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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

We're Not in Kansas Anymore...

What Every Owner Should Know about Restaurant Space
Our Choice Between Expensive and Expensive
(The Real Version)

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Valerie Opinions

    Excellent information!

  2. From Marty Opinions

    Hi Dick, 

    Simply, the one question I have is; how much does a place rent for per square foot? 

    Pick anywhere. 

    Pick a competitive place like along Decatur or Rainbow, or now that you have a clue??? 

    Businesses know that it’s a part of doing business, to rent a place of business, so why give away everything like they always have? 

    Of course in this case they give away the pots, pans and space too. 

    How do you convince “them” to show us reality? 

    Let’s get some enjoyment out of this space and give it to Sandy! 

    Don’t modify or change it in any way either. 

    YES, I’m being facetious so D. Vermin won’t put me in his proverbial barrel again (so what). 

    In any event she’ll have a Las Vegas view from her new office.

  3. Marty, in light of the personality she seems to demonstrate toward residents, I think a great office for her would be to make her presence more available to those who pay her salary. 

    How about putting a white sheet over some cardboard on one of the billiard tables in the gallery with a folding chair with an adjoining pay telephone booth?   

    If she wants to RENT a more attractive location, she has over $250,000 to do it with.

    She'd have a great view of The Las Vegas Strip !

    What do you think ??? 

  4. From Marty Opinions

    I agree Dick. 

    She has her "golden tower" to hide in and make her amazing "intelligent" decisions.   

    Moving her for all to see is a wonderful distraction. 

    I'd bet (if l was a betting man living in a betting town) she eventually would say, "hasta la vista, Anthem." 

    I wonder what decisions she has made to prove to us why she is worth more than a city manager, and a big city at that.
