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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

2019 Sun City Anthem Board "New Tradition Team" Improves Web Site for Resident Viewing

New Tradition Team Web Site
Now Easier Access from I-Phones 

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  1. It's terrific that the New Tradition web site has been improved; now ANYONE (including alternate Bloggers) can learn about the candidates and not make the idiotic statement that although he doesn't know them, he doesn't support them

  2. From Richard Opinions

    DAB posts even though he doesn’t even know three of “your” candidates, he will not even consider endorsing any of them.

    A “mob boss” mentality, asking for ‘one-on-one’ meetings before publishing their campaign materials; ‘mafia lawyer’ tactics.

    SCA should ignore his divisive methodologies; he is once again setting up a “us against them” scenario of  voter intimidation.

    This community deserves better than this; DAB’s ilk need to be soundly defeated, and sent packing along with the GM/COO.

    DAB erroneously believes he speaks for the entire SCA community; well, he doesn’t, and the sooner he finds out, the better.

  3. To our readers:

    First of all, these are not Anthem Opinions candidates. They are five honorable individuals who are doing their best to make Sun City Anthem a better place, and we fully support all of them for the efforts they have made in trying to accomplish that objective.

    It is a sad state of affairs when a specific individual can target a group of candidates solely based on dislike for another individual whose sole objective has always been placing honesty and integrity in a community by bringing out the many problems and "hidden agendas" past members of Boards have demonstrated over the years.

    We are, and always have been, fully dedicated to removing "a machine" from our midst in order that a better life can be obtained for all who reside in our community.

    Should a community choose to elect individuals who wish to maintain the status quo and ignore what surrounds them, they are free to do so.

    Let me emphatically state:

    This is NOT about one blogger against another; it is about the candidates and whom the community can best represent their best interests.

    Anthem Opinions once again, will offer any free time to any candidate if they will accept what The New Tradition Team has done; namely agree in print to answer each and every question posed to them by our readers.

    To date, only The New Tradition Team has offered to do so.

  4. I recently found out during a meeting at one of the SCA clubs, that many of the members had never heard of Anthem Opinions. Naturally I informed them, but it was only a small group. How can we ensure that every resident of SCA will learn of The New Tradition Team prior to the election?

  5. Malcolm,

    Since our inception in November, 2006, we have had in excess of 2,550,000 visits to our publication and in excess of 2,300+ subscribers.

    We average between 1,800 and 2,000 visits per day. That makes us the largest read private blog in the Anthem communities, 10 times more then the 2nd one in line.

    We established our blog with the intent of making it helpful to senior citizens in the remaining aspects of our lives through numerous ways that include the various categories offered, and have surrounded ourselves with excellent sources to bring helpful and fun information to Sun City Anthem.

    As time passed, we began to see things that didn't seem to add up, and more and more questions arose over the years were not answered in a manner that my prior business experience could tolerate.

    I saw vast amounts of money wasted while watching 5 restaurants fail; and in just about each case, I couldn't help but notice that the financial decisions were being made by Board members whose experience at handling money, rarely exceeded their ability to balance a check book.

    In addition I saw that seniors were being treated as if they were children needing guidance, when in fact all they wanted was to live a peaceful and fun life.

    Our past Board members, in my estimation, have failed in those respects, and if we do not have change NOW before it's too late, it will be a matter of time before even greater problems will arise.

    Anthem Opinions accepts no advertising funds, and has never even had business cards printed.

    Everything has been word of mouth.

    But what counts is not Anthem Opinions, but instead are the right people elected who we can trust, who in turn will look closely to management of our funds many of us have spent a lifetime saving to enjoy retirement.

    With that in mind, I am hoping that those who do read Anthem Opinions will "spread the word" about The New Tradition Team.

    Their web site is excellent; these are unselfish individuals who know the meaning of hard earned money, and will closely monitor the decisions on how it will be spent.

    Look for the New Tradition web site to be a part of the Team flyers that are currently being printed and will be distributed to the community.

    Then, if any of those individuals have questions, all they need to is just ask the question on the site. The New Tradition Team has pledged that they will address every question asked of them. They are the ONLY ONES who have made that pledge.

    We believe that knowing how a person thinks in WRITING, allows a community to subsequently judge the value of their "word" in the future.

    We hope you will strongly consider choosing each of them to represent.

  6. From George Opinions

    PEOPLE, a restaurant won’t survive there anymore. It did when there were display homes, new home sales and this place was bustling with activity and people needed a place to eat, conduct their business.

    That’s over now and a restaurant won’t make it ever!

    Nor a food court!

    Perhaps move the coffee concession into that area, give everyone a place to go to to relax and enjoy the views and see what it might "morph into organically".

    Make it available to be used just like Liberty Center, Independence center and Anthem Center, modify usage rules as needed when the problems become apparent.

    We do have some past working knowledge about this you know.

    Allow food service through outside catering (or not) and minimal use of kitchen area when needed.

    Allow it to be used as a community space.

    It’s purpose and potential use will be apparent and thus it’s true purpose to the community determined..

    Don’t need to pay somebody to figure this out, do a study blah blah blah.

    What the heck ????

  7. From Tony Opinions

    Great idea from Frank Lewis.

    Now here's a guy with a brain vs the the SPEND A LOT BOARD FOR A FANCY RESTAURANT which we need like another jerk on the
    Board ! !
