

    This is one outrageous act after another. 

    Get rid of them all and bring fairness and sanity to our community! 

    It’s about time we had a healthy community!

  4. From Marcia Opinions

    In my opinion there is more to this picture than the very valid points brought to light so far. Everyone that I have talked to, including people that have recently moved here and have learned about the dishonest way this association is run, are furious.

    That is all good and well but...........

    In order to replace the arrogant, inept, and selfish ruling few, it is necessary for those that have professional and valuable backgrounds in their earlier lives, to step up and "throw their hats into the ring" and run for the BOD. NOTHING LESS will accomplish what we all want, which is fairness, honesty and integrity from those that govern.

    i know for a fact that there are homeowners who have professional backgrounds in the fields of finance, construction, insurance, restaurants, etc. who would be assets as board members.

    Just complaining about this abomination of how this HOA is currently run is not enough to rid us of the choke-hold we are experiencing currently and ignoring the state laws governing HOA's.

    Some residents have said that they moved here to retire and will just pay any increase in dues and or any special assessment to live the life they want.  This adds a real burden upon those owners who are really on a fixed income and tight budget and may be forced to move elsewhere.  This would be a real tragedy. 

  5. From Tony & Angelina Opinions

    Hi Dick,

    I have noticed a new sign in the front of the anthem center which purports to be “ RUNNING FOR THE BOARD “

    When I lived in California, there were similar signs warning drivers of illegals running across the freeway.

    When I see our new sign I am reminded of our BOARD OF DIRECTORS running for the hills !

    Keep up the great work in fighting the OLD CHICAGO MACHINE ! ( only now here in Sun City Anthem )

    You are due for an award to keep us informed of the BS which comes from our current board, (the renter voting issue the most recent example )

    Congratulations !
