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Monday, April 22, 2019

4 Days Left in Office...and SPEND SPEND SPEND !

Lame Duck Board 
Last Effort Spending Spree

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Barbara Opinions

    Yes, the board is spending a lot.  

    I see a charge coming in the near future to put more money in our reserves.  

    Did you read the email blast from yesterday?  

    They are also buying a snooker table (Rex Weddle's thing) and I sent the following to Sandy.

    "I read in the email blast today that the following was approved:

    lower gallery furniture in the amount of $144,286.26 to be paid from reserve

    What is going on with our furniture? 

    I know that $114K was approved earlier. 

    I checked out the company that this bid came from and they didn't offer any tables and chairs under their products on their website. 

    So what has changed now that the bid is $30K higher?  

    Who are we using and I would like to see a copy of what we are getting." 

    We will see what kind of answer she sends.   

  2. Barbara, Let us know if you get any response.

  3. From Robert Opinions 

    A recent email blast reported (in part):

    "Painting of various areas at Anthem and Liberty Centers and the Community Patrol Building by Unforgettable Coatings Inc. in the amount of $13,355.10 to be paid from Reserves"  

    Note that the entire interior of the Community Patrol building was painted about 24 months ago. 

    I sent an email asking WHAT was being painted in the Community Patrol building. 

    That was ignored/never answered.

  4. From Jo-Anna Opinions 

    Thank you for this current update of "our" money being spent. 

    Maybe they need to buy chairs and loungers in the pool area that are for SENIORS. 

    In other words chairs and loungers that are not so low to the ground that we need a crane to get out of them! 

  5. Jo-Anna,

    This is no rant...this is TRUE CONCERN.
