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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Life Ain't Fair !

Comparing Him with Her !

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Barbara Opinions

    Below is the letter we all need to send to Sandy Sedden (her email is in the front of the Spirit) and the Board (if you are so inclined) to let them know our questions and concerns with the lower gallery.

    Questions & Concerns

    Many of us have now played in the lower gallery in the new tables and chairs.  It is a pleasure to not fight over the chairs that are adjustable. The poker and pan tables are pretty, but many of us noticed that the felt tops have already started to pill. 

    If they have started to do this after less than one week, we are worried about how long they will last. 

    Not sure if the felt is sub-standard or if there is some sort of coating that can be put on top of them.  They need a fix of some sort before they are not usable.  You all need to check it out and see all the bits of red on the tables.

    We were utilizing the 2 octagon tables nearest the fitness center and there is not enough room to get through. 

    Individuals that sit in those chairs, with their backs to the aisle, have to get up and move every time.  There just isn't enough room. 

    The tables can't be off-set as we don't have enough space.

    If there is an emergency, we will all be in trouble trying to get out.

    We have been told several different things by you, Danielle and the monitors, about food and drink.  Please understand that we want to keep everything nice and clean and pretty, but we come up to the clubhouse to play cards, mah jongg, etc. and want to be able to have a sandwich, drink, cookie, protein bar or salad. 

    We understand that some individuals are not neat and they don't care, however, we can't all be penalized for that.

    Yesterday, the monitor told us it was OK if it didn't require a utensil, but today we were told we weren't allowed to eat anything at the table. 

    We were told we would have to go outside. 

    This is ridiculous. 

    We, also, now have a major problem with purses, extra playing cards, bottles of water, a shuffler or anything that we want to keep near us. 

    It is impossible to put it all on the floor and we require extra chairs for these items. 

    Most purses are too large to put on the chair arms and not all of them will hang on the back.The monitor was very upset with all the comments today and came back to tell us so. 

    The monitors should not have to reinforce rules that make no sense at all. 

    We are all owners of the clubhouse and don't appreciate being treated like third graders. 

    We need to be able to enjoy our space.

    The mah jongg end has the same problem with space. 

    Try checking it out on a busy day like a Thursday and the noise level will be unreal and we won't even be able to hear the tiles that we are discarding. 

    There is the same problem with nowhere to put the bags that the mah sets come in, purses and drinks. 

    If you feel you need a petition signed by all the people that utilize the lower gallery, we will work on getting that and presenting it at a board meeting. 

    Please help us to resolve these issues.

    We are open to suggestions.  

  2. From Bill Opinions

    What a shame that our true management (our Board) has not had a public meeting to openly and honestly discuss the salaries and benefits of our entire family of employees.  

    If they don’t know either, that’s a problem.  

    If they do know and won’t disclose or discuss this with us the homeowners, that’s also a problem. 


  3. From Eltzabeth Opinions

    GREAT/ short , sweet and very much to the point!!!!

  4. the past elections have shown that the majority of voters are like Lemmings - all following their leader over the cliff. The Lemmings appear to enjoy being hoodwinked and act like 'money is no object'. Sadly the Lemmings are also following their alternate Blogger over his cliff, also

  5. From Robert Opinions

    The article in the last Anthem Opinions comparing the salaries packages of the Henderson City Manager with our CEO of SCA:

    Comparing further, our Congresspersons’s current salary is $174,000/ yr with an anticipated increase of $4500 next year (irrespective of opinions if it is deserved or not), which is roughly 40% less than we pay Ms. Seddon.

    It is also 100% more than the salary paid President Trump.

    When first hired, the reimbursement package terms were protected like the Normandy Invasion plans , though rumored to be well above the norm in the area, as the then BOD was  tight lipped but generous with our money. 

    Someone on the Board or management came up with an idea, probably prior to salary review time, to change her job title from General Manager to Chief Executive Officer so, when seeking salary comps on various headhunter websites, CEO would be in a higher benefits level than GM so they went for the gold.

    Cute trick. 

    We seem to be having our pockets picked by the lack of transparency in the by laws and legal services not acting in our best interests.

  6. From Robert Opinions

    Well, it seems we still have believers that a restaurant can survive our favorite clubhouse.

    It was obvious that there would be a "go", as the former Board hired a food service consulting firm to investigate the feasibility for a fee.

    I personally can live very well without the aroma of hamburger grease penetrating our clubhouse walls and fully agree with Mr. Fay who seems convinced the location could support an eating place.

    With all the prior failures, even after being subsidized by our dues and even encouraging people from the outside to patronize it, it could draw little more than flies. 

    The concept of a dining club is interesting, and if enough residents could and would use it often and it could provide occupancy revenue, with no cost to the homeowners, more power to them.

    Finding a tenant to accept these terms with enough up front security deposits and insurance to protect our assets, is very doubtful.

    Anyone who desires to be part of a “private” eating, drinking or socializing club, join the Elk’s Club, or the like. 

    I only hope the consulting firm’s report committed to by the former Board and seems already past its completion period,  will not try to increase the fees (I believe $10,000) and, if favorably to  those already drooling, are able to itemize what, where and how thew drew their conclusions.
