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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sun City Anthem Board Election: The Often Neglected Requirement for Leadership

Sun City Anthem Board of Directors Election
A Clear Choice
"Machine" Status Quo vs Reform
A Final Consideration
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  1. From JoAnna Opinions

    After digesting the latest Anthem Opinions, I can ONLY speak for myself.ALTHOUGH I have heard from several Homeowners, NOT RENTERS....of which we are not fully aware of just how many there are, along with the many YOUNGER individuals who have infiltrated our Center, 

    MAYBE we should go back to having an outside management company manage us. 

    I am sure if the new Board were to look into an outside company, they would probably find them to be no where near the cost of this COO...or  her team.

    I would REALLY  like to know, although I am sure none of us will ever be able to get a full accountability of what "they" actually do for this community, how they are entitled to such outlandish salaries AND all the perks.

    For those of you who have not voted yet.....PLEASE for the sake of our community,

    VOTE !!!

  2. Members of The New Tradition Team have notified Anthem Opinions that a rumor, likely from The "Old Guard Machine", if the New Tradition Team is elected, the employment of all the women in Sun City Anthem administration would be terminated.

    They asked Anthem Opinions to notify our readers that THIS IS ENTIRELY FALSE, likely just another example of the dirty politics embraced by their supporters, that has been demonstrated again and again over the election period.

    If any of our readers are aware of who started this UNTRUTHFUL LIE, let us know. 

    We believe the community should be aware of that individual or individuals who would stoop to such activity.

  3. From Carolyn Opinions

    I see by the "Monday E Blast" that the "Board" voted to approve $179,000. in expenditures to be paid thru our "reserves".

    Why weren't these items included in the budget, why drain the reserves?

    Is this good fiscal management"?

    I understood that the "health" of an HOA is determined (in part) by the "health of their reserve account.

  4. Carolyn,What people cannot understand is that is a manner in which "books" can be "cooked" in order to provide a result that  will make a situation appear a lot better than what it actually is !

    If The New Tradition Team wins the election, expect a greater scrutiny of the reserves AND all other forms of spending.
