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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Has the time finally arrived in Sun City Anthem to Address Resident Harassment ? (Part One of Two)

Vegas Voice Publisher Issues Challenge
to Blogger
David Berman
(Part One of Two)

Image result for challenge

During the 2019 Sun City Anthem Board of Directors campaign, many individuals in the community received emails from David Berman regarding Vegas Voice publisher, Dan Roberts.

Berman on numerous occasions, threatened Roberts to "expose" a past element of his life in retaliation of the Vegas Voice cover article in the April, 2019 edition.

For those of you aware of Berman tactics, this is typical of his "style"...

...writing unsolicited emails to individuals regarding matters in which his delusional mind, believes he has some form of authority...

...emails that have been considered harassment by numerous individuals over the years.

For those of you who have resided in Sun City Anthem for a short  period of time, the community once enforced a safeguard against harassment referred to as "Code of Conduct" violations.

The #1 individual who was accused of such behavior was David Berman.

Unfortunately for the community, while during the time his wife, Rozalyn, was President of Sun City Anthem, she convinced her fellow board members to discontinue the practice.

What many are not aware of is that Sun City Anthem's CCRs continue to carry this provision:

9.4 Conduct and compliance Proper conduct and decorum is essential to preserve the high standards of the active adult lifestyle of the community.All residents and guests must demonstrate reasonable behavior and consideration of others. CC&R 3.6(h), paragraph 2, states in part,"... No obnoxious, illegal or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any portion of the properties which in the Board's reasonable determination tends to cause embarrassment,discomfort/ annoyance or nuisance to persons using the common area." The term "persons using the common area" includes members, their guests, employees of the Association and anyone authorized by the Association to be in the common areas. Requests for compliance action regarding behavior or actions in the common facilities must be received in writing within 30 days of the alleged violation and may not be submitted anonymously. The identity of the complainant is not divulged to the alleged violator.Any resident who violates an Association rule may be subject to disciplinary action including fines and/or suspension of activity card privileges as described in CC&R 7.4, compliance and enforcement.

Years later when COO Sandra Seddon first came to Sun City Anthem, it was recommended by former association attorney, John Leach, that an "anti-bully" provision be enacted.  Many other communities in the Las Vegas valley have since enacted such a provision.

At the Board meeting in which the provision was brought up for discussion, numerous individuals in the audience favored the measure; however, when the matter came up for a vote, THE BOARD AT THAT TIME, all of which were supported by David Berman, REFUSED TO ADDRESS THE ISSUE by not even being able to obtain a "2nd" to bring up the matter for a vote.

Once again, it was more than obvious that this refusal was to protect an individual whom they obviously believed was some sort of positive force to promote their policies.

...and the tragic result....

...continuing harassment by Berman to many in the community that a Board refused to address.

During the 2019 campaign, this harassing practice continued by Berman to a number of individuals, one of which was toward Vegas Voice publisher, Dan Roberts.

Roberts ignored the issue until now and has asked Anthem Opinions to reprint the email sent to David Berman on Friday, May 2, 2019.

To view this correspondence, it can be found in our "Nevada Know How" Information Page.

In the meantime, we believe this action of harassment must stop; that the time has finally come to address this issue, enforce the CCR in effect, and enact the Anti-bully policy originally proposed a few years ago.

We have a new Board, and we hope they will act to curtail this activity toward members of the Sun City Anthem community. the Correspondence sent to David Berman...and...the challenge he put forward to David Berman !


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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Rana Goodman...Sun City Anthem Board Opinions

    During my campaign I promised to work diligently for every home owner in our community.

    There is one exception and I doubt any reader of the community blogs would not understand when I say, the exception is the owner of that blog.

    I, like many of you, are not as young as I once was and I have learned that the safest way for me to deal with so many biased, mean-spirited attacks is to cut that person out of my life as if they are non-existent.

    This I have done, but don’t think for a moment that I will let my pledge to serve the rest of the 7,144 home owners to the very best of my ability be affected; it will not.

    For the blogger to now intimate that my refusal to interact with him is a sign that my performance as a board member would not be as I have pledged, is just one more unwarranted attack.

  2. Rana,

    Thanks for your stance on ridding our community of such continual harassment.

    I hope the rest of our association will soon look at such behavior as rude, childish, embarrassing, and not a manner in which mature adults should act.

    That particular blogger has been a menace to all those who desire peace, tranquility, and honesty toward residents.

    Destruction and harassment of good people has been his trademark for years and must stop.

    Your desire to cut all ties with such an individual is more than understandable. His actions toward you and so many others over the years, have done nothing other than dramatize the problems that should not occur in a civilized senior society.

    It may not be within your ability to stop his behavior on an independent blog, but it can be within your ability if this new Board supports and enforces the Code of Conduct regulations that exist, but have not been enforced; as well as enact anti-bully regulations if such behavior intimidates innocent individuals if such behavior is exhibited on common element properties or through unsolicited harassing and threatening emails to those who reside here.

    His disgusting, hateful, and unwarranted editorials toward you and the other members of The New Tradition Team during the past election should be considered not only unbecoming any individual, but should be vilified by any person who has respect for his fellow man...or CLASS !

    For a Board...or for that matter, any individual... to support such behavior is not only a poor reflection on them personally, but serves no purpose other than harming the very fiber of our neighborhoods.

    Good luck in the years ahead to curb this destroyer of character he and his dwindling followers have supported for years.

    SCA saw fit through the ballot box to repudiate one Board incumbent who was of the same disturbing behavioral fiber, now let's complete the job with ridding it of his as well.

  3. From John Opinions 

    Dick, please post this email that I sent to Rana Goodman:

    Hi Rana,

    I  also have had a problem with Dave Berman.

    He misquoted me at a board meeting and stated he had confirmed what he heard with board members.

    After review of the tape he apologized for what he had reported acknowledging that I had not in fact said what he reported.

    Although I accepted his apology I requested the names of the board members who had allegedly "confirmed" what I had not said.

    He refused and after several requests for the information (which I knew he lied about ), I confronted his "integrity".

    I then was blocked from commenting on his blog. 

    Several years passed and I again asked for the names, at which time he said  he could not release their names just because they may just have given him bad information.

    When I reminded him that he reported having heard me say and only "confirmed " it with the board members, he walked away saying he did not remember.

    Please don't let this horrible man get you angry.

    He is without principle and lacks any sense of honesty.

    I find it refreshing to know I can now trust at least two  board members to act in the best interest of the community.

    Good Luck

  4. From Robert Opinions

    Let's see if Berman responds to Dan's offer.

    (in the interest of self-preservation I will NOT hold my breath)

  5. Robert,

    My guess is that he doesn't have the guts to do so in public.

    All he has is his blog and his private emails to intimidate and embarrass people.

    He is what he is...a disturbed menace to SCA.

  6. Hi Dick,
    David can say all he wants about what I said to him, I consider myself a lady but everyone has their limits. After he was cursing out my husband, Barry, the week before after a finance meeting and yelling at the ballot counting at Rana & saying that Dan was a felon yes I had enough & told David how I felt. This man has bullied enough people myself included when I wouldn't give him a cookie at a meet & greet. If you ask me he is the thin skinned person. He is a very evil person & he bullies people all the time. Enough is enough the old board let him do whatever he wanted including taking the pictures when we have people here much more qualified then he is. I hope now he will be treated as what he is, just another home owner no more special then you or me.
