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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Show Me the Money...Keep the BS

The Case for Fiscal Irresponsibility
The Cost of a Self-Managed Restaurant

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  1. From Dorothy Opinions

    This issue is so important for all residents in SCA.   

    By The way, I enjoy going to Revere Golf Club's restaurant for either breakfast, lunch and/or dinner at anytime myself.   

    The suggestion of having our board negotiate with that restaurant for even a better price for SCA residents sounds like a win-win situation for all SCA residents, as well as, for the  Revere Golf Club Restaurant!   

    Thanks, Dick for your endless caring of the betterment of All Residents of SCA! 

  2. From Robert Opinions

    With regard to a "self-managed" restaurant, Berman's mantra proves the following:

    NEVER let the facts get in the way of a good story.

  3. From Phil Opinions

    Our SCA facility is located off the main travel streets. 

    Only SCA, Solera, and some other locations that pass by Anthem Center will possibly come here for food. 

    And to expect 20+ dinners is not reality. 

    There are so many restaurants within a few miles of SCA. 

    Additionally with the growth of St. Rose Pkwy. between the M Rewsort and Eastern Avenue, more food establishments will pop up shortly. 

    Lets not kid ourselves.

    A restaurant at Anthem Center will NEVER cover expenses, and is like throwing our money away.

    Lets keep the kitchen for catered events etc. and re-purpose the rest of the area.

  4. Why ANOTHER restaurant? It’s not like there isn’t any competition in the area vying for patrons.

    Are there not enough restaurants, buffets and fast food establishments just outside of SCA? If you’re hungry, just go down Eastern, go down St. Rose, go down Volunteer Rd., Green Valley, even Costco. Hell, food is everywhere around here. I’ve never seen a town with so much food before. I’ve gained three pounds just writing about this.

    Why another restaurant at Anthem Center? I know if I’m spending around $25 for a dinner, it certainly wouldn’t be at the Anthem Center.

    Twenty-five dollars can get me the meal of my dreams, including wine and an endless variety of desserts, at the end of Volunteer Rd., where the possibility of overdosing is a reality.

    Twenty dollars can get me the meal close to my dreams at any of the local casinos.

    Fifteen dollars can get me a meal, when I’m not dreaming, at any of the hundreds of restaurants in the local area.

    A dollar and a half can get me a hotdog and coke on St Rose Blvd.

    Seems to me, if this HOA has spent years trying to figure out what kind of restaurant to establish in Anthem Center, then my advice is: GIVE IT UP ALREADY! If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work – and apparently, it didn’t work when one was there.

    Don’t even think about wasting our HOA money on a white elephant. If someone thinks it’s essentially imperative to have food at the Center, then open a snack shop, or partner with Starbucks and let them invest in startup costs – everyone loves their coffee and they’d have snacks people can get while playing cards, or doing whatever there.

    Just give up on this idea and start thinking about repurposing the space to something seniors can really use.
