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Sunday, May 19, 2019

2019 Sun City Anthem Election Results...Our Results Interpretation

Our Realistic Interpretation
 of the 
2019 Sun City Anthem Board Election

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Ron Opinions

    With the exception of Rana Goodman and Dan Roberts, your blog articles almost never indicate the name of the author.

    Specifically, today’s articles “Interpretation of the 2019 Sun City Anthem Board Election” and “Two New Board Members Say "Go Away Mr. Berman" do not include the names of the authors.

    The reason that is important to me is that as a former journalist, I’m puzzled about opinions “anonymously” expressed.I know that David Berman’s articles are his because he takes ownership of everything he writes on his blog.

    On the other hand, articles on your blog almost never reveal the person(s) who express(es) some pretty harsh views (Rana Goodman and Dan Roberts excepted.

    We know where they stand).Anyone not responsible enough to take credit for an article attacking others in our community should be dismissed as irresponsible.

    As Anthem homeowners we have a right to judge the information we receive based upon who delivers the information.Caring homeowners try to inform ourselves by reading all sides to issues affecting our community.

    I tend to dismiss opinions which seem mean spirited and/or anonymously presented. Thus, I read your anonymously written articles and weigh the information accordingly.These are my opinions.

    Homeowners can disagree without throwing mud at each other while hiding behind their anonymity.

  2. Ron, I don't know how long you have resided in Sun City Anthem, but who you you think owns, operates, and writes the editorials?

    Unless another individual is named under an editorial, it has always been assumed that I have written them.

    The blog clearly states that I AM THE WEBMASTER.

    I have to admit, that of the 2,300+ subscribers in the 6.5 years of operation and the 2,675,000 visits to our publication to date, this is the first time this comment has ever been made.

    I think you may have spoken a bit quickly about "animosity".

    After all, the blog is called Anthem OPINIONS.

    Dick Arendt
    13+ year Resident of Sun City Anthem

  3. From Elizabeth Opinions

    What is he talking about????

    Every response to every one of your articles has the name of the author.

    UNLIKE another blog that uses pseudonyms and dead athletes- which, according to THAT blogger is at the request of the submitter.

    Isn’t it odd that  Anthem Opinions doesn’t have anyone afraid to use their own names????

    That’s not because they don’t anticipate backlash from the other blogger (on the contrary),  but because Anthem Opinions is honest.

    On that other blog we might assume it’s true that folks are afraid to use their real names or, on the other hand, that the blogger likes to bolster himself !!!!

  4. From Dan Roberts...Publisher of The Vegas Opinions

    I don't know if you know this guy, but for his above comment, I wonder if he knows any former dead baseball players...
