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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Machine Candidates Response to Vegas Voice Publisher Plea

The Disturbing Response 
Vegas Voice Publisher's Plea
for a
"Clean" Sun City Anthem Election

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  1. From Marty Opinions

    Your recent blog certainly made sense as I read it. Dan Roberts asked everything to be both above board an well as honest. Surely not a big deal if you are dealing with rational people, but are we?

    I can’t say who is or who would “play the game” if push comes to shove when things (as they seem to always do) happen.

    When it comes to the Vermin guy you just never know what to expect.

    Now him being the $10K guy (a recent win at GVR) gives him more in your face proof that he knows what’s best for both the community and everyone who is in his purview.
    Past history haunts this guy, and it for sure karma works too.

    What I find odd is the limited response’s on his blog.

    Usually he needs to add fictitious names as we have seen in the past or the same old tired folks responding to his collective.

    Best of luck to Dan Roberts and his wishes.

    I hope people will see what he is talking about and elect the new team.

  2.  From ELizabeth Opinions

    Bravo Mr. Roberts. Thank you for echoing the sentiments of our household and that of many of my neighbors,  friends and acquaintances.

    The rhetoric in Sun City Anthem has deteriorated exponentially over the last few years and is reaching fever pitch.

    Thank you for speaking up so eloquently on behalf of many of us.
