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Sunday, March 17, 2019

"Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike"...Former "Machine Board Member...Starts "Begging for Bucks" Campaign

Former Sun City Anthem Director
Begging for Money
to Continue "Machine" Control of Sun City Anthem Board

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Valerie Opinions

    Thank you for publishing David Berman’s demise as a lawyer in Massachusetts where he resided previously when he practiced law. 

    It is important that the SCA community learn just who this individual that has so much clout here in SCA is. 

    He has successfully garnered followers who are unaware of his past behavior.  

    Past behavior is indicative of future behavior. 

    How he has been able to hide his past will no longer work in his favor. 

    This individual has had too much power to influence our community and elections. 

    Think about it folks, are you still willing to accept the words of such an individual, or do you want to listen to and be rewarded with individuals at the helm that are honest and willing to make our community one that is run for the welfare of the owners?

    You be the judge!

    The New Tradition Team offers a new beginning to our community.

  2. Valerie,

    If there was any question as to his ever changing the type of individual evidenced in his past, the manner in which his rude and vicious attacks on The New Tradition Team, as well as so many others in our community over the years, has proven one thing:

    "A Leopard Can't Change its Spots"

    or perhaps a better way of saying it is:

    "A Skunk Still Stinks No Matter How Cute It First Appears to You"

  3. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Why on earth would David Berman post ANYTHING from A distraught resident with no name (???) about  someone else (without a name but referencing candidates(??) of an opposing side??

    My TX phone has been ringing of the wall with residents saying “No names, no verification, just another lie from one of David's Anthem Journal followers attempting to get attention at any cost??

    Any SCA resident with a Brain will not listen to the constant spewing of nasty remarks about other SCA residents on David's Anthem Journal.  

    This type of lie and  negative rhetoric is so unnecessary and has caused the entire SCA community's reputation to suffer.

    How sad! 

    Wishing the New Tradition candidates the best of luck!

    Residents should contact every candidate directly, and not read or listen to this type of ignorant nonsense.

    Some things and people never seem to learn from their past inexcusable behavior.

    IF a resident has a comment, their names should be posted OR bloggers should NOT allow “anonymous” postings, in my opinion.

    Professional dialogue helps everyone, yet these types of postings are hurtful and disgusting and exceptionally Unprofessional! 

    Happy to be living in a community where there is mutual respect for all!

  4. From Robert Smith...Retired Deputy Director, County Surveyer, Los Angeles County, Dept of Public Opinions 

    Regarding Attorney Marty Greenblatt's Legal Assessment:

    Sage comments from a competent & still coherent Attorney…

    Judging from his informative observation/ arguments…

    Seems like Yogi said, “when you reach the fork in the road, take it”…

    Metaphorically speaking I believe our residents have reached that point…

    It appears our present Board is loath to act on their own good judgement and continues to spend money on legal counsel and a manager rather than stand on their own wisdom and thoughtfulness…

    ...fearing the consequences of responsibility for their actions… 

    Let’s not continue to permit, "the tail to wag the dog” and change leadership.

    Maybe, just maybe, we will choose the best direction to continue past the “ Y”…

    Admittedly a crap shoot but I’m fed up with the restaurant situation.

    Another simple example; Couple of weeks ago a large tree branch broke off in the median on Anthem Pkwy, and laid out in the edge of the fast lane being crunched up for at least a week…

    ...before the crumbs and what remained was picked up, by who knows whom.

    I’ve been a home owner in Anthem the past 15+ years and have never witnessed more pathetic actions by our leadership…

    Board, Management, Counsel…

    Take the ”Y”...

    Thank you Anthem Opinions for your tireless attempt to reach out to our ownership…
