Information Pages

Monday, March 18, 2019

Vegas Voice Publisher Asks "Machine" Candidates...Do You Support Dirty Campaign Tactics?

Vegas Voice Publisher
Seeks Response from Sun City Anthem Candidates
A Question of Character

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Dan Roberts

Dan Roberts, publisher of The Vegas Voice magazine, has asked Anthem Opinions that we publish this letter sent to the candidates who oppose The New Tradition Team.

Rex Weddle, Forrest Quinn, David Weil, Arthur Scheutz and Paul Peristein

Dan Roberts

I have to admit that despite my protests and trepidation, I’m getting sucked into the SCA Board election. While I still shake my head in disbelief, I now have a personal interest in the outcome since my PILL (partner in love & life) is one of the candidates.

Like my Rana, I fully recognize and even admire your commitment and dedication to SCA. And while there are policy differences and vastly different opinions, I can respect and appreciate all points of view.

But over the last few weeks and surely until the election, my concern is not the content of your brains, but the character of your heart.

We are all well aware of that community blogger supporting your endeavors. And that’s okay.

But it is the mean-spirited, nasty tone and content of the writings that concerns me. My dilemma is that while I truly believe you are all “gentlemen” I cannot understand how you can sanction, yet alone approve such hateful writings.

While I have no doubt that you have communicated with this blogger (and of course, there is nothing wrong about that) I cannot believe that you have not urged this blogger to (at the very least) lower the overly aggressive, shameful and personal attacks on the “other” candidates – starting with my Rana.

As a matter of character I can’t determine what would be worse – your approval of the wording, or your silence? In the utmost of good faith I would like to hear from you.

Notwithstanding the clear policy differences, do you approve of the tone and obvious animosity of this supporter/blogger? Is this type of behavior one that our SCA community should be proud of and embrace?

 Dan Roberts

Got a comment on Mr. Roberts email?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Elizabeth Opinions

    Bravo Mr. Roberts.

    Thank you for echoing the sentiments of our household and that of many of my neighbors, friends and acquaintances.

    The rhetoric in Sun City Anthem has deteriorated exponentially over the last few years and is reaching fever pitch.

    Thank you for speaking up so eloquently on behalf of many of us.
  2. From Robert Opinions

    This will most likely be relegated to the trash bin as are most all other questions posed to the Machine candidates

    OR...Mr. Roberts will be treated to the same spin cycle as we are during the Q & A sessions at the B of D meetings (you know: "Never let the Truth get in the way of a good story)


  1. From Elizabeth Opinions

    Bravo Mr. Roberts.

    Thank you for echoing the sentiments of our household and that of many of my neighbors, friends and acquaintances.

    The rhetoric in Sun City Anthem has deteriorated exponentially over the last few years and is reaching fever pitch.

    Thank you for speaking up so eloquently on behalf of many of us.

  2. From Robert Opinions

    This will most likely be relegated to the trash bin as are most all other questions posed to the Machine candidates

    OR...Mr. Roberts will be treated to the same spin cycle as we are during the Q & A sessions at the B of D meetings (you know: "Never let the Truth get in the way of a good story)
