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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Sun City Anthem Chief Financial Officer...Examining His Credentials

Sun City Anthem New Chief Financial Officer
Let's Take a Closer Look !

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. Mr Arendt - you're forgetting one important detail: WE'RE STUPID and shouldn't care about his long as the current Board of Directors, Sandy Seddon, and an alternate Blogger thinks the candidate is 'top notch' then 'everything must be OK'

    PS - wonder how much he's getting paid???

  2. Robert, the last one was paid $200,000, and if you want to find out how much this one is paid, you have to fill out a document request form...which...ILLEGALLY asks you to sign a statement that you won't disclose it to an outside party...

    ...a statement that was found to be ILLEGAL by the Nevada Real Estate Division...

    ...a statement that DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SIGNED...

    ...yet the signature part still remains on the form just in case some fool signs it, and if then disclosed it to another party...

    ...give "The Machine" and their attorney the right to go after you.

    The moral of the story if you make the request and when asked by the person at the desk to sign the form...


    Big Brother will then take the form WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE.
